When and how did the music appear?

Even before the advent of society, man enjoyed the sounds that nature made. The noise of the wind and the surf, the chirping of insects and the melodic chirping of birds merged together, and our ancestors heard, among all the variety, an incredible range of sounds that form unique melodies. But how did the music come about, and what legends do you want around this beautiful art? What should a person know about this area of ​​life?

how did the music

Why do we need music?

This is the energy that causes certain emotions in people. Music is a state of mind that is presented in the form of harmoniously arranged sounds. All melodies are truly unique, because when one motive can cause sadness and tears, the other will give you joy and a surge of strength. Today, many nations value this art and praise it in the same way as religious scriptures. For example, in India there is a belief that the performance of melodies helps to open the chakras, free the body from the accumulated negative energy and fill it with warmth, light and love. Sometimes simple motives serve as mantras for meditation.

And how did she appear?

Solfeggio and music lessons teach how music came about. In order for children to perceive this art properly, the teacher gives examples by comparing sounds with nature. The teacher knocks on the table with a pencil, beating the rhythm, as if dripping rain, and then makes a chirp, using high keys on the piano to portray the birds singing. Thus, the teacher shows that music has always been around us, long before the creation of the instruments, that is, from the moment of the creation of the universe.

what came before music or dancing

So how did the music come about? Firstly, a person heard sounds and realized that they are sad and funny, fast and slow, loud and quiet - this served as the basis for the creation of art. Secondly, a person began to imitate these sounds, singing birdsong and depicting the sound of the wind. Thirdly, people began to unite in small groups and made chaotic sounds, from which the very first, but magnificent song was born.

Everybody dance!

The theory mentioned above answers another question: "What came before: music or dancing?" The melody arose earlier, because all the movements were performed under any instrument. A striking example will be the ancient African tribes. Their crazy dances were accompanied by a snare drum fight (djembe) and a slight howl. The grander the event, the more dancers took part. Accordingly, the tribes used several percussion instruments.

why did the music appear

Another vivid example that proves that music happened earlier than dancing is shamans. The tribes had to create a melody that would drive the priestess into a trance with the help of a folk instrument - a harp (kousyan, ikki). Such an instrument looks like a small wand that resonates a certain melody. The timbre, volume and tonality are controlled by the musician’s breathing, vibration and voice. Such an instrument can be found in Kazakhstan, and in Yakutia, and in China, and in Mongolia, and in Japan, and even in Hungary and Russia.

How did the path of art begin?

To understand how long music has appeared, it is necessary to trace the emergence of the first instrument. We can safely assume that the source of the development of art is drums, which are widespread throughout the world. This is not surprising, because in order to create a simple drum, it is enough to use a wooden base and pull the skin tight on both sides. Thanks to the vacuum inside the instrument and the tensioned membrane, a dull vibrating sound is generated on impact from the outside.

where did the music come from

The next group of instruments is wind instruments. They were made from the horns of artiodactyls, because inside the bone growth, after emptying, a void formed. Try an experiment at home to understand when the first music appeared: take an ordinary glass and blow into it using your voice. You will hear a muffled sound that resembles the sound of a trumpet. Later, small flutes began to be made from twigs. Then, with the help of small holes it was possible to adjust the tonality of the melody. Archaeological excavations have proved that flutes existed among Neanderthals and had a rather complicated structure (mouthpiece, holes).

The following instruments are lyre and harp (bowed). To make such an instrument, it was enough to pull the braided horse hair onto the horns of the artiodactyl, which created a specific sound. The pitch of the sounds depended on the tense strings: the weaker the lower the sound.

Entertainment or religion?

Religious beliefs appeared with man, so all the instruments performed only one role - worshiping spirits, calling for help and chanting of the gods. Later, people began to understand that all melodies can cause either joy or sadness, so they were used both for entertainment and during sorrow.

how long has music appeared

Why did the music appear? Because humanity is in development all the time and is looking for various spiritual paths. That is why we believe so deeply in the supernatural, we develop creative directions, such as art, dancing or singing. An interesting fact, but more than 8 centuries ago, music was one of the seven free arts that were practiced in Greece and Rome. It was believed that this is not creativity, but an exact science that will teach you to think logically, to compare facts. Music is often compared with numbers, and therefore it is recommended to study it for those who want to achieve success in professions with a mathematical bias.

Fact or fiction?

There is a legend about how music appeared. History came to us from the steppe Kazakh people. The legend tells about a group of people who led a life, never smiled and did not laugh. They did not have holidays and fun. The people were born and died in anguish, not knowing happiness, joy and inspiration. The reason is simple: there were no melodies on our planet, because they all existed in heaven. A man never heard a bird sing and did not know if the wind had a voice.

when the first music appeared

Once the songs decided to wander around the world and leave their native firmament. Having descended above the earth, melodies changed our world, and people were filled with happiness and joy. Songs swept over lakes and seas, forests and fields, and wherever they were, sounds appeared. It was then that people heard a great song, and then began to repeat and teach in order to pass from generation to generation. Songs left our world and went on a pilgrimage, but the peoples were able to remember a small part of the sounds in order to create unique and diverse melodies.

Art forever

All melodies will exist with the person. Music opened a secret door to our souls, touched the most tender and fragile strings. This is surprising, but scientists have proven that such art helps to enhance intellectual abilities and even heal. It's no secret that even plants are able to feel the rhythm, volume, vibration and nature of the melody. For example, a group of volunteers was given the task of growing a specific plant. For each participant - one pot. For several months, people came and let their plant listen to a certain melody. They could scream, play classical music or stun hard rock.

The results were stunning: the plants that grew next to the classical melodies began to bear fruit and their growth markedly increased. Those who listened to rap - died, and rock - grew, but did not even release a flower. This experiment proved that music directly affects plants and living organisms. This will help to understand how music came about and why it still has important value in our culture.

the legend of how music appeared

The first music in Russia

Many people ask: "Where did the music from the Slavs come from?" Like many ancient peoples, the Slavs worshiped music and used it in rituals. Most often, melodies could be heard during various pagan rituals, and sometimes during magical ones. The very first instrument was a tambourine, and then flutes, cymbals, and violins began to appear.

For example, a story tells that folk instruments included wooden spoons that ticked the rhythm. This proves that the Slavs initially used any household items to create a specific melody. For example, a bucket, pipe, saw or damper.


Music is a story told through rhythm and various sounds. According to the melody, one can safely say whether the composer was sad or cheerful, worried or, conversely, wanted to share joy. That is why many melodies, such as, “Flight of the Bumblebee,” written by Rimsky-Korsakov, reflect the exuberant, speedy path of the insect. The whole character is felt on the stated stave, and it is amazing, inspiring and inspiring.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G14854/

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