Addresses of the Credit Europe Bank branches in Moscow, opening hours, details

“Credit Europe Bank” is recognized as one of the most popular financial institutions lending to the capital. Details of Credit Europe Bank in Moscow: BIC 044525767, TIN 7705148464, KPP 770201001.

Credit Europe Bank

Below are the addresses of bank branches in Moscow, as well as the mode of operation of each office. For the convenience of the bank’s customers, the information on the addresses and operating modes of the Credit Europe Bank ATMs has been analyzed.

Weekday Offices

Bank branch

The address of the Credit Europe Bank branch in Moscow is Altufevskoye Shosse, 86. Near the Altufevo metro station. The office is open on weekdays. Opens at 10 a.m. and runs until 7 p.m. The cash desk has a separate mode of operation: daily on weekdays from 10:00 to 18:30, with a break from 14:00 for 45 minutes.

Not far from the metro station "Babushkinskaya" there is also a Credit Europe Bank branch at 23, Menzhinsky Street, Building 1. Customers are served from 10 am to 7 pm exclusively on weekdays, the office is closed on Saturday and Sunday. The ticket office is open until 18:30, there is also a break for 45 minutes, starting at two in the afternoon.

Another bank office is located at Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya Street, 13/3, Building 1. Nearby are the Krasniye Vorota and Chkalovskaya metro stations. Customers are served daily Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. The cash desk works intermittently.

A complete list of Bank Europe Credit Bank branches that operate on weekdays is published on the official website of the financial institution. It is important to note that in all branches of the bank customers who are individuals can receive advice on the products and services of the bank. Also in offices there is an opportunity to open a bank account, apply for and receive debit and credit cards, apply for consumer loans and much more.

Weekend Offices

Bank branch photo

The Credit Europe Bank office in Moscow, which operates not only on weekdays, but also on weekends, is located at 3 Verkhnyaya Krasnoselskaya Street, Building A. Metro stations Krasnoselskaya and Sokolniki are located nearby. The office is open daily from ten in the morning until ten in the evening. The cash desk is also open daily from ten in the morning until nine in the evening. However, it is worth noting that there are breaks in work lasting 15 minutes, at 11:45, 14:00, 17:00.

Address of the Credit Europe Bank branch in Moscow: ul. Miklukho-Maklaya, Building 32, Building A. Not far from the Belyaevo metro station. Opening hours: from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. It works seven days a week. The cash desk closes 30 minutes earlier. There are also breaks in the work of the ticket office at 14:00, at 17:30. Breaks last 15 minutes.

Every day, seven days a week, the office of Credit Europe Bank JSC is located at 15 Kirovogradskaya Street.

Nearby is the Prague metro station. Customers are served from 10am to 8pm. The cash desk works in the same mode.

Weekend branches also provide a full range of bank services. For example, you can use the currency exchange service, order, reissue a credit or debit card, pay a loan.

Branches located in the mall

ATM Credit Europe Bank

The address of the Credit Europe Bank branch in Moscow located in the Evropeisky shopping center is Kievskaya Station Square, house 2. The office is located on the ground floor of the shopping and entertainment center, room 1, room 53. Near the Kievskaya metro station. The office is open from Sunday to Thursday from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. On Friday and Saturday, the office is open from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m. Cash desks have their own mode of operation, which can be clarified on the bank's website or by contacting the branch directly.

There is no bank branch on the territory of the Metropolis shopping center, however, an ATM has been installed with the function of issuing and receiving cash. Exact address: 16A Leningradskoye Shosse, building 4, 1st floor, Voykovskaya metro station. Card operations can be carried out during the shopping center.

ATMs with cash deposit function

ATMs fin. institutions

All Credit Europe Bank ATMs are equipped with cash withdrawal options, however, only a fraction of them have a cash-in function. Such a device is located at Sadovaya-Chernogryazskaya Street, 13/3 Building 1, next to the Krasniye Vorota metro station. It works around the clock.

You can also deposit cash at an ATM located at 61/3 Kashirskoye Shosse, Building A, near the Domodedovskaya metro station. It works daily from ten in the morning until 22 hours. Recently, an ATM accepts new banknotes in denominations of 200 and 2000 rubles.

24 hour ATMs

Many ATMs of Credit Europe Bank in Moscow operate around the clock. One of them is located at the address: Altufevskoe shosse, 86, near the metro station "Altufevo". Available functions: cash deposit and withdrawal. The device accepts only rubles, including banknotes of 200 and 2000 rubles.

The Credit Europe Bank ATM in Moscow is also operating 24 hours a day, located at 23, Menzhinsky Street, building 1. Cash deposits and deposits are available. It is important to note that funds are issued in rubles.

24/7 ATMs allow customers to complete operations and withdraw cash at a convenient time for them. Using the device, customers can pay utility bills, credit, transfer funds to another account or card, check the balance. In addition, round-the-clock ATMs operate on holidays, when bank branches are closed.

ATMs with the issuance of currency

The ATM of Credit Europe Bank JSC with the possibility of withdrawing funds in foreign currency is located at 49 Pererva Street, not far from the Bratislavskaya metro station. It works around the clock. Available currencies for cash withdrawal: US dollars, rubles.

You can also receive cash in foreign currency at an ATM located at 32 Miklukho-Maklaya Street, Building A, next to Belyaevo metro station. The device works daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. In addition to issuing, a cash deposit function is available.

An ATM with cash withdrawal in US dollars is located at Volgogradsky Prospekt, 94, building 1. Nearby is the Kuzminki metro station. ATM operating hours: on weekdays from 9 am to 9 pm. Issue of funds in rubles is also available.

Full information on the opening hours of the branches is available on the bank's website. Information is also available at the bank support service. The customer service customer number is also published on the official website.


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