Vacations in Egypt in January: photos and reviews of tourists

Warm countries attract tourists at any time of the year. I especially want to bask in the warm rays of the sun in winter, when it is quite cold in our latitudes. In our article we want to talk about what a vacation in Egypt in January is like. Should tourists visit the country at this time and how can I spend time?

The benefits of vacation i January

In Egypt, you can relax at any time of the year. Of course, the weather in different periods is different, but still it is warm, in contrast to our latitudes. While snowstorms and winds are raging at our place, rest in Egypt in January presents excellent prospects. According to experienced travelers and tour operators, the first month of the year is the most attractive in terms of cost of tickets. Especially if you plan a trip after the tenth of January. New Year holidays are already ending by this time, and the number of tourists is getting smaller. However, this in no way affects the quality of rest. Egypt is attractive at any time of the year due to its unique oriental flavor.

rest in january in egypt

The rich heritage of an exotic country is beautiful at any time of the year. In a comfortable temperature, you can afford to explore the most interesting sights and, of course, shopping. If during the hot season travels are too tiring, then in January in Egypt, vacation can be perfectly combined with excursions.

January weather conditions

There is some prejudice regarding vacation in Egypt in January. Many believe that at this time you can not relax on the beach and swim in the sea. In fact, this is not entirely true. In January, the country begins the season of winds. It is because of them that some resorts can be cool on the beach. For this reason, for a beach holiday in Egypt in January, it is worth choosing cities such as Sharm El Sheikh, Dahab and Taba. In these resorts, the daily air temperature is +23 degrees, at night the column drops to +13 degrees. But in Safagan, El-Gouna and Hurghada, the temperature indicators are slightly lower - +22 degrees.

egypt vacation in january 2018

The temperature difference is explained quite simply. Egypt is characterized by winds throughout the year. But in winter, their intensity increases. The northern regions of the country are protected from them by mountains, but in Hurghada there is no such barrier, therefore strong gusts are observed.

Therefore, in northern Egypt, the weather in January for recreation is quite acceptable. The temperature indicators of water at this time are not too different from the air, on average, the sea can please tourists +21 ... + 22 degrees.

Features of the January holiday

Going to the resort, it is worth taking large towels with you to wrap yourself after bathing. Nevertheless, sometimes gusts of wind create discomfort.

According to tourists' reviews, vacationing in Egypt in January, it is necessary to adjust the schedule of stay on the beach. In winter, it is most comfortable to be on the coast from 11:00 to 16:00, because in the evening it becomes cool outside. Not everyone will want to swim at such a time. This is especially true for children.

rest in egypt in january reviews of tourists

No matter how strange it may sound, in January Egypt simply cannot do without sunscreen. There is no precipitation at the resorts at this time, and the sun shines very brightly. Therefore, you can burn very quickly in scorching rays. In addition, it is worth putting in a suitcase not only summer clothes and bathing suits, but also light jackets, as well as things with a long sleeve, since you may need warmer clothes in the mornings and evenings.

Holidays in January 2018

What will be the rest in Egypt in January 2018? In order to answer this question, it is worth paying attention to the statistics of the last fifteen years. Since the locals recommend, for obvious reasons, Sharm el-Sheikh to relax in January, we will analyze the temperature indicators of recent years for this particular resort. In fairness, it is worth saying that in Egypt there is extremely little rainfall. And in January there are none at all. Therefore, you should not worry about bad weather. In recent years, the average daily temperature parameters were within +16 ... + 20 degrees. A lower temperature is characteristic for evening and night time, when the heat of the day subsides. If during hot periods with the onset of darkness there is no relief from the heat, then in winter in this regard the climate of the country is more acceptable for our tourists, since not everyone can tolerate round-the-clock heat.

beach holidays in egypt in january

In the afternoon, the thermometer does not drop below +20 degrees. Therefore, we can assume that the rest in January 2018 in Egypt will not be any different from previous seasons. So, you can count on quite acceptable weather.

Holidays in Egypt in January: Sharm El Sheikh

Sharm El Sheikh in January is the most sought after Egyptian resort. In the daytime, the air temperature here will warm up to +24 degrees. At night, the thermometer will show no more than +17 degrees. However, these parameters are very relative. On some days, the air may well warm up to +30 degrees. The sea temperature in January is +23 degrees.

According to tourists, vacation in January in Egypt, and more precisely in Sharm el-Sheikh, has a number of undeniable advantages. Firstly, at this time it is possible to combine the cultural program with the beach, and secondly, there is no debilitating heat. Winter Egypt is good for those who have health problems. Not everyone tolerates such high temperatures well. In addition, the acclimatization process in January is much simpler and faster. This is especially important for babies.

rest in january in egypt weather

But there are small nuances. If during the hot season you can spend all day on the beach, then in January the best time for swimming is the interval between 11:00 and 16:00. But there is time for travel.

