Holidays in Montenegro: reviews of tourists

Reviews about holidays in Montenegro are left by most tourists who want to share their impressions of their time in this country. They can be useful for those people who have not traveled to this country yet, but are planning a trip. Comments will help to get around the worst places and visit only those regions of the state where most people liked.

general information

In order to better perceive the reviews about holidays in Montenegro, you should know the general data about this state. This is a small country in the west of the Balkan Peninsula with an area of ​​14,000 square meters. km The power gained independence only in 2006, before that it was part of one state along with Serbia. The climate here is warm, tourists are attracted by the shores of the Adriatic Sea, which washes the borders from the south-west. The country has its own history and attractions, which attracts various tourists from the CIS. In Montenegro, you can enjoy the cultural heritage of the people or fully pay attention to the sea - everyone chooses for himself.

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Water open spaces for everyone

All reviews about holidays in Montenegro agree that it is definitely worth going there for the sake of the sea. During the swimming season, the weather is extremely rare, and the water always remains warm. Many people note the cleanliness of the bathing areas, which are always monitored. People can see the bottom in all details, so the Adriatic Sea itself is one of the main attractions of the country. The beaches are noteworthy; they are cleaned regularly. Natural yellow sand creates the right atmosphere for relaxation and better relaxation in Montenegro. Reviews of the local landscapes also agree that they are magnificent. Even people who left a negative opinion about being in the country attributed nature to the pluses. If you hire a guide, then you can find out many interesting facts about the history of the state. It does not take much time and you can always return to the Adriatic Sea. Water open spaces deserve attention, but a trip to another country cannot end only on the beach.

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Fairytale city

Each person personally evaluates the attractiveness of a particular place. To one it seems fabulous, to others quite ordinary. The town of Budva is one of the first, because there is a powerful spirit of the history of the local people. Tourists who have visited these parts celebrate the hospitality of residents, as well as beautiful landscapes on the shores of the Adriatic Sea. Inside the city, the streets convey the history of the XV-XVII century, which you want to plunge into. Even such a small detail as a statue of a ballerina on a rocky shore can pleasantly surprise. A large number of buildings are not touched by time, and souvenir shops located in them try to be supported by the style of the Middle Ages or the Renaissance. If you just walk around the city, you can enjoy the landscapes of ancient buildings against the background of the deep sea. To appreciate the beauty of Budva from above, travelers will have to climb the steep stairs to the Fortress of St. John. It rises on a hill, and you have to climb the steep stairs, but after a first glance at the city you immediately forget about such difficulties.

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Another cultural town

In the reviews of tourists about holidays in Montenegro, another city with an ancient history called Kotor is also mentioned with warmth. It is located in the southeast of the bay of the same name, and getting here from Budva by ship will not be a problem. It is in this locality that the spirit of history can be felt most vividly. The buildings of the XVI-XVIII centuries are perfectly preserved. Many cathedrals, churches and other interesting architectural structures are pleasing to the eye. During this period, the country was under the control of the Republic of Venice, which is immediately visible in many buildings. Italian culture has left a powerful mark here, although this only enhances the atmosphere of immersion in ancient centuries. The city is surrounded by a fortress wall, which has been perfectly preserved since the time of construction. It is connected to the fortress, which is located at an altitude of 250 meters above the ground. If you go up there, you can take great pictures for your own collection. Tourists note that if you remove the modern infrastructure from here, then the next day you can wake up in the XVII century.

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Other benefits

Most people note the affability of the local population, as evidenced by the reviews of vacationers. In Montenegro, the leisure of visitors is a large part of the incomes of the population, and therefore tourists are always treated with respect here. Not everyone may like the local cuisine, but many people liked it and left a good impression. The portions in cafes and restaurants are pleasing in volume, and drinks can be taken with you, since when ordering in institutions you will have to pay a considerable amount. Seafood here is more accessible than in other regions and anyone can enjoy them. Even in three-star hotels they try to create a look of external cleanliness, although cleaning is not carried out with utmost care. All cities have modern infrastructure, in cafes with restaurants you can often hear live music. They sing in their native language, but as a variety it is pleasant to listen. Many songs are trying to be performed in a more modern manner, and I want to eat even more in such institutions.

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The first negative wave from travelers

Reviews about holidays with children in Montenegro are far from always positive. Many people were faced with negative manifestations, which greatly spoiled the impressions of the aforementioned positive. The main negative aspect is a lot of dirt. Unsanitary conditions among the local population, and even the tourists themselves, have become a habit. If in the morning the sea is clean, and the beaches glisten with sand, then closer to dinner there is a familiar picture with mountains of garbage. People resting here and the local population are simply not used to cleaning up after themselves. As a result, it is always dirty on the sidelines, which makes the impression worse. Some tourists even came across baby diapers on the beach. A case was recorded when in Dzhenovichi, vacationers picked up E. coli. A lot of the population suffers from a similar disease in the region. To the general negativity was added the incompetence of doctors who prescribe treatment in a mismatch with the diagnosis. The authorities fight dirt through regular cleaning, but in this case ordinary people win.

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Ambiguous points

There are many controversial points that are found in reviews of holidays in Montenegro with children. Where is it better to spend it, the user should draw conclusions based on the information mentioned above, but first you should stock up on funds. Comments on prices were divided into two categories. Some say that it’s too expensive here, even products, other people indicate the opposite. Some tourists give examples of prices that are many times lower than those that are found in large cities of any CIS country, not to mention Europe. Another controversial point is the language barrier. In Budva and other famous tourist centers of the country, problems with knowledge of the Russian language or English were not found, but in other settlements there are problems with this. Accordingly, taking a taxi due to the lack of other transport will not work. There are no direction signs, and getting to the right place becomes a daunting task. The only way out is to rent a car with a navigator.

Holidays in Montenegro

Infrastructure issues

Many people when traveling to another country want to spend time as fun as possible. Problems with this in this country will be felt by any tourist, judging by the reviews about holidays in Montenegro. Where it is better to spend night time here even local residents will not prompt. They rarely go to clubs on the waterfront, so such establishments are half empty. Having fun in them without having a large company becomes simply impossible. Another minus can be considered the closure of such institutions since the beginning of the night. Only a few establishments remain to work until the morning, but there are too few people in them. The exception is the performance of Montenegrin stars, whose concerts are always going to residents. Only in this case you can feel the local atmosphere of fun. In this state, dances are not too fond of, because even the most famous nightlife venues usually do not have a large tide of people. For lovers of fun in the dark - this is a significant drawback.

Results of a trip to Montenegro

It is worth noting that reviews about holidays in Montenegro in June and other months of the summer season can not be called unambiguously positive or negative. Local culture and interesting cities with a huge number of attractions are pleasing to the eye. It is simply impossible not to plunge into history when walking in Budva or Kotor and emotions will remain for a long time. They try to monitor the cleanliness of the beach and the sea as closely as possible, although this does not always work out. Natural landscapes also do not leave people indifferent. Of the minuses, first of all, it is worth noting unsanitary conditions. The local population does not like to clean up after themselves, and tourists follow this negative example. Faced with ill-bred residents of the CIS countries, living under the influence of alcohol, in Montenegro is not uncommon. The language barrier and price category remain a controversial issue. Holidays in this country can be wonderful if you carefully plan everything and travel only to the "right" places.


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