Beautiful DIY crafts for do-it-yourself Valentine's Day

If you think what to give on February 14, make beautiful crafts for Valentine's Day with your own hands. This is original, unusual, and most importantly, all souvenirs will keep the warmth of your hands. That’s the easiest way to convey your feelings and remind yourself. Any gift made in the style of hand-made will take its rightful place in the interior.

DIY crafts for Valentine's Day

Crafts for Valentine's Day do-it-yourself paper

If you need to make gifts quickly or in large quantities, use the simplest and most affordable material. If you know some tricks, then even a regular piece of office paper can be turned into an original souvenir. Decorative design paper (it can be metallized, mother-of-pearl, embossed, velvet), corrugated or specialized - for scrapbooking will look especially decorative and effective. Most often, gifts are made in the shape of a heart (one or several), but they also use flowers, images of hugging cats, mice and other heroes.

crafts for Valentine's Day do-it-yourself paper

The simplest version of a souvenir made of paper is a cut out heart decorated with decorative elements (beads, beads, ribbons, flowers). Children can use plasticine. Buttons or glued face elements (eyes, nose, etc.) look original

In order for such a souvenir to be able to decorate the interior, it is worth considering the opportunity to put or hang a gift. To do this, just fasten the loop, magnet, wand or stand.

How to make a volumetric inscription

Crafts for Valentine's Day with their own hands made of paper can be both simple and complex. The text in the form of the word "Love", the name of a loved one, initials or another romantic word will look spectacular.

DIY crafts for Valentine's Day

The size of such a gift can be either miniature, so that the text fits on the table, like a postcard, or large. In large letters it will turn out to decorate the wall or you can put them on the floor. The inscription is made both in the form of a relief on any basis, and completely voluminous.

The relief is easy to make using the quilling technique, twisting many different elements and filling them with the outline of the letters. Volumetric parts are usually made of cardboard or thick paper. To do this, cut out the shape of the letters in duplicate, as well as a strip to create a side surface. All parts are glued with tape or glue. From above it is possible to decorate with any decor or even install a backlight inside the structure, for example, from an ordinary Christmas garland. It will be very impressive. Volumetric letters are also made of fabric in the form of soft toys or pillows.

How to make a box

Crafts for Valentine's Day with your own hands can be made not only beautiful, but also functional. Girls and adult women always have a lot of all kinds of little things that they like to keep in boxes or caskets. You can make such a gift yourself.

crafts for valentine

If you make this souvenir in the shape of a heart, then the technology will be the same as in the manufacture of a volume letter. A round casket is even easier to make. It is enough to take the base remaining from the used adhesive tape, cover it with cloth or satin ribbons, and cut out several circles of the appropriate size from cardboard to make the bottom and cover. Decorate all the details, put them together - and the gift is ready.

We use the possibilities of decoupage

You can make beautiful crafts for Valentine's Day with your own hands in this simple technique. If you have never heard of it, the meaning of it is that napkins with photorealistic decorative patterns are glued onto a base of wood, glass, metal or other material previously primed (usually with a white composition). Both special decoupage blanks and ordinary table napkins are used. After decoration, the surface is varnished, and you can also use additional decor, interesting effects and the addition of pattern elements with a brush. This method allows you to create very beautiful souvenirs even for those who can not draw and have not done anything like this before.

DIY crafts for Valentine's Day

Using decoupage technique, watches, photo frames, vases, wine glasses, caskets are decorated. For Valentine's Day, use heart-shaped blanks, as well as napkins with romantic themes.


As crafts on St. Valentine's Day Valentine you can make a beautiful card. Most often, the shape is chosen in the form of a heart. If you have designer paper, just cut into blanks according to the template. Glue some decor, for example, a bow, on the front side, and write a congratulation on the back.

DIY crafts for Valentine's Day

If you have time, you can make a complex version with cut patterns, volumetric details. In this case, you need a hole punch to create curly holes. They are just in the form of hearts. Scrapbooking kits, which have special decorative paper and other decoration elements, are perfect.

How to decorate a souvenir with homemade flowers

If you decided to make a heart out of paper, cardboard or fabric as crafts on Valentine, decorate it with flowers you made yourself. It is easy to make roses from plain or corrugated paper, they also use nylon or chiffon.

The easiest way is to make flowers out of plain tinted paper. It is enough to cut the circle in a spiral from the edges to the center. Twist the resulting workpiece tightly. For the manufacture of petals from kapron, a wire frame is used, on which the material is pulled. Roses and other flowers are made from chiffon, which turn out to be quite realistic. Billets are made both from individual parts and from long strips assembled on a thread in the form of a rose, for example.

How to sew a pillow

If you want to please your beloved with an unusual accessory for decorating the interior, make a sofa pillow of the corresponding theme.

crafts for valentine's day
The easiest way to make a heart, but you can take a pattern of a cat or a couple in love. All forms are usually used simplified, so cutting them out of fabric and stitching is not difficult.
DIY crafts

Do not forget to leave allowances for seams and sew on the wrong side, leaving a hole for turning out and stuffing.

Making a souvenir from fleece

It is very easy to do crafts on Valentina with your own hands from material that does not require processing of seams, as it does not crumble. Details of such souvenirs are sewn on the front side. Decor can even be simply glued. So, you can make magnets, pendants, soft tissue cards, jewelry on sticks. Use your imagination and you will succeed perfectly.

Valentine's Day Bead Crafts

In this way, make different options for gifts. It will be beautiful and practical to make a necklace, earrings, pendant or bracelet. In all this, you can use the theme of hearts and the corresponding color scheme.

crafts from beads for valentines day

No less interesting are decorative souvenirs that will decorate the interior. Trees made in the form of two interwoven trunks and twigs look original and romantic. Each has its own color. Such a souvenir will symbolize love and inextricable relations between you.

As you can see, you can make a variety of crafts for Valentine's Day with your own hands. Choose those ideas for the implementation of which you have enough patience and time. Any hand-made souvenir, even the simplest one, will bring joy and good mood to people you love.


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