Crafts from newspaper tubes do-it-yourself

If you like to craft different objects with your own hands, then it will be interesting for you to try the technique of twisting crafts from newspaper tubes. Such material can be found in any home. You can use not only newspaper sheets, but also any glossy publications. Using twisted tubes, you can do a huge number of beautiful things that will decorate the interior of any room.

Original caskets and cup holders and hot pots, small boxes for small items and vases for flower pots, interesting wall panels and photo frames, plates and baskets are all products that can be created using rolled up newspapers or magazines.

In the review, we will consider several simple samples of crafts from newspaper tubes, tell you how to twist them, how to connect them together in products, what covers such crafts. Our article is intended for beginners who first decided to try a new kind of creativity. Let's start with the basics, so that it is clear how to make crafts from newspaper tubes.

How to make tubes?

Before you start making crafts, you need to think about how long the tubes are needed. If the work requires long tubes, then the newspaper does not need to be cut in half, and the tube will need to be folded along the diagonal of the print publication. If a short element is enough, then newspapers are cut in half, a wooden stick or a metal knitting needle is put on the top of the page and winding begins.

how to twist newspaper tubes

The newspaper must be folded tightly so that the tube is strong and does not tear during the execution of the craft. From newspaper tubes things are strong and durable. At the end of the curl, the edge of the newspaper is smeared with PVA glue. It is necessary to take thick and fresh glue so that it really firmly joins the sheets, and not just wet the paper. After all, you have to fasten all the elements of crafts together among themselves using this glue.

Preparation for work

To learn how to create crafts from newspaper tubes with your own hands, you must first think through all the stages of work to the smallest detail.

  1. Come up with a craft option. To begin with, learn to collect something simple and simple, such as a cup holder or frame for a picture or photograph.
  2. Draw a piece of paper on the piece of paper in detail. Indicate on the sheet what parts it will consist of, what individual elements will need to be made, then fasten them together.
  3. Prepare tools for the job. This is a knitting needle or skewer for twisting a newspaper, a brush or a foam swab for spreading with PVA glue. If for crafts you need a cardboard base, then prepare a piece of corrugated cardboard. If for interesting crafts from newspaper tubes you need twisted circles, then it is better to purchase a special hook. It is sold at the stationery store in quilling sets.
  4. If you decide to make a photo frame out of the tubes, you will need a base for the photo. It can be plywood, cardboard or fiberboard.

How to paint crafts?

Crafts from newspaper tubes with their own hands can be painted in different colors. To do this, it is best to use acrylic paints. They are bright, have a rich color gamut, mix well, forming the shades necessary for work. At the same time, acrylic paints do not have the nasty, pungent odor inherent in other types of staining, so work can be done in the apartment, and not go out onto the balcony. Another excellent quality of such a paint is that it dries quite quickly.

But for crafts to last for a long time, after painting, it is necessary to cover them with acrylic varnish. Only then will newspaper tubes become strong and crafts will seem to be woven from the vine.

In advance, the tubes do not need to be painted, since when bent, the paint will crack and crumble. Cover with a layer of paint already when the product is ready.

Cup coasters

As crafts for the kitchen from newspaper tubes, you can try to make simple coasters first. Small-sized products are useful in order to put hot cups, larger objects - for a teapot or hot pan.

newspaper cup holders

The method of twisting newspaper tubes in this paper resembles the quilling technique. For convenience, use the hook for paper strips. If you do not have a special tool, then you can make a narrow hole in a wooden skewer in the center of the tip. The edge of the newspaper tube is pushed into this gap and the wrapping begins. When the required circle thickness is reached, the edge is glued to the last turn with PVA glue.

If the craft consists of several identical circles, then after their manufacture, with glue, they are connected together, as in the photo above. There are several other options for connecting parts. For example, around a large circle of twisted tubes, a triangle or square can be made of 2-3 additional parts. If the length of the tube is not enough to grasp the stand under the cups, then you can make a long tube, when twisting, substituting an additional sheet of newspaper on the edge.

Pan stand

As an article from newspaper tubes for beginners (with step-by-step instructions), you can suggest making a large stand for a pan based on fiberboard.

1. A square of the required size is cut out from a large piece.

2. Next, using a ruler, diagonals are drawn from all four angles.

3. At the center point of the square, a small cylinder from a newspaper tube is glued.

4. Attach it to PVA glue and it serves as an indicator of the middle of the craft.

5. Then you need to cook a lot of newspaper tubes and, bending them in half, stick at a right angle to the center. The photo below shows how to work on the craft.

stand design

6. When the entire base is pasted over, you need to give it time to dry.

7. Then, with sharp scissors, excess sections are cut off that go beyond the frame.

8. In order for the stand to be finalized, one or two more rows of tubes are glued around the frame. When the entire perimeter is pasted over, the work is considered finished.

The craft drawing turned out to be original, so this thing can be used as an interior decor. For example, hang on the wall in the form of a wall panel. You can paint the craft in 4 different colors.

