Original DIY wedding wishes book: interesting ideas and features

A wedding is a long-awaited event in the life of every person. For two loving people, the memory of solemn and exciting moments will remain for the rest of their lives. In addition to photos and videos, now they use another interesting ritual.

do-it-yourself wedding wish book

Guests who come to congratulate the young are invited to not only verbally give pleasant, kind, or maybe funny sayings, but also leave them in memory in writing. We invented several versions of making such a wedding wish book with our own hands. In the article we will consider several interesting options, and your imagination will tell you many other solutions.


The wedding wish book can be made in the form of an album, the pages of which can be left blank, or you can decorate at your discretion with small drawings or applications. Here the character and hobbies of partners play a role. If such trifles do not matter to the future husband, then the bride herself can show imagination and use any ornament, flowers, image of balloons or bows.

Of course, special attention should be paid to the design of the cover. Let's consider the options for making a wedding wish book with our own hands. The master class will be described step by step later.

do-it-yourself wedding wish book master class

1. You need to buy a dense album for photos with plain paper pages.

2. The next step will be the preparation of the necessary materials: satin ribbons, strong material (linen, wool or a dense burlap), PVA glue, scissors, threads, a needle, half a meter of lace ribbon or seam, jewelry (beads, rhinestones, beads, etc.). )

3. To make a wedding wish book with your own hands, you must first glue it with material. A paper wrapper also has a right to exist, but such an album is short-lived, and it will look cheap. It’s better to use scissors, cut out a piece of cloth to size, and, pulling it well on the first and last pages of the cover, stick it on PVA glue. It is advisable not to shift the fabric during smoothing, to act carefully.

4. If the girl knows how to embroider, then you can embroider the names of the couple and the date of the wedding so that the husband subsequently does not forget her. If the bride does not have such talents, then you can completely do without an inscription, or order her in advance in the studio on this material.


To make a wedding wishes book beautifully with your own hands, you need to learn how to make jewelry from satin ribbons. You can do this by training in advance by viewing the information on the Internet. Since the base of the book is fabric, the jewelry is perfectly attached to the base with the help of threads and needles. Created by folding ribbons, roses or other flowers are attached to a strip of lace or contrast fabric. In between the colors you can sew or paste additional elements. It can be butterflies, bugs, dragonflies, beads or bows. Such accessories can be bought at sewing accessories stores.

Photo album

An interesting option for making a wedding wish book with your own hands is a photo album. Outside, its design can be performed according to the example of the above-proposed album, but inside the design is very original. To do this, you will need to prepare in advance. If only the closest and dearest are present at the wedding, you can pre-paste a guest photo on each page. If the wedding is magnificent, with hundreds of guests, including distant relatives, friends and employees, then you can organize a photo session with Polaroid. The photographer immediately gives out small photographs of guests who came to the celebration, and a photo is pasted onto the page in a wish album and the guest writes his wish.

how to make a wedding wish book with your own hands

In addition to kind words, the newlyweds will also remember the photos of joyful and beautifully dressed guests. It will be seen from the image with what mood these wishes were pronounced, the mood of the guest at the moment will be conveyed.

Secret wishes

If the newlyweds really want to know what the guests really want, then you need to hide the content of their entries from the prying eyes of the other guests. A master class on creating a wish book for guests with separate envelopes for notes will be presented below.

do-it-yourself wedding wishes book ideas

For such an album you need to have simple A4 sheets for the printer. It can be white paper, or you can use a set of color. It is two-sided, only you need to take not very tight, so that the album is not swollen.

For notes and wishes, you can purchase separately dense rectangles for business cards. They will go well in envelopes. It remains only to make a lot of small pockets in which guests will insert wishes.

To do this, take a strip of paper and round off its corners with scissors, trimming the edges. Next, the strip must be bent into three parts: two are the same, and one small with rounded ends, which will serve as a pocket lid. The back wall of the envelope is glued to the page in the album.

At the wedding, this album is placed on a separate table, pens and white rectangular leaves are placed. Each guest can come up and write their wish to the newlyweds by putting the message in the envelope.

DIY Wedding Wish Book: Ideas

Earlier in the article, varieties of classic versions of making wish books in the form of albums were described. Now more original and creative ideas are in fashion. In fact, there are a huge number of them, but you can, having looked at the production of several original non-traditional books, be inspired by the variety of materials and choose the most interesting ones for your wedding ceremony. Consider some atypical views, which in appearance are far from the word "book", but gathering together all the wishes of the guests.

