Legitimacy of power

Legitimation is the process of approving the legitimacy or legality of power within a society. The essence of this phenomenon reflects the constant desire of persons with certain powers to confirm their political viability. Thus, the legitimacy of power is the recognition by the masses of the legitimacy of power, which is based on the voluntary consent of the population to obey its decisions.

We can talk about the legitimacy of force if the methods of its establishment and the results of its activities are consistent with moral and legal norms, political consciousness, views, principles and beliefs that are characteristic of most citizens.

In political science, the Weberian classification of lawfulness and the rule of law is widely used. According to Weber’s concept, the legitimacy of state power is traditional, legal and charismatic.

The traditional type of legality and competency is based on the faith of the population in the inviolability of traditions and norms that have developed in the course of a certain historical development of a particular society. These foundations regulate power relations , empowering some and making others obey. All members of the company are required to comply with the rules. In case of disobedience, certain sanctions are approved by society. The typical legitimacy of a traditional type of power is reflected in monarchical regimes. Moreover, the transfer of authority from one person to another occurs in accordance with tradition.

The charismatic legitimacy of power is based on special personal qualities, charisma - decisiveness, courage, courage and so on. Thus, political power becomes recognized and legal. Charisma can contribute to the formation of a leader’s personality cult , its idealization and deification. The legitimacy of this type of power can manifest itself in different political systems. The charismatic type of legitimacy and legality of power was characteristic of the Roman Empire under Julius Caesar, France during the reign of Napoleon, the USSR under Stalin, and China under Mao Zedong.

The legal legitimacy of power is based on the legislative system established and used in society, in accordance with specific historical circumstances. Persons endowed with political power are appointed (or elected) according to the existing legal procedure. Moreover, the rules for the activities of political figures are clearly spelled out in legal acts.

Legitimacy is an essential property of state power. The term appeared at the beginning of the 19th century in France and was used as a characteristic of legality. It should be noted that at that time Napoleon’s power was considered unauthorized and usurped and, therefore, illegal and unauthorized (illegitimate). Subsequently, the scope of the concept has increased significantly. Thus, legitimacy began not only to denote the legitimacy and legitimacy of power, but also to reflect a state of society in which citizens recognize (agree or are convinced) that the established political force has the right to attribute to them one or another version of behavior in the state.

According to Weber's theory, the validity and legitimacy of power is thus characterized by two features. The first is the recognition of power, which is implemented by the relevant state institutions. The second sign is the obligation of citizens of the state to submit to power.

It should be noted that the political regime can remain legitimate and legal with expressed distrust of citizens towards certain leaders of the system or certain institutions.

Speaking of legitimacy, mention should be made of its level (degree). The lower the degree of legitimacy and legitimacy, the more violence is used to maintain political power.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G14091/

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