Marfino Manor is a historical, architectural and cultural monument. How to get to the Marfino estate?

Do you think in the suburbs you are unlikely to find places that can surprise or even amaze the imagination of the most experienced travelers? Do you think there are no shady benches hidden from prying eyes, or deserted alleys? If your opinion is really like that, then you have not had a chance to visit a place called Marfino's estate. We hasten to assure you that this territory is actually amazing.

There is an occupation for absolutely any tourist. For example, architecture lovers Marfino Manor will give a meeting with stunning monuments. Admirers of the flora will be delighted to plunge into the atmosphere of the local fauna, which actually resembles a collection from the collection of valuable exhibits of the world's botanical gardens.

The object of this article will be not only the Marfino estate, the official site of which has recently become more and more popular. The reader will gather a lot of useful information for himself, among other things, telling about how to get to this park zone without any problems, where to stay, what to see first.

Section 1. General description of the architectural monument

marfino manor

Marfino Manor in the Moscow Region (39th kilometer of Dmitrovskoye Shosse) is a unique work of manor architecture, thousands of tourists come to admire its beauty every year, not only from the most remote corners of the Russian Federation, but also from abroad.

Not everyone realizes that Marfino got her name in honor of Princess Martha, daughter of Prince Boris Golitsyn.

The noble estates preserved in the central zone of Russia are amazing architectural and landscape monuments. A special atmosphere is preserved on their territory today.

Our contemporaries aspire to the preserved noble estates to get acquainted with garden and park ensembles, the organization of life and economic activities of people who lived in these places in the 16-19 centuries. That is why “Marfino Manor” is a photo that is worthy to become a real decoration of a family photo album. And they come here for completely different reasons. Someone seeks to celebrate the triumph in nature, someone likes walks away from civilization, and there are those who come here out of sheer curiosity in order to discover the sights of their native land.

Section 2. "Marfino" ... Manor ... How to get there?

manor marfino official site

In general, it should be noted that this place can be reached using the train departing from Savelovsky station. Travel time is 50 minutes. You need to exit at the station "Catoire". A shuttle bus No. 37 runs from the station to the estate. Perhaps this is the easiest way to get to your destination.

However, in fact, many are alarmed by the fact that there is no such stop as the Marfino Manor. How to get there by your own vehicle? This question interests a significant part of tourists, especially those who decided to travel with a child.

In general, according to experienced, you can plan a trip by car. In this case, on Dmitrovskoe highway, you need to get to the 39th kilometer and turn in accordance with the sign. After the turn you will have to overcome quite a bit - only about 3 km. It remains to note that the “Marfino” estate on the map of Moscow Region is viewed perfectly, therefore, it will definitely not be possible to get lost.

Section 3. Milestones of Past Eras

manor marfino how to get there

The history of the creation of this noble estate dates back to the 16th century. In this picturesque place at that time there were boyar possessions of Vasily Golovin, who served as governor under Ivan the Terrible. The owners of the place called Marfino's estate changed frequently: diplomat Vasily Shchelkalov (end of the 16th century), again Golovin (until 1650), duma clerk Semyon Zaborovsky (until 1698), educator of Peter I Prince Boris Golitsyn (died in 1714 g.), and then his son Sergei, who sold the estate to receive funds for paying the debt, Field Marshal Pyotr Saltykov (since 1729) One listing of the names of these people indicates how rich life was in these places, how much " remember ”the material monuments that have survived to this day.

The estate in Marfino once belonged to Tsar’s associate Petr Borisovich Golitsyn, and a French park was built on its territory, magnificent mansions were erected, and the construction of a stone church began.

When the Saltykovs also carried out a project to create a magnificent garden and park ensemble. At that time, constructions in the style of classicism were erected. The highest flowering for Marfino is considered the end of the 18th century.

From the beginning of the 19th, idle life began to subside. The war of 1812 caused great damage to the estate - artistic values ​​were taken out, a lot was devoted to fire. In 1831, the buildings of the estate were reconstructed, and in the 19th century the chief Moscow architect M. D. Bykovsky drew up a project according to which the manor complex in Marfino “turned” into a medieval castle.

The architectural style remarkably conveyed the spirit of the era - the loss of the former harmony, romantic mood and the search for monumentality. After the revolution, which took place in 1917, the estate passed into public ownership. In Soviet times, restoration work was regularly carried out in Marfino.

Section 4. The Times of Saltykov

manor house in marfino

Under the Saltykovs, Marfino was an example of a noble estate of the Catherine’s era. On the territory there were 2 summer theaters, horse-drawn carriages and equestrian yards; in the greenhouse, conditions were created under which southern plants developed perfectly and fruits ripened.

At that time, the question: “Marfino Manor ... How to get to this wonderful place?” few people worried. Why? The thing is that this place was so amazing and popular that not even dozens, but hundreds of guests came here almost every day.

Vigel’s notes contain a description of the importance, laid-back courtesy and accuracy of the decency of the inhabitants of the estate, which were admirable. True, unfortunately, after the death of Field Marshal Saltykov, the estate began to decline.

Section 5. The Times of the Panins

Marfino manor how to get there

The daughter of Count Orlov Panin Sofya Vladimirovna was engaged in the reconstruction of the house. Many structures were erected in the park. At the time when the work was supervised by F. Tugarov, the estate acquired the features of an empire style.

And in the late 30s. In the 19th century, it received the features of "Nikolaev Gothic" (architect M. D. Bykovsky). The pseudo-Gothic manor house is a wonderful monument of Russian romanticism. The pink color of the walls inside the house was a bright element that created the mood of the knightly era.

