What is the maximum height of Niagara Falls? Niagara Falls: tour, photos and reviews of tourists

Despite the fact that the maximum height of Niagara Falls is significantly inferior to Victoria and Iguazu, it is no less beautiful and popular compared to the latter. This natural attraction is located on the border of the two largest states - Canada and the United States. It was this fact that significantly influenced the fact that Niagara is almost the most popular waterfall in the world. More than 15 million tourists visit it annually.

How to get to Niagara Falls?

If you find Niagara Falls on the map, it becomes clear that you can reach it both from the territory of the USA and Canada. If you are in America, you need to get to the city of Buffalo. To do this, you can use the plane, bus or your own car. In the latter case, it is enough to know the coordinates of Niagara Falls, 43 ° 04′41 ″ s. w. 79 ° 04′33 ″ s d. to successfully arrive at the place. Of course, the most convenient and economical time to fly to Buffalo, but it should be borne in mind that this method of transportation is the most expensive.

Niagara Falls on the map

You can buy a ticket for the necessary bus in New York at the Penn Station, from where buses to Buffalo depart. Next, you can get to the American Niagara Falls by bus 214, and another local bus will take you to the waterfall itself. If you decide to overcome this path with your own car, then highway No. 90 and highway No. 190 will lead you to the region.

Tourists in Canada, before wondering how to get to Niagara Falls, should arrive in Toronto. From the central bus station of this city - Coach Terminal, buses run to Canadian Niagara Falls with a frequency of 1.5-2 hours, and you can already get to the waterfall by local bus. You can also buy a train ticket at Union Station in Toronto, which takes all passengers to their desired location in two hours.

Plan a train to Niagara Falls in such a way as to arrive there in the late afternoon. This is due to the fact that acquaintance with this attraction will take you at least 10 hours. In addition, arriving in the evening, you can see the illumination show at the waterfalls.

Where is it better to admire the waterfall: from the USA or Canada?

The waterfalls on Niagara are located in such a way that it is impossible to observe them all at the same time. Some tourists are sure that in order to get the most pleasant experience this natural miracle should be contemplated from the Canadian coast, while others claim that the American side allows you to get as close to the cascade as possible, thanks to which the maximum height of Niagara Falls and stunning views of it are revealed.

the maximum height of Niagara Falls

However, we can say for sure that if you manage to visit the attraction in the territory of both countries, then you can add the most complete picture of it, as well as get many unforgettable emotions. True, travelers who came to the United States on a tourist visa should pay attention to the fact that they will not be allowed to go with her to Canada, however, you can apply for a visa to visit Niagara directly to Buffalo for no more than an hour, paying about $ 100.

Legend of Niagara

Niagara Falls, in addition to many real stories related to its nature, the process of education, use for practical and aesthetic purposes, also has its own very beautiful legend. According to her, once the father of a very beautiful girl named Lelavalae betrothed her to a man whom she not only did not love, but even despised.

Such circumstances led to the fact that the girl decided in the name of her true love for another person to sacrifice herself to the god He-No, who, as the inhabitants of those times believed, lived at the foot of the waterfall. But when Lelavalaya swam in a canoe to the abyss and already began to fall down, Hyo No caught her and settled her with her lover in his sanctuary under the waterfall. There they live today. Whether it was ever or not, no one knows, but the story is certainly beautiful, especially romantic natures like it.

How was Niagara Falls formed?

The North American River Niagara, connecting two huge lakes - Ontario and Erie, simultaneously forms a complex of waterfalls. In fact, there are three of them - Horseshoe, American, Fata, but they are united by a common name - Niagara Falls. Canada considers this natural attraction one of the most important in the country.

Niagara Falls photo

North American lakes, waterfalls, and the Niagara River formed as a result of the activity of the ice sheet, which moved more than 10,000 years ago from Eastern Canada, not only breaking everything in its path, but also deepening and expanding river beds, creating or filling up lakes.

It is worth noting that the movement of rocks in this area continues today, although not so fast. So, over the past few centuries, Niagara Falls has moved south for 11 km. Experts say that over the past 560 years, the waterfall has moved at a speed of 1-1.5 meters per year. Recently, a complex of engineering works was carried out here, thanks to which it was possible to slightly slow down the movement of rocks.

Height and Width of Niagara Falls

The maximum height of Niagara Falls is not so big, if we compare it, for example, with the Venezuelan Angel, whose height is 807 m, or Victoria - 108 m. Only 53 meters. However, with regard to the width of Niagara’s water flow, this figure is impressive - 792 m, while Angel and Victoria have 107 and 1800 meters respectively. Already from these few figures it becomes clear how different and at the same time unique in their own way waterfalls are.

The cascades included in the Niagara complex differ from each other. The veil really resembles a wedding outfit; together with the American Falls, it is 335 meters wide. At the same time, they are divided among themselves by the tiny island of the Moon. Huge boulders are piled at the foot of the American Falls, and therefore only 21 meters of its height are revealed to tourists.

