What was the main goal of creating the Communist International? The formation of the Communist International

The revolution, its ideas and results are still very sensitive issues to this day. And not everyone is clear about the actual intentions of its participants. Most focuses on the beliefs expressed in films and books on the subject. White fought for the king, and red for freedom - this is how the reasons for that event are presented to a simple layman. But what intentions did communism really pursue? What ideals destroyed what was created over the centuries by our ancestors? What was the main goal of creating the Communist International?

what was the main goal of creating a communist international

In order to answer these questions, we consider in more detail the emergence and ideas of the Comintern.

What is it?

The Comintern is a communist organization of the party of workers and peasants, created with the goal of uniting the world proletariat into one single power, capable of overthrowing the bourgeoisie and the tsar. V.I. Lenin and the Communist International called on the working people of the world to unite to create a new world at the first congress held in 1919. A year later in Petrograd it will be called the "party of the world proletariat."

Ideas of the Comintern

The question of what was the main goal of creating the Communist International cannot be answered in a few words. However, if the leaders of the Bolsheviks stated what was stated at the congresses as much as possible , then the following is obtained.

Lenin and the Communist International

The initial plan of the Comintern included rallying and further union of Soviet Russia and Soviet Germany. Then the gradual accession of countries adopting the dictatorship of the proletariat. But this could not be realized. In view of the tense situation among the Germans in 1923, the Bolsheviks sent their brigade to resolve the conflict and push for the start of the revolution. However, the proletariat failed in this. The same thing awaited him in Bulgaria. In 1926, the Communist International rejected the idea of ​​uniting world powers and decided to instill the spirit of communism, showing a personal example - the creation of the USSR and its positive image against the background of other states.

When were the congresses held?

The founding of the Communist International and the creation of its main goals consisted of seven congresses.

  1. The first constituent congress was held in March 1919.
  2. The second congress was held in Petrograd from July 19 to August 7, 1920.
  3. The third took place in the summer from June 22 to July 12, 1921.
  4. The Fourth Congress of the Comintern ended on December 22, 1921.
  5. The Fifth Congress, devoted to questions of the actions of communist brigades in Europe, was held in the summer from June to July 1924.
  6. At the Sixth Congress, held in 1928 from July to September, the general charter of the Communist International was adopted.
  7. The Seventh Congress of 1935 was dedicated to the growing fascist threat from Europe.

foundation of the communist international and creation

It is enough to go over these dates to understand when, for what purpose the Communist International was created. The dumping of the old power and the creation of a new one, in which national equality and fraternity were preached - that was what its creators of the inhabitants of the time lured in the first place.

What contributed to the conduct?

Not to say that the authorities did not take measures to prevent the formation of the Communist International. His first attempt to declare himself was suppressed in 1915, but for the proletariat it was only a rehearsal. The performance took place two years after these events. And Russia was not ready to fight back. Drawn into the First World War, it was bloodless, mired heavily in loans, lost its officer skeleton and most of the equipment. But at the same time, the war played into the hands of the Bolsheviks. People tired of endless battles, killings and destruction, were filled with hatred for the upper class. Manufacturers profiting from the manufacture of weapons, officers carrying dents and whips with them, all of this boiled the blood of the general population. This was used by the Bolsheviks. After the sweet speeches of the Bolsheviks, in which they promised the workers and peasants land, freedom and equality, those who were tired of sitting in damp trenches yesterday and clutching from bullets whistling overhead took up arms with great enthusiasm in order to carry out this coup.

The outcome of the revolution depended on what was the main goal of creating the Communist International. Whoever the people choose is the winner. And the Bolsheviks were very successful in this, forcing all their competitors out of the political arena.

Stages of development of a new society

Socialism was considered the first step - the very time when society had not yet completely abandoned the old regime, when old abrasions of the tortures of the upper classes still remained on it.

From this moment begins the creation of a new world. The destruction of the upper classes, the liquidation of the old regime, the confiscation of private property and the surrender of its public needs. All borders are erased - between cities and villages, between workers and peasants, equality, rejection of religion, mysticism and bourgeois pseudoscience. The crowding out of capitalism, which brings with it only degradation for the people.

the formation of the communist international

Thus, people will no longer know what oppression, war and hunger are. Everyone will receive what they deserve. All the forces of society will be directed towards general improvement.

What was the main goal of creating the Communist International? The one that was never realized until 1943 - the last year of the Comintern.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G14848/

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