DIY Monster High doll stand: workshop

Monster High dolls are becoming increasingly popular. And not only in children, but also in adults. And if the first category of doll lovers, for the most part, simply plays with them, then adult fans collect collections.

Why is this attribute necessary for dolls?

doll stand

So, an integral attribute of each doll collection is a stand for dolls. This item can be bought. In particular, for Monster High dolls, there are special plastic coasters in different colors and with characteristic symbols. Just get them and insert your dolls.

how to make a doll stand
But you must admit, it is not so interesting how to make a stand for dolls with your own hands. And besides, they are all very uniform and do not differ from each other. But if you create on your own, you can develop an individual design separately for each representative of your collection. And combine it with the style of a specific doll.

What materials can be used?

The doll stand can be made from almost anything. You can order wooden blanks with drilled holes of the size you need and simply stick wooden sticks with some kind of fastenings like thin rubber bands into these holes. But it will cost you a pretty penny. There is another way. DIY doll stand can be made from any junk material. It can be paper, gypsum, old discs and even seaming covers. In addition, paints, residues from fabric and lace, various decorative elements, felt, ribbons, decoupage napkins are useful to you. Yes, practically, anything. And do not forget, of course, your imagination. In this article, we will consider several options for how to make a doll stand out of everything at hand.

Option of a stand from old disks

If your home has accumulated a lot of old damaged computer disks, now you can find a worthy application for them. With their help, you can make stands for dolls that look like saddles. That is, the doll sits on this stand, like a bicycle. In addition to old discs, you will also need two caps from plastic bottles, a piece of tin, an aluminum tube, superglue and a drill. A similar aluminum tube can be obtained by disassembling the old antenna. And cut a slice of tin from any coffee or tea can.

do-it-yourself doll stand

The process of creating a stand from the disks

To get started, take one of the prepared covers and cut off the bottom from it. This can be done with a hot knife. We get a ring, from the wall of which you need to cut off another small piece. Now we take our tin rectangle and fold this workpiece in width two, or even three times. This manipulation will give it rigidity. We fold it in half, but in such a way that it grabs our cork ring and closes under it in one strip. The ends of this strip are inserted into an aluminum tube. Now take the second cover and drill. We select a drill, which in diameter matches our tube, and make a hole in the bottom of the lid. We insert our completed workpiece there. In order for this whole structure to have a stable state, glue the cover to the old disk. So our doll stand is ready. We only need to pick up decorative elements and decorate it all on our own.

Gypsum stand

Consider another possible installation of dolls. You must admit that such a stand for dolls, the master class of which was considered earlier, is still somewhat confusing. Therefore, it is proposed to create a stand from simpler materials. To make the process of its manufacturing as simple as possible and not require outside help, material costs were minimal, and at the same time it had a decent and quite interesting look.

Preparation of tools and materials

For this we need gypsum or alabaster, floristic wire or any other. The main thing is that she can withstand your doll. You will also need a container for pouring gypsum, pliers, hot melt adhesive, a piece of felt, a ribbon for decoration and scissors. You may need something else or something else to decorate. Everything will depend entirely on your imagination.

The process of creating a gypsum stand

Do-it-yourself stand for the doll made of gypsum is as follows: we take two pieces of floristic or any other wire suitable for us and, holding them together, mark five to six centimeters from the edge. Now in this place you need to bend simultaneously both wires at right angles. Fixing the wire, we retreat another seven centimeters from the bend with our fingers and part the ends of the wire in different directions. Now, these bent edges must be brought together in such a way that in the end a triangle forms, which will serve as the basis for the future stand. Using color or transparent tape, fix the intersection of the wire, as well as the bend itself.

The base is ready, now you need to prepare an alabaster mortar for pouring. To do this, take three tablespoons with a slide of alabaster powder and six of the same tablespoons of water. Combine all this, but not in shape, but in a separate bowl. Stir the mixture until smooth. The consistency of the solution should be like thick sour cream. Performing all manipulations with alabaster, it is better not to hesitate, since such a solution hardens quite quickly. Now carefully pour the resulting mixture into a mold and lower the wire blank into it with the triangular side. Move the wire slightly from side to side and leave it in an upright position. If the mixture turned out to be somewhat liquid and the wire does not hold well in it, then this is not a reason for frustration. Just fasten it upright with clothespins.

Removing the stand from the mold

After pouring the solution, let it all dry for six hours at room temperature. After the specified time, our stand must be removed. After all, it should dry thoroughly from all sides. No special tricks are needed for this. First, just stretch the walls of the mold in different directions. Then flip the structure over by placing the wire between your fingers and pat the bottom of the mold until the plaster piece is in your palm. Now just leave it overnight at room temperature for final drying.

Gypsum stand decoration

When decorating the stand, do not forget that it should ideally fit into the image of the doll and be, as it were, its continuation. There is one rule here. The more the doll’s image is loaded, the simpler the stand for it should be designed. The simplest option is to glue gypsum with felt of a suitable color and tie it with a contrasting ribbon. After decorating, measure the required wire height. Take a new line and bend it as shown.

doll stands
After that, wrap it well with tape to fix it. Ideal to use tape on the color of the wire.
Monster High Doll Stands
Now from the bent edges we form a girth for the doll's waist. You can also use round-nose pliers to bend the edges into rings.
doll stand master class
Now all that remains is to attach all this to the plaster workpiece, insert the doll into the grip and carefully hold it there so that it does not fall out.

In this article, several options for the implementation of the stand for Monster High dolls and not only were considered. Connect all your imagination - and you will probably get something completely unique and suitable for your doll collection.


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