Original lamp

Try to make a lamp as a craft from newspaper tubes with your own hands, the photo below shows that it looks very original and spectacular. It is not difficult to do it, the main thing is that all the tubes are the same thickness and size. To do this, prepare small identical sheets of newspapers or magazines and tightly twist them. If they turn out to be larger, then you can trim to the size of the edge.

newspaper tube light

Begin to connect the sticks together on the table. The bottom row is just the tubes lying on the table. But from the second row, gluing them to the ones below begins. Each subsequent row is shifted to the side. You can place sticks from the newspaper in a chaotic manner. The main thing is that they form a ball when bonding. First, the lamp expands, after the middle of the height - a decrease in the volume of crafts.

For safety when using the lamp, it is necessary that the paper tubes are located at a distance from the light source, otherwise they will heat up. It is thus possible to design a lamp over a matte glass shade. The design serves as a decorative element in the interior of the room.

Newspaper tree

Imagine another version of the article from newspaper tubes for beginners - a decorative tree. First of all, you need to roll up enough tubes from old newspapers. Then you need to create a tree trunk from the folded 5-6 sticks. The lower part is wound thicker, then the trunk becomes thinner, and then the branches completely bifurcate, forming a branching. When the trunk is wrapped, newspaper tubes wrap it around the bottom, then the movement continues on one of the thick branches. If there is a thin branch nearby, then it is wrapped around with another tube. The edge adheres to the PVA at the beginning of the branching.

wood of newspaper tubes

The edges of thin branches are twisted by winding on a pencil. After manufacturing, the tree can be painted with paint in a spray can. On branches, you can attach leaves or hang apples.

Plates for fruits and sweets

Such wonderful articles from newspaper tubes (photo below in the article) are made from ironed pipes. In order to make them flat, after twisting they are laid out on a table and ironed with a hot iron. Products become flat.

fruit or candy plates

Then, using a hook or a stick with a slot in the middle, we begin to wind flat tubes around a central point. First, the bottom should be flat, then we begin to gradually raise the edges of the plate up. For this, newspaper tubes are twisted in an upward spiral. When the required product height is reached, the edge is glued to the last turn.

After making an article from newspaper tubes (a step-by-step description of one of the options is in the article above), it can be painted with acrylic paints. This can be done with a brush, a foam swab or sprayed from a spray can. After complete drying, the product for strength is opened with acrylic varnish. It is advisable to repeat the procedure two times.

Photo frame

In order to create such beautiful crafts from newspaper tubes for photos or small paintings, you need to twist and cut a lot of thin tubes. You will also need a base, for example, corrugated cardboard of the required shape. And you can make a craft in different ways. It can be a classic rectangular or square frame, for wedding photos you can cut a heart inside or make the frame itself in such a shape, the polyhedral shape or diamond shape will look beautiful.

Photo frame

Cardboard frame consists of two parts. The upper half is first completely pasted with tubes from newspapers or magazines. Then a hole is cut out for an image or photograph. The cutout can be of any shape. Then the edges of the cutout around the perimeter are glued with a stick.

Then make the back of the whole glued panel. The back part of the frame will look original, if the tubes are located differently. If on the front side the tubes go vertically, then on the back side - horizontally.

Box of tubes

Can be made as a craft from newspaper tubes caskets. In every house there is a need for such convenient gizmos. It’s easy to do. After making the tubes, they need to be ironed with an iron, since our crafts require flat parts. First you need to twist the bottom. This is done using the hook described earlier in the article.

The walls of the casket are made of individual rings of different sizes. The lower row consists of small circles, and the upper one consists of larger parts. Stick them with a slight slope outward, so that the box has the shape of a bell. Large rings are attached to the bottom two in the middle.

Box cover

To cover the box, you also need to make a lid for it. To do this, you can use smoothed newspaper tubes that are twisted around the hook. You will need a long part, so you need to add tubes several times along the winding by gluing them to the end of the previous one.

After the necessary value of the object is twisted, the edges are attached to the last turn using PVA. Then, so that the shape is concave, you need to gently push the lid inward with your hand. Then the lid flips over and work on the handle begins.

To make it, you need to again use the hook and twist the circle, but already small in size. Attach it to the side, to the end of the handle. The last step will be staining and opening with acrylic varnish.

Magazine basket

To make such a beautiful basket, as in the photo below, you will need many identical squares of tubes. For their manufacture, we again use the hook. First, they wind the tube from the newspaper in a circle, but after fixing the edges, you need to form a square shape with your hands. This is done with your fingers by simply pressing the corners.

magazine basket

When enough of the same squares are made, they begin to join. In addition to glue, it is also desirable to tie them with additional tubes together. Just use the iron first to keep the binder threads flat.


The article gives examples of crafts from newspaper tubes for aspiring amateur craftsmen. Try your hand at such simple products. I hope that step-by-step instructions are clear to everyone, and the photos presented will help to make crafts easily and effortlessly.


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