Knitting Wave Pattern: Beautiful Simplicity

One of the most popular and beloved needlewomen of openwork tricks is the ageless made by knitting needles. wave pattern. It is quite simple, but very beautiful (visually similar to a sea wave, and a wave-like line is clearly visible in its outlines), besides, you do not need to spend a lot of time on its execution. As a rule, they use it when they want to decorate scarves, handbags, cardigans or skirts. This pattern looks very original if it is knitted with threads colored in sections. So the lace is easy to strengthen and he will be able to focus on bright knitting.

Performance Feature

Knitting Wave Pattern really is one of the most beautiful and elegant openwork. Often, it can be not only the main one in the canvas, but also represent an unusual insert in some part of the knit product. The technique is also suitable for decorating the hem of a skirt, dress, and other things.

To add loops in a row, you should do one front, and the next knit with a crochet. Repeat these steps six times. At the end, you should get twelve loops.

knitting wave pattern

Attention: the addition of loops should be alternated with their reduction. That is, it is necessary to knit two front ones that will tilt to the left side. So the pattern fits with the needles of "Wave". The scheme reflects one important point: the loops must be knitted three times and get a reduction, from twelve there are half - six pieces.

Thanks to this simple knitting, a wave-like ornament is gradually formed.

Choose carefully

This is this openwork pattern of the β€œWave” with knitting needles. Its layout is quite simple, but on the Internet you can accidentally stumble upon an inaccurate description of mating. Where it is necessary to reduce the number of loops, a symbol is placed that means knitting two loops together. But in fact, the slopes of these loops will be different from one another: three pieces will look to the left, and three - to the right.

knitting wave pattern

The knitter, both experienced and beginner, should when working with openwork to control the number of yarn in the strip, because they must be in full accordance with the number of two loops knitting together. One more clue to the pattern must be observed: you need to knit a pattern with three loops of reduction or addition, but not with six. If this rule is not observed, the product will turn out to be as if located diagonally. Outwardly, everything will be pretty ugly completely and you will have to dissolve all the work in order to start all over again.

Applying the peacock tail technique in knitting (this is one of the names of wavy lace), the craftswoman can very well create outfits of unprecedented beauty, which will also be in a single copy.

Classic is always in fashion

We will figure out how to correctly knit the classic β€œWave” pattern with knitting needles. His scheme is as follows.

Type an even number of stitches on the knitting needles and you can start work.

Rows 1 and 3 consist of purl stitches.

2 row - consists of facial loops.

4th row: knit six stitches together in two pieces, alternate the crochet six times and one knit stitch. Do this until the end of the row.

If you improvise a little and change the classical scheme, you can create new, very interesting wavy patterns. For example, to dilute the rows of waves with a completely different viscous, apply multi-colored yarn, change the number of yarn and together knitted loops (the main thing is that their number should match).


We describe the relief pattern with the needles of "Wave". His scheme is simple. It fits in two options.

In the first, as in the classic, 4 rows, and the rapport includes 17 loops.

The second may seem to novice craftswomen a little more complicated.

Rows 1 and 3 will be front. It is necessary to stretch three loops (remove one loop without knitting it, knit the next one and pass through the shot), alternate the crochet and one crocheted six times, knit six loops two together.

openwork wave pattern knitting pattern

2 and 4 - purl rows, to perform purl loops.

5, 6 and 8 rows - front loops.

7th row - purl loops.

Fantasy and relief wave

But how to knit "Waves" with knitting needles to get a fantasy lace?

It’s a little harder to knit. And here, too, there are two ways.

In the first - 17 stitches and 12 rows. All even rows must be tied with purl loops; they are always knitted according to the pattern.

1 row. Knit three loops, stretch three loops (remove one without tying it, knit the next one and pass through the removed one), now six knit two stitches together, alternate the knit stitch and crochet three times.

3 row. All loops should be connected to the front.

5 row. Three times alternate the knitted stitch and the crochet, stretch three stitches (remove one stitch without knitting, knit the next and stretch through the stitch), knit six stitches in two together.

7, 9, 11 rows - here the loops will alternate: three wrong, three front, six wrong.

knit waves

And in conclusion, we will consider another β€œWave” pattern with knitting needles - a relief wave. This is the easiest option. Even a novice knitter, he will be on the shoulder. This is due to the fact that it has only seamy and front loops. And the drawing itself will be expressive and rather plump. The yarn should be smooth.

There are only six links in the rapport. And do not forget during knitting about edge loops: the first must be removed, and the last knit from the inside.

For the sample, you need to dial loops in an amount that is a multiple of six, and even two edge ones.

1 row - three seamy and three front loops.

2 row - two wrong, three facial, one wrong. Continue to the end of the row.

5 row - repeat the alternation of purl loops, then three facial and two purl.

7th row - three front and three wrong - so a whole row.

9 row - repeat the alternation of 1 wrong side, three facial and two wrong side.

11th row - 2 wrong, 3 front and 1 wrong.

After the knitting of the twelfth row is finished, you should again return to the beginning and knit until the fabric of the required length is in your hands.

From the proposed descriptions, it is clear that this pattern is not as complex as you might think immediately. You just need to be patient and make an effort. Then the connected thing will be original and unique.


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