What can surprise Italy? Udine - a provincial town in the north of the country

Italy is a country with an ancient history and culture, so it has always attracted the attention of tourists. Everyone has heard about its most popular cities. These are Venice, Florence, Milan, Pisa and, of course, Rome. But besides them there are many more places that Italy is rich in. Udine is a small town located in the province of Friuli-Venezia Giulia. It has a unique location, located between the Alps and the Adriatic Sea.

History of the city

Udine has a rich history, although it was founded much later than other major cities in Italy. The first mention of it appeared only in 983. At this time, Utinum Castle was located here, from which the name of the modern city subsequently came from. In the same century, fortress walls were erected around the castle.
Udine flourished in the 13th century. In 1238, the residence of the Archbishop of Aquileia was transferred to the city, who ordered the construction of a cathedral in the city. The city is being transformed into the capital of the Duchy of Aquileia - a large territorial entity of northern Italy.

In 1418, Venice announced an ultimatum to Aquilee, as a result of which the city of Udine fell into the hands of the Venetian Doges. In 1472, the territory was plundered by the Turks, and in the XVI year the region suffered a severe earthquake. Due to the cataclysm, many ancient monuments were destroyed. Udine Castle, the oldest building in the region, was seriously damaged. In total, more than 5,000 people died.

At the end of the XVIII century, the Venetian Republic ceases to exist, and Udine passes under the rule of Austria. But a few years later, as a result of Napoleon’s conquests, the city came under French control.

The second round of development of Udine began thanks to the construction of the railway. The city connected Venice and Trieste, which contributed to the influx of population. In 1866, the united state of Italy appeared. Udine, according to the results of the popular vote, joins him.

Freedom Square

In any major city in the country, the main attraction is its square, it is Italy that is famous for them. Udine is no exception. The central building of the city is Freedom Square. Along its perimeter are many beautiful buildings and monuments that will amaze any tourist. It is also considered a truly “Venetian” square.

Italy Udine

The Kararra Fountain is here - an ancient echo of the Renaissance. In 1539, a column of St. Mark was erected, decorated with a magnificent lion. A little later the territory was supplemented by a statue of Justice, as well as many other sculptures.


The construction of the church began in the distant 1236. At the construction site was an old stone chapel. Its foundation was discovered recently during the restoration work. The cathedral building was severely damaged during the 1511 earthquake. The facade was almost completely destroyed, and it was possible to restore it only after 20 years.

Udine city

Over the centuries, he regularly rebuilt. New arches and annexes were added to it, and in the XVIII century the cathedral was altered beyond recognition, trying to follow the Baroque style, popular in those days. The cathedral restored its historically true appearance only in the 20th century, when the façade was restored to its 14th century appearance. Recently, the Cathedral is constantly on restoration work, but this does not prevent tourists from visiting it.

The interior of the building is made in the Baroque style. Unlike the external facade, there is no restoration. Inside the cathedral is striking in its scope and grandeur. There are many old statues, and the walls are painted with frescoes telling stories from the Bible.

Archbishop's palace

Unique palaces are what Italy is known for. Udine has the Archbishop's Palace - the ancient residence of the patriarchs of Aquileia. The building was built at the beginning of the 16th century on the orders of the archbishop, who wanted to move from the old Udine castle to a more modern dwelling. In 1708, the famous Domenico Rossi worked on the palace. He designed for him a wing for the library, the central facade, as well as the main staircase.

Friuli venice julia

Currently, the diocese museum and gallery are located in the palace. The building is located in the city center, not far from the Cathedral. There is also a library that holds more than 10,000 ancient manuscripts and books. They lie on shelves made in the 18th century.

Udine Castle

Udine Castle is a symbol of the city. The most ancient place around which the settlement gradually grew. Located in the center of Udine on a hill near Freedom Square. The first mention of the castle dates back to the X century, when the emperor gave it to a certain Rhoald. The castle complex twice suffered from devastating earthquakes: in 1348 and in 1511. A year after the last cataclysm, the castle was seized by fire, and it completely lost its original appearance.

Freedom Square

The construction of the castle, which tourists can see today, began in 1517. The development of the complex was done by a student of Raphael. Before the conquests of Napoleon, the castle housed the local government, and now the castle is used by the Museum of Archeology and Italian History. Excursions are often held in the interior rooms, as well as exhibitions.

Arch of Bollani

Freedom Square has another architectural monument - the Arch of Bollani. A road passes through it to the famous castle of Udine. It was built in 1556 in honor of the ruler who saved the city from the plague epidemic. The main decoration of the arch was the lion of St. Mark with wings made of copper. But during the war of conquest, the French removed the lion from the arch and took it to their homeland. The new lion was erected to its former place only in 1953.

dine italy attractions

Provincial Udine (Italy), whose attractions are not inferior to the monuments of other cities, will surely appeal to travelers who love walking in historical places. Another advantage of the city is the relative low cost of visiting and the absence of a rapid flow of tourists. Staying here, you can visit the large cities of northern Italy, because the road to them does not require much time.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G1497/

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