Scarab beetle

The scarab beetle is a symbol associated with Ancient Egypt. As you know, the Egyptians in ancient times were very inspired by nature. They considered her the Great Book of Life, Teacher.

The scarab beetle attracted the ancient Egyptians with its hard work. People watched how he processes the shapeless dung mass, forming from it a perfect, in their opinion, sphere. In it he lays his eggs. The scarab beetle rolls its ball from manure to the west from the east. Then he pulls out a mink and hides his ball there for 28 days. Since the beginning of the 29th day, the scarab beetle tears off the ball and sends it into the water. Then offspring emerges from it.

The above-described nature of the action of the insect, as well as the fact that the scarab beetle flies in the hottest period of the day, contributed to the fact that the ancient Egyptians began to identify it with the Sun. According to legends, the Sun, returning from the world of shadows, rises in the light of day. According to the Egyptians, a small insect follows the path of the Sun. The insect rises from its dung, its own world of destruction and shadows. The sun was a fiery sphere that carried the embryo of all life. An insect dung bead was identified with this sphere.

The scarab personified the god Khepri (Heper). This is one of the three images of the sun. God Ra symbolized the daylight, Atum - the night, and Khepri - the morning, rising. Together with other solar deities, the latter served as the Creator of the world, the Universe and man.

According to legend, a scarab came out of the nostrils in the head of Osiris, announcing the resurrection of him (Osiris) from the dead. Since that time, the figure of a small insect, rolling its ball without stopping, began to personify the impulse of rebirth that arises inside inert, living matter, which is ready to begin its new existence.

The scarab beetle is a talisman that accompanied the ancient Egyptian not only throughout his life, but also after death. According to the inhabitants of Egypt, even in the decaying body of the deceased contains an immortal soul. She, freed after the death of the body, is reborn, continuing her journey in the heavenly world.

The scarab personified the power of the Heart. Her person, in order to be reborn, must awaken in himself. During mummification, instead of a real heart, a ceramic, stone or other sacred material with an insect was placed on top or a heart was completely replaced with an insect figure made of stone or ceramic. Thus, in the body of the deceased there was a single central symbol of immortality, imperishable essence and Resurrection.

Many ancient Egyptian texts describe the scarab beetle beautifully and subtly, as "God who dwells in the heart, Creator, Lord, protecting the light within." The Egyptians personified the heart with a center of consciousness, wisdom, deep knowledge, memories of the Eternal. It was a separate innermost being that dwelt in the body and departed from it into another world with the soul.

In ancient Egypt, scarab beetle figures could be found almost everywhere. They were made of various materials: green basalt, marble, limestone, faience, granite, blue clay and others. On the base of the figurine, as a rule, sayings and symbols that were associated with the sacrament of rebirth were applied. Sometimes the insect had a human head or face.

For the ancient Egyptians, the scarab was also the personification of the student and his journey to wisdom. Just as an insect turns a shapeless dung mass into an ideal ball, the student should turn the viscous mass of all its limitations and shortcomings into a transparent, fiery sphere that reflects the light of the Spirit.

The Egyptians believed that it was possible to break out of the deepest darkness, to be resurrected, to be reborn if you awaken the innermost power and wisdom of the Heart, which gives the Soul the opportunity to fly into a new life.


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