Lakes of Bashkiria - photos, reviews

Famous and popular tourist destinations are far from being the best option for relaxation. Sometimes the desire to get to a fashionable resort is due only to insufficient public awareness of the existence of alternative places. Let's try to consider several reasons that can significantly adjust plans for the upcoming vacation.

What you should know about Bashkiria

It so happened historically that the Southern Urals, where the Republic of Bashkortostan is located, is not yet a world-famous tourist region. But nature rewarded him with everything necessary for this. Of course, in order for tourists from Russia and the whole world to strive to the south of the Ural region, much remains to be done. Tourism development in the republic requires significant investments. But the region has tremendous recreational potential. There are many attractive for tourists. In particular, the lakes of Bashkiria, whose photos adorn the advertising materials of many travel agencies, are not inferior in visual expressiveness to the world-famous reservoirs of the Dolomites and mountain Switzerland. The climate in the south of the Urals is quite moderate and familiar to a person in the middle lane, which does not require an additional adaptation period after arriving in the region on vacation.

lakes of Bashkiria

Alternative summer vacation destinations

The thought of how to spend a summer vacation begins to excite the minds even in that period of the year when snow lies outside the window. I want to do this so that there is something to remember later. And also with health benefits and, of course, without catastrophic consequences for the family budget. All this forces one to look not towards the popular beach resorts on the islands in the ocean, but somewhere closer so that transcontinental flights and visas can be dispensed with. It is no secret that the summer destinations popular with the Russian public, Turkey and Thailand, suffer from catastrophic congestion. It is difficult to find peace and quiet there. Unfortunately, not everyone knows that there are a lot of worthy options for spending summer holidays. Lakes of Bashkiria - one of them. And they are attractive not only with relatively low prices in the field of tourist services. In choosing a specific vacation spot, one should be guided by the available reviews from those who have already visited there. This is the most reliable way to make no mistake.

Aslykul Lake in Bashkiria

Information from geography

It is difficult to find a place across the entire continent of Eurasia that is as far from the oceans as the Republic of Bashkortostan. But the lack of access to the sea is compensated by the presence of a large number of lakes. There are more than two thousand inland water bodies of various sizes in the republic. Lakes of Bashkiria are very diverse in their origin and in the salt composition of the water. Most of the reservoirs are located on a plain in the western part of the Ural foothills. This area is characterized by mixed coniferous-deciduous vegetation. Some lakes of Bashkiria are famous for the fact that the water in them has pronounced healing properties.

Bashkiria Lake Bath

The largest body of water in the republic

Aslykul Lake in Bashkiria is the largest not only in area, but also in volume. It is located in a vast hollow, in the western foothills of the Urals. The total water surface of Lake Aslykul is 24 square kilometers. The opposite shore of the reservoir is not visible, which creates the illusion of the sea. There are no steep slopes and rock formations on the coastline. The shore of the lake is sandy, which is favorable for a beach holiday. It only remains to regret that the natural potential of this reservoir is not fully realized in the tourism sector. Aslykul, like other famous lakes in Bashkiria, attracts many tourists to its shores. And most of these people are ready to be content with a minimum level of service.

salt lake in Bashkiria

Asylkul's problems

Reviews of tourists about staying on the shores of Asylkul are contradictory. Service infrastructure in accordance with international standards is absent in Aslykul. There are tourist camps and equipped parking lots, especially a lot of them near the village of Kupoyarovo. The cost of staying on them varies from 300 to 3500 rubles per day. The comfort level and the sanitary condition of the territory in many of them leave much to be desired. Roads near a pond of disgusting quality become impassable in rainy weather. In order for Lake Aslykul in Bashkiria to become a full-fledged beach resort, significant investments are needed in the development of service infrastructure. And today, even firewood is difficult to find on its shores in order to make a fire.

lakes bashkiria reviews

Bashkiria, Lake Bannoe

The historical name of this lake is Yaktykul. According to legend, it began to be called Banny after the army of Emelyan Pugachev stopped on the parking lot and arranged a common bathing day. It differs in many respects from other reservoirs with which Bashkiria is so rich. Lake Bannoe is located in the eastern Trans-Urals and has a pronounced tectonic character. This explains its considerable depth, reaching thirty meters, and the nature of the coastline. It is these circumstances that give its shores expressiveness and make them attractive to tourists. This is one of the favorite vacation spots for residents of the Southern Urals and neighboring regions. Reception of tourists on Banny does not stop even in winter time - on its shore there is a ski base known in the Urals. But of course, most of the tourism infrastructure is focused on summer beach vacations.

Bashkiria Lake Nugush

Reviews about Banny

On the lake and in its immediate surroundings there are a lot of recreation, boarding houses and resorts. This allows you to choose a suitable parking space, based on the price and level of amenities provided. Most of the reviews about local tourism infrastructure facilities at specialized tourism forums are positive. Some negative aspects include a significant removal of rental housing from the coastline of the reservoir and a large influx of vacationers in high season.

Bashkiria, Lake Nugush

In recent years, this holiday destination has become increasingly popular. This is evidenced by the frequency of its mention in tourist forums, where the lakes of Bashkiria are discussed. Positive reviews prevail, public displeasure is caused only by prices in the surrounding stores. They tend to unreasonably overstate at the height of the tourist season. Geographic details are not interesting to everyone. And they consist in the fact that Lake Nugush appeared in its place only in 1967. It is nothing but a reservoir. It was formed after the construction of the dam of the Nugush hydroelectric station, not far from the village of the same name. An artificial reservoir was located between the mountain slopes with dense coniferous vegetation. In combination with good quality sandy beaches, this provided him with a steady tourist interest. They arrive on the shores of the reservoir, erroneously called Lake Nugush, not only from the Republic of Bashkortostan, but also from more distant regions. A good service infrastructure was built in Nugush to ensure the reception of tourists. A relatively low price level was to the taste of those who wrote reviews about summer vacations on the banks of this artificial reservoir.

Lake Bashkiria photo


This is not the only, but certainly the most famous salt lake in Bashkiria. It is located in the Abzelilovsky district of the republic. The bitter-salty water of Lake Muldakkul ensures the absence of vegetation on its shores, their view is quite deserted and unsightly. But people come here, sometimes even from far away, not at all to admire nature. The silt of the lake, which concentrates salt bottom sediments, has pronounced healing properties. Mud therapy sessions have a beneficial effect on the musculoskeletal and cardiovascular systems. However, this natural wealth should be used with caution and only on the recommendation of competent specialists. To prescribe a course of treatment for himself on the basis of the feedback of those to whom this has helped is extremely imprudent. Self-medication may have the opposite effect of the expected. In addition to bottom silt, its water also has healing properties on Muldakkul. It has a high saturation with salts of the magnesium chloride group, which brings it closer to the category of table mineral water.


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