Original declarations of love. DIY message in a bottle

There are times when a guy and a girl love each other, but don’t know how to express their feelings in an original way. I would like to give a soulmate a gift that would not only express love, but also deliver pleasant moments to a loved one. A gift - a message in a bottle - a great option for a declaration of love. Sensual writing will surely find the owner and give him unforgettable emotions.

What do you need?

do-it-yourself message in a bottle
For the original gift you need to prepare:

  • wine bottle with cork;
  • paper;
  • coffee;
  • scissors and glue;
  • water and paint brushes;
  • a lighter;
  • black pen;
  • decorative gum;
  • sugar;
  • beads or colored pebbles.

When choosing a bottle, it is better to give preference to transparent glass. Even if it seems that the darkened vessel will look more mysterious, transparent glass will look better from the original and aesthetic sides.

Before you start making a message in a bottle with your own hands, you need to remove all labels from it and thoroughly wash the vessel both inside and outside.

Main stages

  1. You need to make a cup of strong coffee. Take a sheet of white paper and dip it in the drink. You can leave paper in coffee for half an hour to make the color more saturated. If there is not enough time, just dip the sheet into the contents of the cup, and tint the white spots with a brush for watercolor. A message in a bottle - a letter - will look more impressive if it is sprinkled with drops of a coffee drink. It will take on an unusual antique look.
  2. Blot the tinted sheet of paper with a napkin and dry well. You can speed up this process with a hairdryer. If necessary, dry paper can be ironed through a napkin so that it does not shine.
  3. Using a lighter, you need to carefully burn the edges of the future letter around its entire perimeter. If you have a large makeup brush, e. You can remove the ashes. The sheet should have uneven dark brown edges.
  4. On the prepared paper with a black pen it is necessary to write a romantic confession, poem or wish.

How to make a mysterious bottle?

gift message in a bottle
A message in a bottle with your own hands will look original if it is beautifully decorated.

The letter itself should be folded and secured with decorative rubber. The bottom of the bottle must be smeared with glue and sprinkled with granulated sugar. In the same way, decorate the neck of a transparent vessel and allow the new creation to dry.

If desired, the bottom of the bottle can be decorated with shells, beads or colored pebbles. You can add there beads in the form of a heart, dry flowers; the main thing is that these bright little things create a harmonious touch of romance and mystery.

When the vessel is fully decorated, a mysterious message must be placed in it. The bottle should be closed with a stopper, and tie the outer side of the neck with a piece of tape.

Do-it-yourself message in the bottle is ready!

How to present an original gift?

Not only words of love are suitable for an “ancient vessel”. If a couple in love is going to go on vacation, then you can put a ticket in a bottle and additionally paint an action plan.

message in a bottle actors

Teenagers can use this option as a game. For example, on paper you can draw a map with a plan of the location of treasures and send it to friends. Let them try to figure out where the "treasure" is hidden.

But it’s worth returning to a love confession and answering the question: “When there is a romantic message in a bottle, how to make its presentation more memorable?”

An original gift can be presented at a romantic dinner, put it on the desk of the second half, or put it near the bed while your loved one is sleeping. Better yet, invite a soul mate to a restaurant, and arrange with the waiter that instead of ordering a bottle of wine, he will bring a prepared message in a bottle.

But there is a more romantic option. You can send words of recognition, as in the film "Message in a Bottle", the actors of which perfectly played the couple in love. In the melodrama, a girl on the coast found a message in a bottle that led her to her beloved man. This plot can be taken as a basis and originally admit love on the seashore, lake or even a river. The main thing is that the cork closes the bottle well and does not let water through.

Did the messages in the bottle really exist?

message in a bottle letter
If you look at the Guinness Book of Records, you can see there is an old message that was discovered in 2012. It was written 97 years before the discovery.

Another fact confirms the existence of "sea letters." Not so long ago, in March 2014, a German fisherman accidentally caught a message bottle from the sea. In the vessel was a postcard, bought in Denmark, with two German stamps. As it turned out later, the letter was sent 101 years ago by the German Richard Platz. This find can now claim the title of Guinness Book Record.

Variants of Original Romantic Confessions

A do-it-yourself message in a bottle makes a lasting impression on a loved one. But the soulmate can be surprised in another way.

message in a bottle how to do

It can be unusual magnets made from bottle caps. To do this, the closing part of the glass vessel should be cleaned and a small magnet glued on its back. Next, you need to take a small photo of your loved one, cut it to fit the size of the lid and stick on it with adhesive tape. Get an original homemade magnet with a photo.

And you can put a heart from sticky leaves on a coffee table. When a loved one enters the room, the original heart is sure to cheer him up.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G14858/

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