How to assemble a paper airplane with your own hands?

Paper airplanes - a toy that everyone had in their childhood. But not all of her flight was long: most aircraft crashed. How to assemble a paper airplane so that it really flies?

How to make the airplane fly for a long time?

how to assemble a paper airplane

The center of gravity of aircraft launched indoors should be offset to the bow. Such models fly further and faster, easily launch into the air.

There are many ways to launch and collect paper airplanes. Modelers who are interested in how to assemble an airplane out of paper with their own hands should adhere to useful tips to achieve the best flying qualities of a toy:

  1. Bend lines are smoothed out with your fingers or a hard object.
  2. For work, only plain sheets of paper are selected.
  3. When folding the model, it is necessary to observe the symmetry of the axes. If this is not done, then the airplane will fly.

To construct a toy, a rectangular sheet of medium-density paper is taken - it is easier to fix smooth fold lines on it. Smooth and ironed bends maintain the shape of the model and allow it to stay in the air for a long time.

how to assemble a paper airplane do-it-yourself photo

Interesting Facts

  1. With the start of mass production of paper in Japan, origami has become the art of samurai. At the same time, a culture of folding secret letters was born. Methods and techniques for folding paper figures have been practiced for centuries. Paper airplanes owe much of their appearance to Japanese cranes.
  2. Ken Blackburn set a world record for the range of a paper airplane in 1983: his origami model lasted 27.6 seconds in airspace.
  3. Red Bull Paper Wings, a paper-flying launch competition, has reached a worldwide level. Blackburn was keen on creating paper airplane models for a long time, and in 1989 decided to create the Paper Aircraft Industry Association. He also wrote the rules for launching paper aviation, which is used today as an official document in various competitions.
  4. Jack Northrop co-founder of Lokheed Corporation in 1930 assembled the first airplane of the modern model. He used similar models to conduct test tests in the design of real aircraft.

If you are interested in origami, in particular, how to assemble a paper airplane, start with simple models. It goes to more complex structures later, after a set of certain experience.

Guinness World Records

how to assemble a paper airplane

A paper model that is on the forbidden list at competitions held by the Guinness Book of Records. An interesting airplane because of its design with a blunt nose flies a very, very long time, which is why it was taboo.


  • For a better flight, you can launch the aircraft at different launch speeds, at different angles and from different heights.
  • The minimum fold of paper can be achieved using a ruler, credit card or nail.
  • On hot days, it’s better to launch the airplane from a great height: it will catch ascending air currents and will be able to cover a great distance.
  • Flight speed depends on the thickness of the aircraft.
  • Aerodynamics models from newspaper sheets above.
  • You can improve the flight characteristics of a paper airplane if you glue its wings together. It is advisable to use as little glue as possible.
  • You need to run the model carefully, without applying extra force.
  • Aerobatics are possible with wings bent at different angles.
  • When folding the figures, a protractor can be used for greater accuracy. For the first time, an ideal airplane may not work out, since it is difficult to achieve accurate angles of 90 degrees. With practice and learning new materials on how to assemble an airplane out of paper, everything will change for the better.

Safety precautions

how to assemble a paper airplane step by step

Although origami is the art of creating paper figures, this hobby requires safety precautions:

  • Do not throw the airplane into the face and eyes of other people.
  • Do not send models to people and animals.
  • You should not start airplanes in school classes in order to avoid a drive to the director.
  • High humidity negatively affects the flight performance of the model.

Paper airplane Bulldog

how to assemble a paper airplane in stages

The model got its original name due to the cut shape of the bow. The simplest airplane design. About how to assemble a paper airplane, step by step we will describe below:

  1. A sheet of paper is folded in half.
  2. Corners are bent in a manner standard for all airplanes.
  3. The paper flips over, the corners fold back to the center of the fold.
  4. The upper corner is folded so that all the corners converge at one point.
  5. The workpiece is bent in half.
  6. The wings bend very evenly.

This model is one of the simplest, and the original appearance attracts attention. The airplane starts in a smooth and soft motion. Its design makes it easy to catch the air flow and overcome a large distance.

Plane "Eaglet"

how to assemble a paper airplane photo

Step-by-step instructions on how to assemble a paper airplane with a stabilizing triangle. Its design is somewhat more complicated, but not so difficult. We will tell about how to assemble an airplane out of paper in stages in our instructions:

  1. The first two steps are performed similarly to the Bulldog model. The first fold line is required to ensure the correctness of subsequent steps.
  2. The sheet is folded from top to bottom so that it resembles an envelope. At the bottom, about a centimeter or so should remain free. The acute angle should not coincide with the edge of the paper sheet.
  3. The upper corners are shifted so that they converge in the middle. In this part, a small stabilizing triangle should be formed, which will be located under the tail of the airplane.
  4. A small triangle is laid that will hold the remaining folds. The model bends in half so that the small triangle remains outside.
  5. The airplane wing folds down very evenly. A similar procedure is carried out on the other hand.

If you correctly followed the instructions on how to assemble an airplane out of paper, then you will have a reliable paper model that will stay in the air for a long time and with confidence.

Airplane "Swift"

how to assemble a paper airplane with your own hands

A model of paper aircraft with a large number of folds. The improved design gives it excellent flight performance. Due to its complexity, it can be called a full-fledged model of the aircraft. Instructions and photos on how to assemble a paper airplane below:

  1. The first steps are slightly different than the previous two options: the corners are bent towards each other, forming a guide fold.
  2. Crosswise, the other two folds are made so that the letter X is obtained.
  3. The upper right corner is lowered so that the edge of the paper converges with a fold leading to the lower right corner from the upper left.
  4. A similar action is performed with the left corner. The diagonal of the right edge of the sheet should coincide with the upper left point.
  5. The airplane folds in half, then turns around. The middle fold will be used as a guide.
  6. The top edge of the model is folded from top to bottom so that it coincides with the bottom edge.
  7. The upper corners fall down so that they converge in the middle fold.
  8. A sheet of paper unfolds, the resulting folds are used as guidelines.
  9. The upper edge, which has been folded down, folds back up to a point that will coincide with the fold from the previous step.
  10. The corners are folded so that their edges coincide with the edge of the upper valve and a fold made two steps back.
  11. The angles add up to the intersection with the upper flap and the bends made earlier. This step forms the wings of the future airplane.
  12. The wings fold over along the fold already completed. As a result of this step, the plane should form straight lines.
  13. The wings fold again with straight edges down.
  14. From the top of the flaps, the model folds from top to bottom.
  15. The paper structure folds in half. All wings should be located on the outside of the aircraft. Due to the large thickness of the paper at this stage it will be more difficult, so you can resort to a ruler to create even folds.
  16. The wings fold down so that their edge coincides with the lower edge of the plane. As a result, an upturned hard nose will be formed.
  17. The airplane is ready.


Paper airplanes have never been a simple hobby. There are a lot of instructions and photos on how to assemble an airplane out of paper with your own hands, and among them there are those that allow you to fold an easy and fast flying model.


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