How many km are from Moscow to Yaroslavl and where to stop along the way

If you travel along the Yaroslavl highway constantly, then the path of 280 km Moscow – Yaroslavl is the distance that is familiar to you, it can easily be overcome in about three and a half hours. Maybe not in a hurry? There are many interesting sights along this route that most people simply pass by.

Muranovo and Abramtsevo

how many km from Moscow to Yaroslavl

What do you think, how many kilometers from Moscow to Yaroslavl, before reaching the destination of travel, you can see the first interesting sights? Just 51 km along the Yaroslavl highway is the estate Muranovo. Once this land belonged to Obolensky - the famous Russian princes. A beautiful park has survived to this day, in which the great poets Tyutchev and Baratynsky once walked. The house in Muranovo has been preserved, and museum exhibits are very interesting, not only to those who are interested in the life of great creators, but also to people who want to learn more about the noble estates of the 19th century. They constantly conduct excursions and arrange various holidays.

how much from Moscow to Yaroslavl

Only ten kilometers in the direction of your movement are the estates of Akhtyrka and Abramtsevo. The Trubetskoys lived in Akhtyrka, and in their empire-built estate, once upon a time life was in full swing. In Abramtsevo there is a large museum, a beautiful park and a rich collection of ceramics. The museum constantly exhibits interesting exhibitions. The estate was owned by the noble family of the Aksakovs, and after it was bought by the famous merchant Savva Mamontov.

Sergiev Posad

Moscow Yaroslavl distance
If you drive a few more kilometers from Moscow (almost 200 km more to Yaroslavl), then you can visit Sergiev Posad. There is the Trinity-Sergius Lavra famous throughout Russia - the shrine of the Orthodox Church. You will see the magnificent Assumption Cathedral and the famous domes in the stars, the refectory, the bell tower. In the Trinity Cathedral there is a beautiful copy of the Trinity of Rublev. There are many hotels in Sergiev Posad. You can spend the night, and in the morning you will think how much you can actually travel from Moscow to Yaroslavl if you don’t miss anything interesting.


how many km from Moscow to Yaroslavl

This city was very fond of Peter the Great. Incidentally, it was here, on the Pleshcheyev Lake, that the famous boat was built. Now there is a museum where you can find out the history of the Russian fleet. There are four monasteries in the city, and all of them operate. And while you are considering how many kilometers from Moscow to Yaroslavl you can drive, for example, in an hour, visit the Iron Museum. It is not only interesting, but also unique. At the moment, 170 irons are exhibited there - from small to huge, there are other items of urban life of past centuries. The museum has excellent guides, they will tell a lot of interesting and funny.

Rostov the Great

No matter how many kilometers from Moscow to Yaroslavl, no one can pass by Rostov the Great. The main subject of the proposed inspection is the local Kremlin. There you will admire the beautiful landscapes of Russian nature, in the Kremlin walk along the walls and see frescoes. There are two famous monasteries in Rostov - Epiphany Avraamiev and Spaso-Yakovlevsky.

how many km from Moscow to Yaroslavl

Do not forget about the famous enamel. Naturally, the city has a museum of this craft. A special store is located directly at the Rostov Enamel plant. The assortment of goods there is far from as uniform as that of the owners of stalls and shops in Moscow. The products have a very modern design, there are creations in silver. The museum hosts not only a demonstration of exhibits, but also master classes. Eminent masters reveal to everyone the secrets of fishing.

If you still do not know how many kilometers are from Moscow to Yaroslavl, then this information is 280 kilometers for you.


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