Hitler's career: growth and its development. Personal qualities and years of power of the world dictator

Adolf Hitler is a significant figure in the history of world politics. A tyrant, a murderer, a dictator - and this is just a small list of associations with his name. The man who unleashed the Second World War and destroyed millions of people, very quickly went to power. Hitler's career, whose growth was rapid, and his personality still remain unsolved riddles for historians, despite the abundance of documentation and eyewitness accounts.

The origin of the German leader

Official sources claim that A. Hitler was of Austrian origin, but, according to some unconfirmed reports, the Führer himself, who so zealously defended the purity of Aryan blood and hated Jews, himself belonged to Jewish nationality.

Adolf was born on April 20, 1889 and was the fourth child. According to information from historical documents, his parents Alois Hitler and Clara Pelzl registered marriage only with the permission of the church, that is, they were actually blood relatives. In those days, in the small Austrian town of Braunau, such connections were not considered rarity and were not shameful.

Hitler's height

Hitler's growing up

Getting older, the future dictator did not feel much craving for knowledge and sciences, he was attracted by culture, architecture and art. Not wanting to get a higher education, Adolf refused to study, citing lung disease. Later, he discovered his talent for drawing. The wealth of the family allowed Hitler not to work, and he led an idle life, visiting theaters and exhibitions. Twice he tried to enter an art school, but to no avail - twice Adolf was refused.

During the First World War, the future leader of Nazi Germany was called to volunteer - this was the beginning of Hitler's military career, the growth of which became rapid thanks not only to the personal qualities of the Führer, but also to the knowledge and skills gained in participating in hostilities. After the war ended, Adolf returned to his homeland with the rank of corporal, awarded the Iron Crosses of the first and second degree.

Hitler's personality traits

The stories of teachers and classmates of the young leader give him a very contradictory characteristic: he was both a ringleader and a calm, peaceful student, not seeking to learn the basics of the exact sciences. Declassified many years ago, the information says that Hitler was a kind, sensitive, creative, striving for power over other people's minds. However, from some sources it became known that Adolf owes his despotism to his father, who negatively affects him - his dominant and cruel behavior towards his son resulted in anger, the Fuhrer did not accept other nations. Hitler's career, growth among like-minded people were determined by his impeccable oratorical abilities.

Hitler's qualities


Returning from the war in 1919, Hitler joined the German Workers' Party and after 2 years became its leader, eclipsing and overthrowing the leaders preceding it. The party is renamed the NSDAP (National Socialist German Workers Party). Thanks to the power gained and the knowledge gained during the war, the Führer is gradually introducing his nationalist views into German politics, as well as reforming the country's foundations. At this stage, Hitler’s career, the growth and prosperity of his person begin to acquire significant proportions.

From November 8 to 9, 1923, Adolph and the adherents of his ideas organize the Beer Coup in Munich. However, the coup attempt was unsuccessful, and Hitler was arrested. While in prison, the German leader wrote the book Mein Kampf, which means "My struggle." Later, the publication will gain considerable popularity.

The year 1933 marks the formation of A. Hitler as Chancellor (his reforms, thanks to which the country's post-war economy began to develop, served such a high purpose). A significant post allowed the Fuhrer to ban other parties that are not nationalists. From the moment Adolf was approved as Reich Chancellor, brutal persecution of Jews begins, his influence over the whole of Germany intensifies: concentration camps are opened, a pedigree is asked from each soldier. Each conquered territory has its own Hitler’s headquarters — a command post.

Hitler's Headquarters

Years of rule

The Führer has firmly established itself in German politics from 1933 to 1945. The initial years of Hitler’s power fell on the most unstable time in the country's politics - at that time Germany needed a strong leader, and Adolf’s promises at all kinds of meetings and meetings had extraordinary power, people followed him, they reached for him. His oratory on the Versailles Treaty quickly helped acquire followers among ordinary workers and entrepreneurs of the country - the post-war period was rich in restrictions for these sections of the population.

Hitler's years of power

After Hitler received the recognition of his compatriots, he needed to conquer new lands. In 1938, he sent troops to Austria and Czechoslovakia, then according to his plan there were other countries of the world. Helping his like-minded people, including Mussolini, he spread fascism throughout the world. According to historical data, the Fuhrer’s main mistake was the beginning of the war with the USSR. Despite the signing of a non-aggression pact with the country in 1939, in 1941 Nazi troops began to bombard the country of soviets. The result of the war with the USSR was the unconditional surrender of the Nazis and the suicide of the head of Germany, Adolf Hitler, as well as his wife, Eva Braun. On April 30, 1945, at half past four, in the afternoon, Hitler and Eve committed suicide, bequeathing to burn their bodies. However, the SS soldiers did not succeed in completing the plan, and the bodies of the Soviet SMERSH were discovered by the bodies. There is an opinion that the half-burnt remains of a man and woman do not belong to the deceased at all, but, most likely, these are the bodies of the doubles of the famous couple.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G14922/

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