If you carefully examine Niagara Falls on a map, you can see that the Horseshoe is separated from the previous two cascades by Goat Island. According to scientists, he appeared no more than 500 years ago. Due to the fact that there are no obstacles in the way of the Horseshoe, its strength and power exceeds those of the American Falls and Fata.

A bit of history ...

The first interest in Niagara Falls arose exclusively from a practical point of view. So, as far back as 1881, due to the energy generated by it, many nearby settlements were illuminated. And a little later, when they created giant underground pipelines and connected them to the turbines, the waterfall was able to provide energy to the whole of Buffalo, USA. Niagara Falls is located 32 km from this city.

USA Niagara Falls

In 1969, the waterfall remained dry for several months. This was due to erosion, which led to a gradual change in the form of the channel. In order to preserve this natural attraction, experts strengthened the slopes at the top of the waterfall, and the river at that time went in a different direction.

In addition to the fact that Niagara raises the enthusiasm of millions of tourists, brings great benefits to the energy sector, it also attracts lovers of extreme sensations, many of which are subsequently destroyed. The first person to survive a jump in a waterfall was Sam Patch. This event happened in 1829. And in 1901, Annie Taylor swept from a waterfall in a barrel and also survived.

Fascinating photos of Niagara Falls

Arriving at Niagara Falls, the photo is the first thing that all tourists are eager to do here. After all, they want to take at least a piece of this beauty with them in order to be able to recall their so fascinating journey. The most beautiful landscape opens from Goat Island (this name he owes to the herd of artiodactyls who died here once). It is here that tourists manage to make some of the most fascinating photos.

Goat Island is connected to the Moon Island and mainland by special bridges that tourists can go through to enjoy the Niagara Falls. Photos are often taken in such a way that the so-called Cave of the Winds is visible behind, from where you can not only see the waterfalls well, but also feel the power and strength of the huge stream of water. It is important not to forget, going to the Cave of the Winds, to put on a raincoat and waterproof shoes, as splashes of the waterfall here drench everyone from head to toe.

Types of excursions at Niagara Falls

So, thanks to the fact that you knew the coordinates of Niagara Falls, the schedule of regular buses or trains, you managed to get to the goal, but what to do next? What is the best way to see a landmark so that the impressions from it are as positive as possible and remain in your memory for a long time?

Niagara Falls Canada

On Niagara, tourists are offered several types of excursions :

  • boat trip to the waterfall, during which you can see the beginning of the Horseshoe and the top of the gorge;
  • hot air balloon flight over Niagara. During this trip, tourists are given the opportunity to simultaneously see all three waterfalls, while their eyes open the maximum height of Niagara Falls;
  • trip "for the waterfall". It provides for the delivery of tourists to the three tunnels using a special elevator;
  • Visit the observation deck, which protrudes from a cliff and is located on the side of the United States, as well as the beautiful Rainbow Bridge connecting the two countries.

No matter how you decide to explore Niagara Falls, you will definitely enjoy the tour, you can be sure of that.

Reviews about Niagara Falls

Due to the fact that a huge number of tourists visit Niagara Falls every year, there are a lot of reviews on it on various sites on the Internet. Of course, some people mention how difficult, long or expensive it was to get to this natural attraction, but all their negative emotions disappeared with a first look at this miracle of nature.

Everyone describes their impressions in different ways, depending on the level of their emotionality, ability to articulate their opinions and other features, but if we combine all these reviews into one, we can conclude that Niagara Falls (Canada and the United States) did not leave anyone indifferent.

Niagara Falls at different times of the day

In the daytime, Niagara Falls looks most charming in clear weather. Then the rays of the sun refracted in small numerous drops of water form seven-colored rainbows. Often they are placed one inside the other, forming an amazing picture, which can be observed both from Canada and the United States.

Niagara Falls excursion

Niagara Falls at night, thanks to the illumination, also looks special. This spectacle is able to keep people near him for several hours. Niagara is illuminated by dozens of colorful spotlights, the total power of which is 1.5 million kW. With the onset of darkness, they enhance the already impressive picture of the waterfall.

Niagara Falls at different times of the year

The appearance of Niagara also varies with the time of year. In spring and summer, next to the boiling white curtain, luscious greens are fragrant, in the fall water of the waterfall is shaded with crimson colors, and in the winter there are huge “icicles” sparkling with diamonds freezing here.

In the early spring, a menacing picture unfolds on Niagara. During this period, ice drift begins, huge ice floes, approaching the edge of the abyss, fall down and shatter with a roar.

Niagara Falls is located

Although Niagara Falls is located in an area where the warm season is replaced by cold, with frost and snow, only the only time, in 1911, it was completely frozen, turning into a huge block of ice.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G14960/

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