What is the Reichstag in Berlin?

One of the symbols of modern Germany is the Reichstag. At the mention of this word, many have an association with the Second World War. Imagination immediately arises a picture with a red flag fluttering in the wind, symbolizing the victory over fascism. What is the Reichstag today, and what was it in the past, can be found in the article.

Reichstag Significance

what is the Reichstag

First of all, it should be clarified that the Reichstag is a building. Literally, this word can be translated as "building of the state assembly." Today, the Bundestag is sitting in it, and in the past it was the seat of the state assembly of the Kaiser Empire and the Weimar Republic.

What is the Reichstag in historical terms, and what is its significance for Germany and the whole world, you can learn by studying the history of the building itself.

History of creation

The building was built in the very center of Berlin. The first stone of this architectural structure was laid by William the First in 1884. From this moment began the construction of a rather controversial object.

The construction of the Reichstag would have begun earlier, but in Germany a serious incident arose. The fact is that the land on which the government planned to build its place of gathering belonged to the Radzinsky family. The famous diplomat did not give the green light to the development of his property. The opportunity to start work appeared three years after his death. Permission was given by the son of the deceased landowner.

Before the start of this scandal, a competition was already held for the project architect, in which the Russian expert won. However, he did not live up to the start of work, and as a result of the second competition, Paul Wollot became the architect.

The emperor of Germany, who laid the first stone, did not live to see the completion of construction work. Kaiser Wilhelm II had the opportunity to accept the finished building.

flag over the Reichstag

What is the Reichstag for the architect Wollot can be understood from his words. He said that the building is a symbol of the greatest Kaiser empire. The corner towers, of which there were four, symbolized the four German kingdoms, and the dome in the center was dedicated to William the Second. However, the Kaiser himself did not like this idea of ​​initiation, and he proposed to dedicate the dome to the Parliament. Moreover, the building was built specifically for the state assembly.

1933 fire

In 1933, a severe fire broke out in the building. It is not known for certain who set it on fire, but Adolf Hitler and his associates blamed the Communists for everything. Mass arrests began. The building was stopped being used for its intended purpose, conducting propaganda meetings in it, and since 1939 the Nazis occupied it for military purposes.

Experts who investigated the causes of the fire concluded that the building was scorched from 50 places at once. The Nazis, who were afraid of the Communists, blamed them for everything. Very quickly the Dutchman Marinus van der Lubbe was caught, convicted and executed. Modern scholars believe that arson was a well-planned work of the Nazis, who thus managed to reduce the popularity of the Communists in Germany.

What is the Reichstag? During this period of history, the building became a symbol of the collapse of the old state, it marked the rise of Hitler to power. The dictator did not seek to rebuild the building, because he wanted for the new Germany to build his Reichstag. But these plans were not given to happen.

Reichstag under Hitler

It has already been mentioned that the building under the Weimar Republic was used as the base of the air force. It was led by Hermann Goering. This odious person had a direct connection with the building. It is known that Goering's palace was connected to the Reichstag by an underground passage.

For this reason, the construction became the goal for most Soviet soldiers. Its destruction was tantamount to victory over fascism. On many shells of the Red Army inscriptions were made with the paint “According to the Reichstag!” and similar expressions.

Reichstag 1945

All opponents of fascism dreamed of hoisting the flag over the Reichstag . They managed to do this only in 1945.

The building after the surrender of Weimar Germany

The Reichstag of 1945 was completely unlike the magnificent building that was once erected in the center of Berlin. It was almost destroyed as a result of many bombing raids. Under the ruins of the building, the last German soldiers found their end, parts of which only turned 15 years old.

Reichstag photo

The Nazis fought in the walls of the Reichstag to the last breath. Soviet soldiers, with all their hatred for the enemy, which was boiling over the entire period of the war, destroyed the remaining opponents. The building in their eyes was a symbol of universal evil, so bullets flew into it for a long time. Soviet soldiers not only hoisted a red flag over the building, they left thousands of inscriptions on its walls. Many of them contained obscene language, especially against Hitler and the Wehrmacht. After that, for the story, only inscriptions that have passed censorship will be left on the walls.

Building restoration

A dilapidated building stood in the center of Berlin until 1954. Until it was decided to blow up the remnants of the Reichstag. Two years later, the government decided to restore the Reichstag, whose photo has now become the hallmark of the German capital.

The competition for building a symbol of German political life was won by Paul Baumgarten. The building was completed in 1972. But it did not become a gathering place for Parliament. A historical institute was placed in it. This continued until 1991. This year another reconstruction was carried out. The competition for the execution of works was won by the English architect Norman Foster. The Bundestag returned to the renovated building.

Reichstag wall

Architect Foster saw a new building with a flat roof, but its version did not look as symbolic for many as before. By 1999, a new dome was created. The materials were steel and glass. Two elevators rise to it, and an observation deck appeared on the dome itself.

what is the Reichstag

In addition to its aesthetic purpose, the architectural structure is part of an autonomous energy system. This was made possible thanks to a special system of mirrors and a ventilation shaft, in which air passes through a special heat exchange system.

"Wall of memory"

what is the Reichstag in Berlin

In May 1945, all the walls of the building were scribbled by soldiers who defeated fascism. For Germans, these inscriptions also carry a certain value. They remind the whole nation of the tyrant that Germany gave birth to. That is why the old Reichstag wall remained in the new building. It removed lines of a racist and immoral nature, leaving only censored "autographs" of soldiers of the Red Army.

In the 90s of the last century, the question was raised of removing the old wall with inscriptions that recall the past horrors of the war. But the decision was not made by the majority. Today the wall is in the room, it was treated with a special transparent solution to protect it from external factors, including human vandalism.

How can I visit the Reichstag?

what is the Reichstag

In order to understand for yourself what the Reichstag in Berlin is, you should visit it. Any guest of the capital can do this. But for this you need to go to the official website of the Bundestag and go through pre-registration. Without such an appointment, the entrance to the visit will be closed.

The specialist collects registered tourists and conducts an excursion during the day. From it you can learn a lot of additional information, and most importantly, enjoy the architectural masterpiece that represents the updated dome and other buildings of the Reichstag.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G14896/

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