Turkey in October: where to go? Holidays in Turkey in October: prices, reviews

Summer is hot here too. But autumn, or rather October ... The classic was right when he wrote: “It's a sad time.” But in the autumn vacation there is also a plus. Simply, many do not know about him. Those who made it a rule to go on vacation in the summer have a lot to lose. What is surprising in getting from +25 to +28? Of course, the sea, yes “all inclusive”, and European service will cheer you up. But those who jump out of the Russian heat in the summer abroad will never feel the striking contrast that the autumn tourist experiences. Just imagine: native penates get wet in the cold rain (or even freeze in the snow), and you are sunbathing in a sun lounger by the warm sea. And for this you do not need to spread the fortune and go to the ends of the world in the Dominican Republic or Thailand. Turkey can present a real summer vacation in October. Where to go on vacation in this country? This article will be devoted to our article.

Turkey in October where to go

Turkey, rest in October: prices

Tours to this country in the summer are not insanely expensive. However, in the second month of autumn, they become even cheaper. Such a collapse in prices due to the imminent closure of the holiday season. As vacationers become less, the hotel administration partially reduces staff. And this is only in the hands of those tourists who decided to come to Turkey in October. In all-inclusive hotels, there is no crush in restaurants. Also spacious in the pools. What price do tour operators ask for a week-long vacation in Turkey? The ticket price starts from 11,200 rubles in a three-star hotel. This is if you relax in Antalya, where supply is always ahead of demand. Kemer is valued slightly higher due to the purity of the water and amazing mountain scenery. Alanya, as the warmest place, offers relaxation from 12 thousand in the "three rubles" and up to 16-17 thousand in the "five".

Tour to Turkey in October

Weather and water temperature: Turkey, October

In this Mediterranean country, the "velvet" season begins in mid-autumn. The weather still pleases with hot days, but there is no heat anymore. The air temperature in the shade is from +18 to +25 , depending on the region. By the end of October, it falls by several degrees. However, you did not come to Turkey to sit in the shade! And the southern sun remains hot. And you can very well return home with a bronze tan. But the autumn sun no longer threatens your skin with harmful ultraviolet light. Just in case, take a warm windbreaker with you. In the evening, you will still feel that the yard is autumn. But the temperature of the water after a summer full of heat decreases much slower than air. It ranges from +18 ... + 24 ° C. Autumn storms begin in the second half of November, so the sea will delight you with calm turquoise. And now we will make a short overview of the regions “Turkey in October” - where to go to a sun-hungry tourist.

It is warm in Turkey in October


Many who have visited Turkey remember the city streets on two continents, burning like an iron, crowds of tourists, huge lines at museums and high prices in shops. And somehow I don’t want to wander around the sights under the scorching sun. Everyone is trying to get to the beach as soon as possible, where a refreshing sea breeze blows. And returning home, such tourists experience belated remorse: they were in Istanbul and did not go to the Topkapi Sultan's Palace ... the nerves could not stand the line in Hagia Sophia ... they didn’t buy anything at the expensive Big Market. All these problems will not torment those who acquired a tour to Turkey in October. The country finally began to live "for itself." Prices have become quite sane. A rich excursion program is facilitated not only by comfortable weather, but also by the lack of crowds of tourists. But the north of Turkey meets October in the autumn surroundings. The weather, of course, pleases the Indian summer, but frequent rains. A strong cold wind can blow from the Black Sea. Take warm clothes with you if you fly to Istanbul or Ankara.

Turkey what is the weather in October

Coast of the Aegean

The main direction where tour operators sell cheap tickets in the fall is Turkey. Holidays in October, prices for which range from 11 to 15 thousand rubles, are in great demand. However, you need to pay special attention to where the resort is located on the map of the country, where you want to sell the tour. In summer, there is no particular need for this - it is hot everywhere in Turkey. But in autumn, contrasts between different regions of the country are especially striking. So, look at the map. The Black Sea coast, open to the north winds, will be a completely uncomfortable place to relax. Let's try to see what autumn is a little south. In the west of Turkey, on the coast of the Aegean Sea, there are famous resorts Izmir, Marmaris, Kusadasi. If you go there in the first decade of October, you may still be lucky with the weather. Sometimes in the second half of the month days with a temperature above + 25 degrees fall out. The Aegean Sea is colder than the Mediterranean in summer. Water cools much more slowly than air. You will not make long swims, but it will be possible to splash. But you will have access to a rich and varied program of excursions. What can surprise Western Turkey in October, where to go? You can see the ruins of Troy and the temple of Artemis of Ephesus, the place where the apostle Paul preached and where the Virgin Mary spent her last days on earth.

