Gabardine: what kind of fabric, reviews and description

Often, durable, reliable, wear-resistant clothing is sewn from gabardine. Profile stores offer a huge number of fabrics with this name. In our article you will learn a lot of interesting things about gabardine fabric. Description, reviews, landing, we will try to carefully analyze. Gabardine is a beautiful and practical material from which jackets, suits, coats are sewn. Thinner material is used for sewing trousers, skirts, tunics, dresses. Interior decoration is not complete without this fabric. It is perfect for pillowcases, curtains, napkins, tablecloths. The furniture upholstered in gabardine is very elegant.

gabardine what kind of fabric reviews

Plunge into history

Do you want to know what kind of fabric is gabardine? Reviews indicate that its feature determines the method of weaving of threads. Who owns the secret of making gabardine? The development technique belongs to the Englishman Thomas Barbery at the end of the XIX century. No wonder it appeared in England, because this country is famous for its wet, rainy weather.

How did Thomas get this idea? Even in his youth, he was often sick due to constant English rains. The guy so wanted to plunge into the clothes, warming and saving from them. As an adult, Barbury brought his dream to life. He opened several shops and factories for the manufacture of outerwear. The basis for the production of gabardine was merino wool from an Asian goat. This soft and fine wool was impregnated with a water-repellent composition and interwoven with a diagonal weave, which is also called "ribbed". In the photo above you can observe these scars, as well as see what kind of fabric is gabardine. Reviews indicate the high quality of this material.

Thomas later patented his invention, and production of gabardine material began. For the name, the French word Gabardine was taken for a reason, so in the Middle Ages clothes for wet weather were called. The coloring of four shades became especially popular: black, red, white, beige. Such checkered fabric made the Burberry brand famous.

gabardine fabric description reviews

Fabric Features

Many readers are interested in what kind of gabardine fabric, what are its differences from other materials? The inventor called it gabardine, and the diagonal pattern, going down to a slope of up to 60 °, became the hallmark of the material. On the wrong side, gabardine has a smooth structure, and the front area is in the form of a stripe relief pattern. This unusual weaving gives the canvas density and water resistance. Moisture does not have time to absorb into the material, because it flows.

A non-wrinkled and comfortable material that is suitable for traveling, playing sports and just household goods - gabardine fabric. Reviews fit material noted as a special advantage. Today this material is very popular. Rarely does anyone know what kind of fabric is gabardine. Reviews say that many products are sewn from it. From bedspreads, tablecloths to corporate uniforms and workwear. Today, a purely synthetic material with a diagonal pattern is released, by which it is very easy to recognize gabardine. You can study the photo, description, reviews about gabardine fabric in our article.

gabardine fabric photo description reviews

Advantages and disadvantages

Gabardine has a lot of advantages. Here is some of them:

  • Long-lasting fabric that does not go out of fashion for a long time keeps its appearance.
  • Soft and lightweight, lightweight and easy to drape. Especially beautiful look products cut along the oblique.
  • The surface of the material is matte, no gloss.
  • Well breathable fabric, comfortable to wear.
  • Products are easy to iron and wash.
  • Long retains a presentable appearance.
  • It does not stretch and holds its shape securely.

Among the shortcomings can be noted increased flowability of the material. The fabric is easily damaged during sewing.

Types of gabardine

You now have an idea what kind of gabardine fabric. Reviews about her are mostly positive. Initially, only wealthy people bought it, because it was made from pure wool. During the experiments, the manufacturers were able to add other fibers to the composition of gabardine. Today you can find the following types of this wonderful fabric:

  • Pure wool gabardine. Very warm fabric for sewing demi-season coats, wraps, jackets.
  • Wool fabric. 50% consists of viscose, linen, polyester. Suitable for tailoring men's and women's business suits.
  • Staple matter. It has water-repellent impregnation, so it goes on sewing tablecloths and raincoats.
  • Cotton gabardine. It has good durability, therefore trousers, skirts, dresses, shirts are sewn from it.
  • Silk fabric. It includes artificial rayon silk. It has lightness and durability, therefore it is suitable for sewing curtains and evening dresses.
  • Streychevy gabardine. In its composition it has wool, viscose, elastane. It fits very nicely on the figure. Used for the manufacture of women's, children's clothing, hats.
  • Mixed fabric. Such gabardine may include all of the above fibers in a certain ratio. There are 40% wool, 30% cotton and 30% viscose. The composition is always indicated on the tags.

This suggests the conclusion that gabardine is not a type of fabric, but a way of especially interweaving fibers.

gabardine what kind of fabric curtains reviews

Planting material

We have listed above which materials gabardine is made of today. Depending on this, it will not look the same. The stretch and mixed gabardine fit tightly on the figure. Woolen material does not have the ability to sag or tighten. The fabric does not wrinkle, lies flat. Gabardine is suitable for tight and loose silhouettes.

Gabardine curtains

You already know what kind of fabric is gabardine. Reviews of the curtains from it speak of the long-term use of products. Gabardine curtains are versatile. This window textile can be chosen in any stylistic direction, in a variety of colors and textures. Often, curtains made of gabardine fabric are decorated with braid or fringe.

How much do gabardine curtains protect from light? Dimming with them occurs at 70%. Most often, such curtains are hung in the kitchen, in the living room, bedroom, children's room.

gabardine fabric reviews landing

How to care for gabardine

Gabardine jackets, coats, suits on a woolen basis cannot be washed. This condition is even indicated on the labels. Other products (mixed, stretch, cotton, staple) are machine washed with a water temperature of 30 ° and a gentle mode. The powder should not contain bleach. It is important to note that the spin must be done with your hands, very small. From gabardine, water drains perfectly itself.

It is better to dry such products in the fresh air, on the balcony. Ironing things from gabardine is not difficult, they are well leveled. This is best done through wet gauze or cloth. Problem areas are smoothed out on a special pad.

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Consumer Reviews

Many lovers of comfortable clothing call gabardine an all-weather fabric. Not only is it stylish and durable, it is also relevant. Many people like this material for sewing workwear, because it almost does not crease.

The price of this or that type of gabardine is different: natural fabric is more expensive, synthetic fabric is cheaper. Many novice seamstresses prefer gabardine, it is easy to process and has an acceptable cost. The most affordable material is Chinese-made. The quality and price of the product bribes many.

Some artists use gabardine as a canvas for paintings. Many needlewomen combine it with other materials, decorate with various frills and frills.


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