The size of personal income tax in Russia. Personal income tax deduction

Many taxpayers are interested in the size of personal income tax in 2016. This payment is probably familiar to every working person and entrepreneur. So it is worth paying special attention to it. Today we will try to understand everything that can concern this tax. For example, how much will you have to pay, who should do it, are there any ways to evade this ā€œcontributionā€ to the state treasury. What is required for this? Understanding the issue is not so difficult. But the acquired knowledge will help you in the future. Especially as soon as you have this or that income. At such moments, personal income tax plays an important role. Let's get started on our topic today. It is necessary to consider a lot of nuances.

personal income tax


The size of personal income tax is, of course, important. But only it is worth thinking about after you understand what is at stake. What kind of tax is this? Who pays it and when? Maybe he doesnā€™t concern you at all? Then it makes no sense to "delve" into the details of our topic today.

In fact, personal income tax is a tax that is paid by all citizens who have a profit. It is also called income tax. This is a certain amount that is withheld from the money you receive. And it doesnā€™t matter exactly how - from personal activity or in the form of a salary. They made a profit - they gave part of it to the state treasury. These are the rules that apply in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Who pays

Who should make the appropriate payments? It is easy to guess that the question concerns all able-bodied citizens. Or rather, adult and competent taxpayers. In particular, if they have some kind of income. That is, if you do not work and do not receive any money (pensions and social support are not taken into account, scholarships too), then you are exempt from payment.

But a working citizen must make an appropriate payment. More precisely, the employer usually does this when it comes to formal employment. But the size of personal income tax is still of interest to many. You must know how much the state keeps from our profit!

Also, all income from the sale of property (rent, sale), any profit outside the territory of the Russian Federation, winnings and other cash receipts are taxed . But there are exceptions.

personal income tax deduction

Don't pay

What exceptions are we talking about? When the size of personal income tax in Russia will not worry a citizen? And in what cases is he entitled to evade this payment, but legally? Honestly, there are very few exceptions.

Donations and inheritance from close relatives are not subject to income tax. Just keep in mind that related relatives include:

  • spouses;
  • grandparents;
  • parents
  • children
  • brothers and sisters;
  • grandchildren.

Only gifts and inheritance received from the listed categories of citizens (even summary / adoptive) are not subject to our current payment. For all other profits, you will have to give a certain percentage of money. In addition, personal property transactions that are owned for more than 3 years are not subject to personal income tax. These are all exceptions to the rules.


The size of personal income tax may vary. It all depends on the situation. For example, sometimes you can meet a tax on personal income in the amount of 9% of profits. This is not the most common occurrence, but it does occur. In which cases?

If you profit from bonds with the so-called mortgage coverage issued before January 1, 2007, or from mortgage certificates. In addition, the amount of personal income tax on dividends drawn up to 2015 (inclusive) will be 9% of the money you receive. This is the minimum interest rate that can only be met in Russia.

personal income tax in Russia


As you might guess, there are other options for the development of events. Moreover, the full list can always be seen with detailed comments on the official page of the Federal Tax Service of Russia. There will be clearly painted all the points for taxes to one degree or another.

However, if you study this information, it will be quite easy to get confused. After all, interest rates in our current issue are more than enough. Are you interested in personal income tax? The size of the tax for this in the common sense is 13%. What does it mean?

Nothing special. Itā€™s just that in Russia, income tax is most often found in the form of 13% of your profit. This is a normal occurrence. And only in some exceptional situations can it increase or decrease.

Just remember that this is exactly the size of personal income tax. With salaries, real estate sales and other transactions, part-time jobs. 13% is the amount that is most often charged to the taxpayer. The remaining tax rates are considered to be special cases. But also worth knowing about them. You may have to give back much more than you expect!

what size personal income tax

Not standard

Now a few exceptions to their rules. Determining the size of personal income tax is not so difficult. Especially if you know in what cases and what interest rate is set. In general, 13% will have to be paid back - we have already found out. And in what cases the "minimum" is set, too. And in what scenario will the government have to give more?

For example, if you profit from bonds. But here it is important to consider that the organization must be registered outside the Russian Federation without fail. In such a situation, you just need to pay 15% of your income.

For any prizes and winnings, there are also their own limitations. The size of personal income tax in this case will be as much as 35 percent! In addition, this kind of rule applies to profits from bank deposits, if it exceeds clearly established amounts. As you see, not everything is so simple in our today's question. Income tax is a very complicated thing, if you go into the details of it. But that is not all. There is another important nuance. And you do not need to lose sight of it.


No one can hide from income tax. It must be paid by both residents of the country and non-residents. Only in different amounts. The size of personal income tax in Russia for "local" taxpayers is most often set at 13%. But foreigners in this area were less fortunate.

Why? They will have to pay several times more. How many? Regardless of how the profit is made, such citizens are obliged to give 30% of the income received in the Russian Federation. A significant amount that is necessarily levied by taxpayers. In this regard, citizens of the Russian Federation were more fortunate. They need to pay almost 2 times less to the state treasury.

personal income tax


Nevertheless, the size of personal income tax is not the most important thing. There are moments in our question today that delight taxpayers. We are talking about the so-called tax deductions. The thing is that they attract many. In Russia, you can regain part of the money spent for certain services if you have taxable income.

The amount of personal income tax deduction is similar - 13%. But the exact amount is set, depending on your spending. For example, if we are talking about real estate, then the maximum that can be returned is 260,000 rubles. For the rest, a return of 13% of the costs is simply taken into account.

In addition, there is also a special deduction that relates to salary. It is called "for children." The amount of personal income tax deduction in this case will be 1,400 rubles per child. And for two too. But for the third and subsequent - 3,000. The exact same amount of deduction will be in the case of raising a disabled child.

When exactly and for what can I get a refund? As we already found out, for the children. But there are other cases. For example, for receiving certain paid services, buying real estate (including a mortgage), as well as for training and treatment. These are the most common options.

Order and terms

The size of personal income tax is already known to us. And possible scenarios, too. But now it remains to find out by what date you must make our payment today. In general, income tax requires reporting. It is submitted until April 30 of each year. Moreover, the report will be for the previous year. But the payment of personal income tax is possible until July 15. Most often, an advance payment takes place. It is made until April 30, along with the submission of a tax return. If you are officially working and have no profit other than a salary, then you donā€™t have to worry about the deadlines - this will be the responsibility of your employer.

determine the size of personal income tax

The deduction can be received within 3 years from the date of conclusion of the transaction. But the sooner the better. It is usually recommended that you issue an appropriate return within a year. This is not so difficult to do. It is enough to present a certain list of documents. It varies, depending on the situation, but overall remains the same:

  • passport (copy);
  • application for deduction (indicating account details and reasons for applying);
  • declaration (3-personal income tax);
  • certificate 2-personal income tax;
  • copy of the work book;
  • SNILS;
  • TIN;
  • pension certificate (for pensioners);
  • marriage / divorce / birth certificate of children;
  • documents of ownership (for real estate);
  • accreditation and license of one or another institution (usually for medicine and universities);
  • agreement confirming the transaction (sale, service, contract with a university);
  • certificate of the student (for students);
  • checks and receipts confirming your expenses.

As you can see, there are a lot of options. After collecting the necessary documents, contact the tax office of your area and wait. After about a month or two, they will answer you whether there will be a deduction or not.

personal income tax on salary

If the answer is yes, you need to wait a little longer. The transfer of money is also about 2 months maximum. On average, it takes about six months to complete the design. Now itā€™s clear how much personal income tax people pay and what deductions they can receive.


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