The first ruler of the state of the francs. Frankish state: the emergence

The first ruling dynasty of the Frankish state was the Merovingians, whose ancestors are considered mythical rather than real personalities. There was little exact data about them, and this gave descendants the right to ascribe to themselves a divine origin. One way or another, but representatives of this particular dynasty ensured the emergence of the state of the Franks.

Myths and legends of medieval France

first ruler of the state of francs
Just as in Russia there is a source called The Tale of Bygone Years, some of which is disputed by later studies, so in France there is an anonymous chronicle, The Book of the History of the Franks, or The Acts of the Frankish Kings. As the authorship of the Russian annalistic code is attributed to the monk Nestor, so the French source was allegedly composed by the bishop of the city of Tour Grigory Tursky. According to this book, the Merovingian family can be traced back to King Priam, the last ruler of Troy, whose number of children totaled 5 dozen. One of them was Markomir, the leader of the Franks in the 4th century. And his son Faramond, according to the source indicated above, was long considered the first king of the Merovingian dynasty. But later his very existence was questioned. So Faramond as the first ruler of the state of the Franks disappears.

The origins of the great dynasty

first ruler of the Frankish state
His son, Chlodion the Long Haired (390-447), who ruled around 427-447, is also a legendary or mythical person. Although a little more is known about him. He is considered the king of Salic or Western Francs. This branch was isolated from the rest of the representatives of this people and lived in Toxandria (North Brabant, between the rivers Meuse and Scheldt) since 420, then in Turnet, a city located near present-day Brussels. The nickname “Long-haired” Hlodion received because the hair not cut from birth hinted at divine origin and belonging to the highest royal caste. He is famous for the fact that his son and successor Merovey is already considered a semi-legendary person, and it is believed that it was because of his name that the name of the first ruling dynasty of the Frankish state of the Merovingians was given. But he is not the first ruler of the state of the Franks. However, some sources attribute to him the victory over the Huns in the Catalun fields. Attila retreated, and the Salic francs settled in Gaul forever.

Real person

Merovei died after a ten-year reign, his son Childeric I succeeded the throne. And now he is a real person. This is not only written, but also material evidence. In 1653, near the church of Saint-Brice, now part of the North Cognac canton, during the construction of the foundation for the shelter, Helderic’s grave was found with his weapons, personal items and jewelry, on which his name was engraved, translating as “powerful warrior”. He expanded the territory of the future Frankish state, defeated the Saxons and occupied Anjou. He was the ruler of salic francs from 457 to 481 years. Died at the age of 40.

First christian ruler

the answer is the first ruler of the state of the francs
His successor was Clovis I (466-511) - the most talented and powerful king of the Merovingian dynasty. He ruled the country from 481 to 511 years. It is he who is the creator and first ruler of the state of the Franks. Having entered into a close alliance with the Pope, he turned the Frankish state, which became powerful under the ruins of the Roman Empire, into a stronghold of Catholicism. Under him, the country became not only powerful, but also Christian. In 496, having destroyed the Allemans (the Old Germanic tribe, translated from German as “all people”), Clovis adopted Catholicism. He was considered the embodiment of a combination of mind and cruelty, valor and treachery. Thanks to its qualities, the state of the Franks has expanded its territory several times. The motto of his reign was the slogan: "The end justifies the means." But after his death, a powerful power disintegrated.

Ups and downs

rulers of the regions of the Frankish state
Throughout its existence from the 5th to the 9th centuries, Francia (the first records date back to the 3rd century) knew the ups and downs, had great rulers and their mediocre followers. The first ruler of the state of the Franks and his last king - Clovis I and Charlemagne - were significant figures in both French and world history. Among the merits of the first king, in addition to a significant expansion of the territory and the adoption of the Christian religion, is the fact that he founded his residence in Paris and, greatly strengthening the royal power, made it hereditary. The first ruler of the Frankish state, Clovis I contributed to the writing of “Salic truth”, which is one of the earliest “Barbarian truths”. "Truth" is a set of unwritten norms and customs that the government has authorized. That is, it was an attempt to create a judicial administrative apparatus. The merits of this king are great in many areas. But the question of who was the baptist of France, there is a clear answer: the first ruler of the state of the Franks, Clovis I.

State structure

But still, in the state of the Franks during the Early Middle Ages there was a weak centralization of power. In essence, the clan-communal division dominated the territorial structure. The lower, but playing a noticeable role units - "hundreds", were united in pagi, or districts, which were altered Roman communities. They were no longer generic, but were neighboring, or territorial (according to Engels - “brands”). Communities, in turn, united in counties, the totality of which was an early Frankish state. The rulers of the provinces of the Frankish state - the counts - did not have a common power, they were in charge only of the king's local possessions. Communities were in charge of laws, their enforcement, and tax collection. But under Clovis, the country gradually begins to rule the royal court.

Strengthening Royal Power

the emergence of the state of the francs

With the expansion of the state and the strengthening of the power of the supreme ruler throughout its territory, popular assemblies lose their significance. The king also becomes the supreme judge. In his free time from war, he traveled around the country with the aim of solving serious crimes. Minor violations continued to be brought to the attention of the communities. Over time, and the governors of the king in the regions - the counts, strengthened their power and became real rulers, carrying out general management. It must be emphasized that the first ruler of the Frankish state was crowned in 481 in the cathedral of the city of Reims. There is a legend about the election of God by Clovis. On the eve of the coronation, a dove brought from heaven a vial full of oil to anoint the king to the kingdom. In the same cathedral five years later, in 486, Clovis I was baptized.


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