DIY birthday paper figure

Do you want to make a pleasant surprise for your child or even with him? The figure for a birthday, made with your own hands, will be an excellent decoration of the holiday. You can do it in many ways. Co-creation will be a great way to have fun with your baby.

Flat design

The figure for your own birthday can be made of paper or cardboard. These materials are best suited as a basis for decoration. If you do not need a bulk product, use the simplest manufacturing method. To do this, just draw an image outline on a sheet and cut it with a knife or scissors.

DIY birthday figure

So that the figure can be placed vertically, find a support for the structure or make a β€œleg” of cardboard on the back side. In addition, such a decoration can be easily suspended by making one or more holes in the workpiece through which a cord, ribbon or ribbon will be passed.

Volumetric product

In order not to think later on how to strengthen the decoration on a horizontal plane, a figure for a birthday with your own hands can be made immediately with a side plane on which it will be placed. To put products on the table or on the floor that have a rounded bottom (3, 5, 6, etc.), it is recommended to provide a horizontal platform. In addition to the functional purpose, the side plane also has decorative properties. Such a voluminous design will always look spectacular, even decorated more modestly than flat.

DIY birthday figure made of paper

In addition, it’s easy to add highlighting here. This framework is being made as follows:

  1. Draw two blanks of the selected number on cardboard or thick paper.
  2. Prepare a strip of a width that matches the thickness of the number.
  3. Glue the side part with adhesive tape to the base (two blanks of numbers). If there is no tape at hand, you can provide allowances on a paper strip and use PVA.

Whatever number you need, choose any method of creating the design. You can decorate both a flat and a volumetric product using different methods. It is the decor that creates the beauty and impression of the decoration made.

What size do the numbers

The choice of dimensions of your decor will depend either on what the object is intended for, or on the amount of available material or time to work. Popular are large decorations to create a festive atmosphere. They are made and a height of 50 cm, and meter. This design can be put on the floor, on the back of the sofa or suspended in the space of the room. If you want to put decor on a festive table, it is worth doing a smaller number. A good idea is a garland of numbers or a postcard of this shape. If you have time and desire to create, try different options in several dimensional gradations.

Design Ideas

The easiest way to use the most affordable and easy to process material - paper, plain or corrugated. The combination of different colors and methods of processing the material even from a simple sheet for an office printer allows you to make an excellent decor. So, ways to decorate the basics can be as follows:

  • Quilling Decor.
  • The addition of volumetric forms of internal lighting.
  • Gluing squares or rectangles from corrugated stripes.
  • Use twisted from spirals or strips of roses.
  • Making flowers from corrugated paper.

The choice of method depends on the amount of time and paper available. Effective work is obtained using corrugated multi-colored paper, as well as metallized, mother-of-pearl, embossed.

Often use fabric, satin ribbons glued to the base of buttons, beads, sequins, beads, colored cones. Openwork transparent airy options from threads with a frame look spectacular. Take ready-made ideas, complement your options, create a spectacular decor for the holiday!

Options for baby

The number "2" for a birthday with your own hands can be made of ribbons, paper, even from dough or in the form of a candle. For the smallest, it is better not to use small parts that the baby can tear off or bite off.

Use corrugated paper well. From it it is easy to cut many rectangles with notches in the form of grass and glue them in layers to the base. An idea in the form of rainbow colors or a plain option will do.

Gift for little

If you create a birthday figure with your own hands from paper for a girl, any ideas with frills, flowers in pink shades will do. If you have plain colored paper, glue the base with roses from it.

number 2 for DIY birthday

To make such simple and beautiful elements, it is enough to do the following:

  1. Cut the circle in a spiral from the edges to the center.
  2. Twist the resulting workpiece tightly.
  3. Fasten with glue.
  4. Glue the blank of the figure with the flowers made.

If you initially take circles of different diameters and also change the width of the spiral, you can get a variety of decor with contrasting sizes. The middle of the roses is decorated with beads or inserted pins. They attach roses to the base, and the heads play a decorative role. Such flowers are also made from stripes of corrugated paper. It also turns out beautifully.

DIY birthday figure

Another effective and quick-to-make option for a girl is to glue many layers of horizontal stripes of corrugated paper. This will create the effect of frills or ruffles on a skirt or dress. If you use a gradation of color shades from light pink to red or lilac, you get a very beautiful decoration.

DIY birthday figure for a boy

For little gentlemen, of course, you should not use flowers and frills, so choose ways that allow you to get a beautiful, but strict decor. Use the appropriate color scheme (exactly without pink). You can decorate the base with many squares from the corrugation (this does not take much time). The second option is to make flowers from corrugated paper. To do this, it’s enough to connect several sheets in layers, put them all together with an accordion, bandage in the middle and expand the layers. Such flowers are similar to carnations.

number 3 for DIY birthday

Glued to the base in large quantities, they will create the effect of a terry surface. From blue or green paper is quite a suitable option for a boy. You can decorate the top with images of cars, then the decoration will definitely not look like a girl.

What to do for older children

Children, starting from the age of three, can already be involved in the manufacture of festive decor from paper. For example, the number "3" for a birthday with your own hands can be made using the quilling technique. The simplest elements the child will be able to twist on their own. If this proves difficult, do it yourself, and let the little assistant simply stick the finished parts to the base.

number 4 do it yourself birthday

In this way, both ornaments of a paper opaque base (flat or three-dimensional) are made, as well as openwork figures, the design of which is completely assembled from twisted rings, leaves, petal and flowers.

DIY birthday figure for a boy

If you apply your imagination, it will not be difficult to make stories for boys by this method, for example, enter a machine, motorcycle, boat or any other attribute of boyish life in the figure.

The figure "4" with your own hands for a birthday can be made together using an even more complex technology. Glue the frame for the volumetric part from cardboard or thick paper. Leave the slots on the front side, and inside, mount the bulbs or the usual Christmas garland. So, you will make a volumetric figure with backlight.

So, a figure for a birthday with your own hands can be made in many ways. For each holiday, you can easily make a new decoration.


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