Section 6. Where to stay for travelers

marfino manor how to get

Manor "Marfino" ... The official site of this place reports that 8 hotels can take tourists here right away. Comfortable conditions and pleasant prices are excellent conditions that allow you to spend time in a wonderful complex of a noble estate.

  • Near the Main Botanical Garden is the hotel "East". Equipped rooms with modern appliances (TV, refrigerator, computer with Internet access) - here are excellent conditions for relaxation.
  • Inexpensive hotel room can be obtained at the Altai Hotel. Service and additional services offered to tourists at this hotel will allow you to appreciate the high class organization of the tourism business. For fans of jazz, in the restaurant "White Piano" you can have a wonderful evening.
  • At the service of tourists who seek to relax in a relaxed atmosphere - MARFIGOTEL. 8 rooms, a cozy homely atmosphere, a high level of service - in “MARFIGOTEL” you can relax or do work using a computer - all the conditions in order to try to remember this name and address! Manor "Marfino" actually knows how to receive welcome guests.
  • Maxima Irbis, a business-class hotel, offers guests comfortable rooms. Due to the original design and compliance with European standards, Maxima Irbis is popular among young people. Newlyweds love to stay here. Buffet in the restaurant, business center and lobby barr - this hotel has really created comfortable conditions that allow you to have a wonderful time.

Section 7. What to see first?

manor marfino wedding

How many wonderful moments is the Marfino estate ready to give its guests. A wedding held there, an anniversary or just a corporate holiday is sure to be remembered for a long time and become the subject of envy from those who have not been fortunate enough to visit this place.

The main thing in Marfino, of course, is the palace. A two-story brick building rises on a hill. Near it is a large pond, the descent to which can be overcome by a white stone staircase. A pier has been built at the pond, which is decorated with stone sculptures of griffins.

  • There are 2 churches in the estate: Peter and Paul (winter) and Nativity of the Virgin.
  • Park arbors that previously served as the “Music Pavilion” - a half-rotunda - and “Milovida” - a two-tier rotunda.
  • The brick bridge, turrets, loopholes and jagged crests of the palace are associated with the fortress structure. Initially, the bridge was built during the Saltykovs, and then reconstructed by Bykovsky.

By the way, one cannot fail to mention the fact that famous films were shot in Marfino, including the Noble Nest, the Crusader, The Master and Margarita.

Section 8. Church of the Nativity of the Virgin

manor marfino photo

This church was built according to the project of V.I. Belozerov. The construction is distinguished by harmony and noble proportions. The basement of the church is lined with white stone blocks. A high light drum, a dome and a small dome are the center of the composition of the church building. A serf architect Belozerov, who carried out its construction, was buried near the church.

By the way, Boris Golitsyn did not like the fact that inside the church the space was reduced by pylons. He ordered to punish Belozerov with rods, which is why the architect died, because his heart could not stand it.

Section 9. These amazing gazebos ...

Marfino manor on the map

Of great interest to tourists are arbors in Marfino. One of them - the “Music Pavilion” - is made in the form of a semicircle with a semi-dome vault and a white stone bench inside.

Another arbor - "Milovida" - a rotunda having 2 tiers. The lower tier is massive, and the second - grace (8-column pavilion with a dome). From "Milovidy" wonderful picturesque views open.

Section 10. Bridge over the Pond

This building has an impressive size. It consists of a central part (a gallery of 20 octagonal columns ending with turrets on both sides) and two lateral arched parts.

Its crests, turrets and loopholes cause very vivid associations. The construction looks like an element of the fortress. The upper part of the turrets is decorated with a cornice, and on top of it there are battlements that are in harmony with the final elements of all the manor buildings. White stone details and red walls of the bridge are a bright coloristic solution.

Section 11. Peter and Paul Church (winter)

This church is a magnificent building, characterized by a harmonious combination of masses. Decorative excesses in its design were not used. The central part is made in the form of a two-color rotunda with small protrusions for the narthex and the altar.

The dome of the church is made in the form of an octahedron. Bells are kept in its premises.

Section 12. The estate today

What is so special about her now? Let's try to list only a few points:

  • The bells of the Church of Peter and Paul, and today, announce the neighborhood with their ringing.
  • The estate since 1933 became the Martha central military clinical sanatorium.
  • In the premises of the "kennel" today there is a "House of Life" and a casino.
  • There are springs with mineral water containing a large number of useful elements.
  • Filming was very interesting at the estate. Local children happily participated in them as "extras". On the set of "Masters and Margarita", to remove the witch in flight on a broomstick, a helicopter was deployed. Known to everyone in our country, the film “The Woman Who Sings”, a film about the history of poisoning, the shooting of the commercial “Snickers” and many other shooting events - a lot of interesting things really happened in Marfino and is happening these days.
  • Hotels in Marfino are always ready to offer their services to tourists.
  • Picturesque nature and an amazingly beautiful architectural ensemble - a photo shoot in Marfino will allow you to take many vivid pictures and preserve for a long time the memory of a Russian noble estate, carefully preserved today.

13. Manor - a favorite place for hiking

address manor marfino

Marfino has excellent walking conditions. Natural conditions here are favorable for recovery. You can go boating in the pond located in Marfino. There is also a stable.

On the territory there are sources of mineral water, the reception of which allows to achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect. A multidisciplinary medical institution operates in the estate today, the diagnostic base of which is one of the best in the Moscow region. However, it should be borne in mind that in order to freely visit all the places of interest of this noble estate, you should take care of admission to the military sanatorium in advance.


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