Where to go "seals"?

But what if you are not disposed to travel? You had a busy year, and you want to spend a week just lying, like a seal, on the beach. And also, preferably, without thinking where to eat. Then you have Southern Turkey. In October, all-inclusive hotels are also offered on the west coast, but you won’t get as hot as you would on the Anatolian Riviera. But there, in some places, the tourist season is drawing to a close. This is expressed only in the fact that the contract with the animators in the hotels ends. For some of the vacationers, this circumstance is a definite plus. No one will pester you and persuade you to do water aerobics when you really want to take a nap after a hearty lunch. But now, in order not to get into a mess, let us consider where in Turkey it is warm in October.

Water temperature Turkey October

Tekirova and Kemer

Summer on the Mediterranean coast lasts the longest. Therefore, those who want to escape from the dull Russian rain will find what they need here. And the Anatolian Riviera provides an opportunity for curious people to make fascinating excursions. Here, for example, Tekirova and Kemer. Located on the southern slopes of the mountains, these resorts delight guests with hot days and warm sea. However, do not forget that the beaches here are pebble. In Tekirova you can find places with sand or very small pebbles. At the beginning of the month, the heat of the day can still go over the top of thirty, but evenings become cold. And if your goal is Turkey at the end of October, it is important to remember that in Tekirova the season closes before all resorts on the Antalya coast. But in Kemer, where also in the third decade of the month there may be heavy rains, you can combine beach and ... ski vacations. After all, the mountain resort of Tahtali is located nearby.


We are moving southeast of Kemer. We find ourselves in the capital of the entire region - Antalya. Many summer tourists blame the constant noise on the streets in this big city. It is known as a youth party center. Permanent night discos do not let sleep those who went to the sea for a relaxing beach holiday. Autumn tourists are spared from all these problems. But they get summer heat and semi-empty beaches as a bonus. What pleases tourists Antalya (South Turkey)? What is the weather like in October at this resort? We hasten to assure you that the summer is the most. Twenty-five in the shade is guaranteed for you, especially in the first half of the month. But for an evening walk you need to put a warm sweater or windbreaker in your suitcase. The sea is still calm. The temperature is the most comfortable for swimming - +23 degrees. In short, the velvet season.

Turkey at the end of October

Side and Belek

Going to one of these resorts, it should be borne in mind that they are located on the cape. Consequently, it is a little colder there than in Antalya. But this only applies to air. And even then, one can argue whether it is considered cold day temperature at +22 degrees? But the probability of precipitation decreases. In Kemer, for example, rains coming from mountain gorges are more frequent. If you choose a tour to Turkey in October in Belek or Side, you will get two undoubted advantages. The first is the warm sea, since the resorts are extended inland. In fact, the water temperature is equal to the air temperature: +24 ! And the second plus is the wonderful sandy beaches. And half empty. But the tourist season in October continues, you will still find enterprising Turks inviting you on excursions.


This resort in Turkey is warm in October and even hot. Alanya is the most south-facing city on the Anatolian coast. Rest at this resort gives an exclusive tandem of excursions, dizzying views and beach relaxation. There are also wide sandy beaches. The most famous of them is the coast of Cleopatra. According to legend, it was here that the Egyptian princess took sun and sea baths with Mark Anthony. And the location at this beach is special - under the walls of a medieval fortified city. In July-August, few tourists find the strength to climb a rock to walk along the fortifications of this citadel. But those who came to Alanya in the fall, can quite afford it.

Turkey in October all inclusive

Not by the sea alone

As we have already noted, mid-autumn is a great time to set off to explore the various sights of Turkey. The tourist season ends, but not yet completed. Therefore, numerous travel agencies will invite you on excursions. What does Turkey offer to see in October? Where to go if, let's say, you have chosen Kemer as a vacation spot? We recommend visiting the ancient cities of Phaselis and Olympos, Goynuk Canyon, and climbing the Tahtali Mountain by cable car. If you relax in Side, you can make a trip to the World or Demre, Aspendos or the island of Kekova. Antalya and Alanya are good transport hubs, from which it is convenient to make independent excursions. You can go to Pamukkale, or even further - to the Lycian Worlds, Cappadocia.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G14934/

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