The simplest execution is a wish on clothespins

If you ask how to make a wedding wish book with your own hands, getting an answer is simple. It is enough to prepare a small wooden frame on the legs, you can beautifully decorate it in the same style as the wedding hall or tent.

guest book creation master class

From left to right, pull the ropes on which there are a large number of clothespins for drying clothes. You will also need a Polaroid camera. The photographer takes turns taking pictures of guests coming to the celebration and collects the footage in a separate box. Then, at a certain moment in the party, the master of ceremonies distributes to the guests their photographs and from below, on a free strip, asks them to write a wish to the young for their future life together. Then everyone comes up and hangs a photo on clothespins on a rack. This procedure can be performed by one of the family members.

A simpler frame option

The wish book can be in a simpler, budget option. Instead of difficulties with making photographs, and using an outdated camera, you can prepare for your guests the same size figuratively cut pieces of thick paper. Its color scheme may be different.

wedding wish book album

Clothespins can be used both the same and multi-colored. Of course, they must be new and of the same structure.

Wall panel

If the newlyweds after the wedding want to collect all the wishes together, then you can issue a wall picture or a design panel. This is also an interesting and memorable version of the wedding wishes book. Do-it-yourself how to make such an object of the future interior? First you need to purchase the necessary materials. You will need a sheet of plywood or MDF, cut to the required standards. If the wooden part will be lined with fabric, then you need to purchase the material of the color you like. If the panel will be glued with paper, then it is necessary to prepare a sheet of whatman paper.

wedding wish book master class

Then you will need to work hard to cut a few dozen identical hearts. Guests, writing wishes on hearts, put them in a box. After the wedding, having a little rest after the celebration, you can begin to design a design object that will decorate the newlyweds' room. Hearts need to be bent in half to give them volume. You can stick them in different ways: in even rows, as in the photo, diagonally, along the contours of the pattern, for example, a large heart or a flower.

Wedding books or wish tree

With your own hands you can make a very beautiful object for collecting pleasant words from guests at a wedding - this is a wish tree. You can design such a product as having invested a lot of money, or without spending it at all. It depends on the choice of materials. To make a tree like in the photo below, you need to use laser cutting. First you need to think about what material the trunk, leaflets and names of the newlyweds will be made of.

DIY wedding books or wish tree

The wizard will quickly cut both plywood and plastic. Writing, of course, is more convenient on a wooden plate. Then you need to prepare the panel. Glue the letters below, making up the names of the newlyweds. You can write a wedding date. Then - the most important and largest part of the picture - a tree trunk. Finally, you need to leave the leaves. You can run them in the form of hearts or simple elongated leaves.

The panel can be mounted on a rack or simply put on a table. Guests take turns coming up and write wishes on each leaf. You can store such a picture for quite some time.

The analog is simpler

If the newlyweds do not want to draw the panels, but only want to read the wishes, then you can make a simple tree by drawing it with markers or paints on a piece of paper. A paper application from multi-colored leaves will look beautiful. Simple, fast and creative. After reading the wishes after the wedding, such a panel can be thrown away or stored folded or folded.

Instead of leaves on the branches, you can plant butterflies or add flowers. Instead of a tree, you can depict a bush by attaching real twigs. You can fantasize further.

Collection of wishes on the stand

In the photo you can see another interesting way of collecting the wishes of guests at a wedding party. To make such an object is quite simple, but it is unlikely to succeed on its own. The stand consists of a stubborn wooden plate in the form of a circle or square. A wooden stick is inserted into the base, on which guests will actually put on cards with wishes. They can be in the shape of a heart or a flower, simple circles are also suitable.

do-it-yourself wedding wishes book

In the photo, the hearts are cut out of thin plywood on a laser. But you can easily replace them with dense cardboard. Stationery stores sell glossy paper. A drawing is applied on one side, and a clean white sheet on the other. You can use such products. And you can cut out any shape from a stencil with simple scissors.


Another bright representative of the so-called wish books is a puzzle that is developing into a single whole. Of course, it is impossible to do this on your own, but if you order the master, the product will look very impressive.

do-it-yourself wedding wishes book

And it’s convenient to keep it as a memory. Does not take up much space. So that the puzzle pieces do not fall out, they can be put on glue.

In the article, readers got acquainted with various options for making a wedding wish book, manufacturing workshops and learned a lot of new creative ideas on this topic. Now decide what suits you best. Or maybe you’ll come up with something new? Good luck

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G14043/

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