Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev: biography, family, photo

In the entire history of Russia, one can name many outstanding personalities who have made a huge contribution to the development of culture and science. One of them is Tsvetaev Ivan Vladimirovich. His biography tells that he was a great Russian historian, philosopher, art critic and archaeologist, recognized not only in his homeland, but throughout Europe. It was he who created the Museum of Fine Arts, located at the Imperial University of Moscow.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev grew up in a very poor and modest family of a village priest. The story of his life begins with the village of Drozdovo, where he was born in the spring of 1847. In addition to him, his parents had six more children, but three of them died in infancy.

Ivan V. Tsvetayev
When the boy was six years old, his mother died, and they, together with his father and brothers, moved to the village of Novo-Talitsy, located near the city of Ivanovo. The priest instilled in his children from a young age a love of God, so Ivan went to receive his primary education in a religious school located in the city of Shuya, where he studied for six years. After that he moved to Vladimir Seminary, where he mastered perfectly the Hebrew, Latin and Ancient Greek languages.

Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev, having received a secondary education, decided to choose the profession of a doctor, so he passed exams at a medical university, but was forced to leave it because of his health. After that, he did his best and was enrolled in the history department at a university located in St. Petersburg. The young man successfully graduated from an educational institution and left it as a candidate of sciences.

Carier start

Tsvetaev Ivan Vladimirovich, having received his diploma, immediately took up teaching. The first place of his work was the St. Petersburg gymnasium, where he taught children Greek. A year later, the young man was invited to the post of assistant professor at the Imperial University of Warsaw, where he was able to defend his dissertation and get a master's degree. After that, he decides to go to Germany, and then to Italy, to improve his knowledge of ancient languages. On his return from the trip, he was enrolled as an assistant professor at Kiev University.

After a certain period of time, the professors were invited to Moscow, since a vacant place as a teacher of Latin writing appeared at the Department of Ancient Languages. In addition to his main work, an outstanding scientist was still writing various articles on archeology and the history of the Romans.

Tsvetayev Ivan Vladimirovich

How was the exposition created?

At the same university, he still held the post of cabinet superintendent, in which various antiquities and fine art were kept. At that moment there were only fifteen plaster casts and a small collection of books. Periodically, the collection was replenished with private donations and was located in the old rooms of the inactive hospital building. Just from this place the Russian scientist and historian decided to make a real museum. Then, for this exposition, Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev built a separate building with general funds.

Today, this famous cultural institution located in the capital of Russia, stores many exhibits presented in the form of copies of first-class monuments, and students and other visitors learn how to correctly perceive sculpture using their examples. This collection is also currently supported by private entrepreneurs.

Tsvetayev Ivan Vladimirovich biography

First marriage

Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev was in no hurry to get married early. His family appeared when he was thirty-four years old. He met his future wife in Moscow when she was twenty years old. Her name was Barbara, she was a very attractive woman. Despite the fact that the girl was the daughter of a famous historian, she chose to sing as a profession.

Newly made spouses settled next to the Patriarch's Ponds in the house that was the dowry of Barbara. Their marriage lasted ten happy years, the couple had two beautiful children. In 1883, their daughter Valeria was born , and in 1890, Andrey Tsvetaev (son of Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev). A few months after the birth of their last child, his wife died at the age of thirty-two years from thrombophlebitis.

Tsvetayev Andrey son of Ivan Vladimir Tsvetaev

Second wife

Left alone with two children in his arms, Ivan decided to marry again and got married a year after the death of his first wife. His new lover was Maria Alexandrovna, who wore the name Maine as a girl. The woman lost her mother when she was in her infancy, so she was raised by one father, who in all respects was a remarkable person. Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev loved his father-in-law and came to him with daily visits in order to share his thoughts about the museum.

Maria, like his first wife, was an artistic person and knew several languages. But this did not prevent her from being the closest associate and constant adviser to her husband in all his affairs and endeavors. In this marriage, Ivan had two daughters - Marina and Anastasia. Both of them were creative personalities, so they became famous writers.

In 1903, Mary was diagnosed with a terrible diagnosis - tuberculosis, from which she died three years later, leaving her husband with two minor daughters.

Bright memory

Ivan Vladimirovich Tsvetaev survived his second wife for seven years. Photos of his house, where he lived with his family, show that there is now a museum dedicated to the life of this creative family.

Ivan V. Tsvetiev photo
In addition, the memory of the great scientist and philosopher is immortalized with a memorial plaque installed on the facade of the museum building he built in Moscow. Commemorative busts were opened in his hometown in honor of Ivan and his daughter Marina, and in 1983 astrologers named him an asteroid.

I.V. Tsvetaev, undoubtedly, was a great and brilliant man. He spent a lot of his strength and health on creating his brainchild, therefore his museum has been introducing visitors to the world of beautiful art for more than a century.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G14037/

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