Kandrykul - a lake in Bashkiria

The adornment of nature of the Republic of Bashkortostan (RB) is picturesque lakes, full-flowing rivers, carrying their waters among the steppes and forests of the Southern Urals. Among the plains to the west of the Ural Range is the well-known natural reservoir Kandrykul. The lake, the water area of ​​which is considered the second largest in Bashkiria, attracts many visitors - residents of the republic and other regions of Russia.

Natural heritage of Bashkortostan

Two blue pearls of Belarus - Aslykul and Kandrykul - unique lakes. They belong to the group of the largest natural reservoirs in the forest-steppe zone of Europe. Kandrykul Lake is famous, the photo of which is presented in the article, with clear water, good sandy beaches. The vast water area attracts many guests who seek to enjoy swimming, relaxing in the cool shade of the forest covering the mountain slopes in the south of the lake.

Kandrykul Lake

Clean air in these parts has healing properties. It is saturated with volatile pine and medicinal herbs. In his works, the Russian poet Aksakov praised the beauty of the steppe lake Kandrykul, noted the incredible transparency of its water.

According to one of the legends that came from the depths of centuries, near the lake at the top of Nuratau was the palace of the khan. Many strangers paid attention to this picturesque place and asked residents about it. The answer was: "Khan-torganer" (the khan lives). It is believed that over time the phrase was distorted to “kandra”, and it became the name of the lake.

Kandrykul - a lake in the west of Bashkiria

The reservoir is located in the center of the Bugulminsko-Belebeyevskaya plain. Its origin is associated with karst processes - the dissolution of rocks and the formation of voids in the earth's crust. The area of ​​the mirror is 15.6 km 2 . The average depth of the lake is 7.2 m, and the maximum is 15.6 m. The lake is fed mixed, due to precipitation, and the flow of groundwater. There are many springs at the bottom and along the banks, but rivers do not flow from the lake. Salinity is low, so Lake Kandrykul in Bashkiria is considered fresh, although salinity is felt at the bottom.

Kandrykul Lake in Bashkiria

Low mountains approach the shores of the reservoir, flanking the water area from the west, southeast and south. There is a picturesque island of Utrau in the northwestern part of the lake, the area of ​​which reaches 4.5 hectares. The island is covered with dense forests and flood meadows.

The significance of Kandrykul Lake as a natural object lies in the unique combination of flora and fauna, and the great ecological and scientific potential of the water area. In addition, the reservoir, its coastal landscapes have recreational and balneological value.

Natural features of the lake

Kandrykul is a lake located in the continental climate. It is characterized by hot summers and frosty winters. In July, the air temperature sometimes rises to +36 ° C, and in January it drops to the same level, but only with the “-” sign. A feature of the forest-steppe zone to the west of the Ural Range lies in better moisture than in the mountains and east of the watershed. Peaks delay the movement of air flows from west to east, the amount of precipitation in the same direction is almost halved. Snow cover is established in November and lasts until April.

Kandrykul lake photo

The species composition of vegetation on the shores of the lake includes deciduous trees, including oak, birch, linden. Representatives of the fauna: elk, badger, fox, wild boar, capercaillie. During the flight, Kandrykul Lake in Bashkiria becomes a feeding ground for wild geese, ducks and swans. There are many places convenient for fishing on the shore, and many valuable species of fish (burbot, perch, grass carp, silver carp, roach, pike) are found in the catch.

Transport accessibility of the recreation area

Most camp sites are located on the southeast coast near the village of Kandrykul. The lake lies northeast of this village. The journey from Ufa by car takes about two hours. The distance to the capital of Bashkortostan is 130-140 km, to Yekaterinburg - 400 km, to Chelyabinsk - 240 km. Connects Ufa and the coast of the lake federal highway M5.

rest on the Kandrykul lake

On the last leg of the road, on the right side of the highway, there remains the urban village of Kandra. The regional center of Tuymazy is located further from the lake, at a distance of 35-40 km northwest of it. To get to the recreation area on the west coast, you need to drive about 10 km after turning to Kandry along the M5 federal highway, turn south, pass the campsite, after 3 km turn left to the village.

Kandrykul Lake in Bashkiria - summer and winter vacations

The blue expanse of the reservoir among forests and meadows is especially attractive on hot days. During the summer season, more than 300 thousand people rest on the shores of the lake. The Rubin Hotel receives guests, there are several dozens of recreation centers on the shore, and in nearby villages, residents rent cottages to tourists. You can temporarily settle in a private house, which is very convenient for families. There is a camping, cozy cafes. From the terraces of most catering establishments, a beautiful view of the reservoir and its natural surroundings opens.

Wellness by the lake

Hospitals, dispensaries, camp sites located on the shores of a reservoir take hundreds of thousands of people throughout the year. Many people come to these places not only to spend time on the beach or with a fishing rod. It is possible to combine relaxation on Lake Kandrykul with the recovery of the body, which is necessary for almost everyone. The favorable environmental conditions in the area are excellent for realizing these intentions. Almaz sanatorium and sanatorium is located on the lake, whose medical specialization is associated with the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system, digestion, and nervous system. There is a health camp for the younger generation.

kandrykul lake reviews

Kandry-Kul - ski resort

On the northeast coast is a beach in the village of Kandry-Kutui, further to the southeast is the ski complex (GLK) “Kandry-Kul”. If you plan a vacation in this part of the lake, then after turning to Kandry you should turn left and drive about 3-5 km. The complex has an equipped sandy beach for summer holidays, which is famous for the Kandrykul lake. Photos from different years give an idea of ​​the cleanliness of the coast.

Kandrykul lake in Bashkiria rest

Everyone can take a dip in the summer days, rent a catamaran, a boat in GLK Kandry-Kul. By cable car, vacationers climb to the top of Yazyuly-Tash, from where a wonderful view of Kandrykul (lake) opens. Reviews of tourists include mention of the opportunity to engage in sports, fishing on the territory of the complex. The cozy hotel GLK has rooms, there is also a cafe and restaurant. The complex is equipped with places for picnics, there is the possibility of barbecue, barbecue, fish soup.

Opportunities for winter recreation on the lake. Kandrykul

GLK “Kandry-kul” is 3 ski slopes of 400 and 500 m each, equipped with artificial lighting. The width of the ski runs is from 35 to 40 m. The tubing slope has a length of 150 m. A chair lift takes tourists and athletes to the snowy mountain peak of Yazyuly-Tash, where the eponymous cafe with an observation deck is located. The beginning of the season is quite early for the Southern Urals - the second decade of November. Closing usually takes place on April 10th. The complex provides the opportunity to rent ski equipment. Assistance to beginner athletes is provided by professional GLK instructors.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G14857/

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