The best hotels in Essentuki: description, pros and cons of hotels, reviews of tourists

The city of Essentuki is known to tourists of Russia and the whole world primarily as a balneological resort. Most people with diabetes come here for treatment. Also in this city you can treat diseases of the musculoskeletal system and the reproductive system. People who come to treatment in Essentuki, in hotels or resorts stop. Of course, there are many good hotels of various categories in this city.

How to choose a hotel in Essentuki

Many wells with healing mineral water in this resort are located closer to the city center. Therefore, most tourists who come here prefer to rent housing here. If desired, in Essentuki you can choose a cheap hotel that simply provides guests of the resort with rooms, or a hotel complex on the territory of which vacationers can undergo various kinds of physiotherapeutic procedures.

Are there 5 * hotels in Essentuki ?

Basically, this resort rents rooms in two-, three- and four-star hotels. But there is one more comfortable 5 * complex in this city popular with tourists. This hotel is called Pontos Plaza. The advantages of this hotel tourists include in the first place:

  • a very beautiful, well-landscaped area;

  • a large area of ​​rooms;

  • the presence of a free minibar in the rooms;

  • Delicious breakfasts and dinners in the restaurant.

At the moment, this complex is considered the most convenient and comfortable in Essentuki. The service to guests here, judging by the reviews, is provided in a European class.

Five star hotel in Essentuki

In addition to this, in this hotel you can have a wedding or, for example, an anniversary. The hotel has a very beautiful, according to many vacationers, banquet hall. Of course, tourists also praise the location of this hotel. It is located in the very center of the resort area.

Practically the only drawback of this complex is that the guests of Essentuki consider the rather high cost of living. As for everything else about this hotel on the web, there are exceptionally positive reviews.

Four Star Complexes

In Yessentuki, in hotels of this class, the service to the guests is, of course, not as high-quality as in Pontos Plaza, but also quite worthy. In addition, living in such complexes is cheaper. Unlike five-star hotels, there are many 4 * hotels in Essentuki. Most local hotels belong to this category.

The most popular 4 * complexes in this city among tourists are:

  1. "Resort" 4 *.

  2. Resort Hotel 4 *.

  3. Art Hotel 4 *.

  4. Resort Spa 4 *

Hotel Resort: description

This hotel in Essentuki is located at: st. Andzhievskgo, 24. Initially, this hotel was called “Resort”, but was later renamed. The advantages of this hotel tourists include:

  • convenient location (near Source No. 4);

  • cleanliness and beautiful appearance of rooms and bathrooms;

  • staff attentiveness;

  • silence in the rooms.

Disadvantages of the Resort Hotel in Essentuki, according to many tourists, are practically nonexistent. The only negative, according to some hotel guests, are not very hearty breakfasts. Regarding lunches and dinners, tourists have no complaints about the restaurant of this hotel. This complex is also located in the center of the resort area.

Hotel Resort

Of the shortcomings available in this hotel, tourists note mainly the lack of elevators and noisy refrigerators in some rooms.

Resort complex: pros and cons

This four-star hotel in Essentuki is located at ul. Internatsionalnaya, 11. The “Resort” complex was built relatively recently. Therefore, the interiors in the corridors and rooms in this hotel look attractive and modern. The advantages of this hotel tourists include:

  • cleanliness and silence in the corridors and rooms;

  • Responsibility and friendliness of staff.

The location of this hotel, most tourists also find it very convenient. In the immediate vicinity of this complex is the Kurortny park. Hotel guests can reach it literally in 3-5 minutes.

Just excellent reviews from the residents earned and the restaurant of this hotel. The menu offers a variety of vacationers. At the same time, the cooks at the Resort Hotel (Essentuki) cook only natural fresh products.

An undoubted advantage of this complex, many tourists consider the presence of an elevator in its building. Such equipment for Essentuki hotels, even four-star ones, unfortunately, is a rarity.

Hotel "Resort"

There are practically no negative reviews about this hotel on the Web. The only thing, some of its guests believe that from the windows of the rooms of lower floors there are not too beautiful views. Also, some guests express the wishes of the administration of the Resort Hotel in Essentuki to replace the waffle bathrobes issued in the rooms with more comfortable terry towels.

Kras Hotel Resort & Spa 4 *

This hotel is located in Essentuki on the street. Lenina, 16. A feature of this hotel is, as one can already judge by its name, that the guests here are provided with spa services. Residents of the complex can also use the swimming pool and sauna. True, hotel guests have to pay for the use of these services separately.

The location of the Kras Hotel in Essentuki is considered by most tourists to be very convenient. Next to this recreation center is, among other things, a spring with mineral water. The rooms in this hotel, judging by the reviews of travelers, are quite spacious and clean.