When purchasing tours, be sure to check if the hotel has a heated pool. There are plenty of such establishments in the resort. A heated pond can come in handy some days.

What to do in January?

According to reviews about holidays in Egypt in January, it can be concluded that most tourists focus on sightseeing. Winter is the best time to get to know an exotic country. Since the weather is conducive to long trips, you should not be limited to visiting only one resort. Multinational Egypt can offer a large selection of cultural and historical sites. We will return to the overview of the most interesting places to visit further.

egypt vacation january reviews

Rest in January in Egypt (photo is given in the article) can not be called boring. Despite the fact that there are not so many tourists at this time, resort life is in full swing. If after a day's rest under the all-inclusive plan, you still have the strength for the evening, then you can go to the Naama Bay area. On its main street, along with magnificent hotels, a large selection of bars, nightclubs and restaurants is provided. If you wish, you can have fun until the morning at one of the nightlife parties.

For those who want to feel the true oriental flavor, we recommend going to the old market bazaar located in the old part of the city. Here you can wander in endless rows and purchase the famous Egyptian souvenirs. Experienced travelers recommend purchasing local jewelry made in the ancient Egyptian style. Hookahs are incredibly popular among tourists. Well, of course, it is worth buying local perfumed oils.

The cost of January tours

The demand for Egyptian resorts even in January is understandable. Firstly, people want to bask in the sun at least a little, and secondly, it is difficult to find a more budget vacation spot. If you want to swim in very warm water, then Egypt in this case is not the best option, but the cheapest. For this reason, many tourists choose a country for the January holiday. On average, the cost of a tour at the beginning of the year for two costs from 30 to 50 thousand rubles per week. In addition, the flight to Egypt is very fast. Tour operators say that January tours are 30% cheaper than summer ones.

Holidays in January

In Sharm El Sheikh, the Coptic Christmas Festival takes place on January 7th. The resort hosts a colorful parade, theatrical performances and music programs. In churches, celebratory masses are held on this day.

Excursion programs

If you plan to go to Egypt on vacation in January 2018, then you should think over a cultural program in advance. The country has a great heritage, which every guest of the country wants to touch. The list of attractions of each resort is very impressive. But, since Sharm el-Sheikh is most in demand in January, it makes sense to mention those interesting places that local guides offer to visit.

rest in egypt charm in january

One of the places worth seeing is Tiran Island. It is located at the mouth of the Arabian Gulf, between Saudi Arabia and Egypt. The island is uninhabited. Just fifty years ago, Taran was a big mystery to researchers. And now - this is the most popular tourist destination in the resort. A beautiful legend about Princess Sanafir and her beloved Tirana is connected with the history of the island. The father of the princess separated the young people and settled on different islands. However, Tyrant was not going to retreat, he rushed into the sea to swim to his beloved. But his dream was not destined to come true. He died from the teeth of sharks, and Sanafir is still waiting on the island of his beloved. Sometimes you can even hear her voice brought by the winds.

Thousands of birds live on the island. But the most interesting is its underwater world. Coral reefs along its shores are among the top ten in the world.

A special pride of Sharm el-Sheikh is the Ras Mohammed National Park. It was created in 1989 to preserve unique coral reefs. Now they are admired by all the tourists who come to the reserve.

Coral reefs

Among tourists, there are many people who seek Egypt not for the sake of the sea and the beach, but for the opportunity to go diving and snorkeling on its beautiful coral islands. And there are a lot of them off the coast of Sharm el-Sheikh. One of them is the island that we mentioned earlier.

Tourists are most often offered to see coral reefs during the excursion, which takes place in the most picturesque places. In those places where the reefs are located near the surface of the water, guests are invited to go down with the instructor to the sea and enjoy their beauty.

One of the most important tourist sites is the Sinai desert. Here, vacationers can see the temple of St. Catherine, erected in the sixth century. It is here that pilgrims rush with the first rays of the sun to meet the dawn. On the way, tourists are also brought to Navamis, where you can see ancient tombs in the middle of the desert. The oldest burial sites date back to the fourth century BC. e.

vacation in egypt in january 2018

Noteworthy is the Colored Canyon near the Sinai Mountains. Its bizarre landscapes can surprise any traveler.

Tourists reviews

According to tourists, in January you can safely go to Egypt. However, it is worth choosing the right resort. By all accounts, the best place is Sharm El Sheikh. It is much warmer here than elsewhere in the country. This is due to the fact that the city is under the wagging of the Sahara. In addition, the resort does not feel so much wind. Do not trust those who talk about the strength of the January winds. Of course, there is air movement, but these are not heavy winds and dust storms. Sharm el Sheikh is good because here the water in the sea does not have time to cool, and there are no strong storms. In general, in January you can relax and swim in the daytime. But after sunset it becomes cool, which many perceive as a blessing.


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