Lunch in the local dining room, most tourists also praises. As some travelers note, the hotel's restaurant offers a large selection of dishes suitable not only for adults, but also for children. Dinner at this complex can be brought directly to your room. This tenants of the hotel, of course, are attributed to its undoubted advantages. In addition, the waitresses in the local restaurant, according to many travelers, work very welcoming and friendly.

A small drawback of the hotel Kras Hotel Resort & Spa (Essentuki), tourists consider the lack of indoor parking and frequent malfunctions of WiFi in some rooms.

Kras Hotel SPA

Art Hotel 4 *: short description

This hotel in Essentuki can be found at: st. Engels, 2A. The advantages of the location of this hotel, tourists include, first of all, the proximity to the railway station. To get to the hotel, the spa guests who arrived in Yessentuki can even literally walk in 5-7 minutes. A mineral spring park is also very close to this complex.

The main advantage of Art Hotel 4 * travelers consider the beauty of its interiors, the cleanliness of rooms and territory, as well as the friendliness of the staff. The rooms in this hotel are not particularly spacious. However, tourists consider their layout and equipment very thoughtful. Living in this hotel, as many travelers say, is actually quite convenient.

Comfortably resting themselves in the "Art Hotel" in Essentuki feel both in heat and cold. To create a pleasant microclimate, the rooms of the complex are equipped with air conditioners and a “warm floor” system.

Art Hotel in Essentuki

Tourists consider only a disadvantage of this hotel that its territory is equipped with too little parking. No more than 5-6 cars can accommodate in this parking lot. Of course, with a large influx of guests, this may not be too convenient.

Best three star hotels

Such hotels in Essentuki are usually chosen by those tourists who want to spend time in this city with relative comfort and at the same time do not overpay for accommodation. The most popular hotels for travelers of this category in Essentuki are:

  1. "Orange" 3 *.

  2. Verona 3 *.

Both of these three-star hotels, despite the fact that the cost of renting rooms here is low, have earned very good reviews from tourists.

Hotel "Orange": features of accommodation

This hotel is a 5-minute walk from the city center and 6 minutes from a mineral spring park. The rooms in this complex, despite the fact that it is only three-star, are provided with electric kettles and dishes. Tourists also include the pluses of the Orange Hotel (Essentuki) that next to it there are many shops of different directions and a clinic. At the same time, there are several decent cafes in the hotel building that close only at 2:00 a.m.

Many travelers praise this hotel for the helpfulness of the staff, the cleanliness and comfort of the rooms. The majority of tourists find the interiors of this recreation center very stylish and pleasant. Another plus of the hotel are large bathrooms and a good pressure of water in the shower.

The restaurant of this hotel is praised by most tourists. Breakfast is served here for vacationers tasty and at a very reasonable price.

Hotel "Orange" in Essentuki

The disadvantages of the hotel "Orange", some guests include not too good soundproofing in the rooms. Also, many residents of the hotel advise the administration, in order to increase its image, to think about changing the lighting in rented rooms. The bulbs are provided, unfortunately, too low-power.

Reviews about Yessentuki Verona Hotel 3 *

This three-star complex is located in Essentuki on Gogol Street, 1. It costs a lot to stay at this hotel very inexpensively. At the same time, it is located, according to many tourists, even more convenient than many expensive city hotels. This complex is located in the center of Essentuki, literally 5 steps from the park with mineral springs.

For 2018, this hotel can be considered new. The interiors here, according to the guests, are quite beautiful and respectable. In addition to towels, tenants at this hotel also receive bathrobes with slippers.

Tourists consider a small disadvantage of this hotel a small area of ​​rented rooms. However, the rooms of Verona Hotel are equipped, according to travelers, very good. The rooms of this complex even have refrigerators.

The disadvantages of the hotel, many tourists attribute, first of all, the lack of an elevator. Also, the minus of this hotel, travelers believe that breakfast is not provided for guests here. The residents of the complex have to eat in the dining room located near the hotel. Another small drawback of the Verona Hotel (Essentuki) is considered to be not very stable WiFi.

Hotel Verona in Essentuki

Two-star Motel Nika

This small one-story hotel is located in the south of Essentuki at the address: st. Nikolskaya, d. 12. From the railway station to this complex you need to go about 10 minutes by car. The city center from the hotel can be reached in 7-10 minutes on foot.

The rooms at this affordable hotel are air-conditioned. A complimentary breakfast is also provided. It is believed that this hotel is just great for road travelers. The hotel has a service station and a car wash.

Some of the rooms in this recreation center offer magnificent views of Elbrus. The rooms at this hotel are small but very comfortable. Some rooms even have bathtubs or showers.

A small drawback of this hotel, many travelers consider meager breakfasts. Also in the rooms of this hotel located above the sink, judging by the reviews of tourists, sometimes it is too noisy.


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