Pike trap: manufacturing and proper installation

Fishing is akin to art, do you agree? Even the process itself gives pleasure to almost every man. Can you imagine what a fisherman’s delight is, having caught a predatory inhabitant of a fresh water reservoir ?! If catching other fish looks like casting a fishing rod and a longing, then fishing for pike is a real hunt. Due to the fact that the pike does not hibernate in winter, hunting for it continues year-round. Let's look at the features of pike fishing at different times of the year and learn how to catch a pike on a trap and other gear.

Pike hunting

Why hunting? Yes, because the pike is a real predator. Clever, wayward, cunning, this fish requires a special approach. Nothing brings more pleasure from fishing, like a pike hunt. Success depends largely on the choice of bait, gear and method of sinking. Most novice anglers face various difficulties in choosing fishing equipment and fishing methods.

Pike fishing in winter

Catching pike is not an easy task, and especially in winter, when you need to stay in silence for a long time in the cold. However, a good catch will eclipse any inconvenience and help overcome all difficulties. Almost all winter, the pike actively moves in the pond and does not go down to the depth to “sleep”, because it needs to look for food for itself. The exception is a severe frost, then the pike goes to the bottom to “warm up”.

It is best to hunt pike in cloudy weather, when the thaw, during the first and last ice. Favorable places for this type of fishing are sections of ponds near streams, springs, melting snow, reeds, that is, in places with the warmest water.

pike trap

With the onset of frost, the ice becomes thicker and stronger, and the pike sinks to a depth, but this does not stop the fishermen. After all, if you cast the bait correctly and in the right place, then you can stir up the pike. In cold water, the bait moves slowly, but if you use the jig method , the catch will certainly please you.

The most productive is usually fishing on the last (thinner) ice. At this time, pike begins a severe hunger: it is preparing for spawning. Despite this, the fisherman needs to be very careful: the bright light entering the hole can easily frighten off the fish. It is also sensitive to fluctuations in sound frequencies, so you need to be quiet.

Catching pike in spring

After freeing water from ice, pike become more active and soon go to spawn. Unlike other fish, it spawns earlier, not expecting warming water. Usually this period begins in April, very rarely - in early May.

The pike spawn always in the same place, and the observant fisherman knows where to wait for a predator. Usually, underwater trails pass near thickets of reeds, toljak, snags. Often you can find a pike in the emerging vegetation.

pike on a trap in winter

The most successful pike fishing is observed during the spawning period (a week before and 2 weeks after it). For fishing in the spring, spinning is most often used, since the pike is very active at this time. Also, anglers have various lures in their arsenal, but the main thing is that they be small in size.

During the spawning period, it is better to leave the pike alone, taking a short break in fishing. But after spawning, hungry and distraught, she will be hooked at any time of the day and in large quantities.

Pike fishing in summer

Summer is the worst season for pike fishing. With the onset of heat, the fish’s lifestyle changes: large individuals descend to a depth where the water is cooler. A frequent habitat for small pike are thickets of algae, reeds. As a result, there is almost no bite. And if you can catch a pike, then only a small one (up to 1 kg).

For effective fishing, you need to predict the behavior and mood of the pike and choose the right bait. Of great importance is the method of posting and the depth of the bait. Without knowledge of the seasonal behavior of this predator, you can not hope for a good catch.

In a shallow body of water, pike is most often found near branches that tend to water, water lilies, dumps or pits. The fisherman needs to look at the islets of grass that float on the water, and, if possible, use them as bait.

Often, fishermen are faced with the fact that the pike does not bite, but is fingering. But this behavior is characteristic of her during the heat - with the onset of cool weather, the pike again begins to actively eat, and the chances of a rich catch increase.

Pike fishing in the fall

No wonder autumn fishing for pike is considered the best, because during this period the fish need to accumulate energy reserves for the winter, which means they must actively hunt. The warmer the autumn, the more active the pike, even the choice of bait does not matter - intense biting is observed right up to freezing.

While the water temperature has not significantly decreased, the pike moves through summer camps. When the small fish begins to go to a depth, then the pike descends after the prey. As a rule, several individuals stop in the pits, and if in the summer you caught one fish there, then in the fall you can catch several well-fed specimens (up to 3 kg).

In autumn, it is better to use strong gear and massive lures, because the ability to catch a large pike is much higher than at other times of the year. When choosing a bait, it is important to consider its weight, so that you can lead in depth without difficulty. The wiring method depends on weather conditions. In warm weather, the bait game should be active so that the pike notice it better, and with the onset of cold weather the bite will be even without penetration.

Variety of gear

Pike is great for almost any tackle. The main types of gear:

  • trap;
  • live bait and float rods;
  • spoon;
  • Circles
  • donks;
  • spinning;
  • necklaces.

In more detail we will consider catching pike on a trap. The fishing line must be powerful and strong enough so that the angler can pull the pike out of the thickets of algae or grass, in which it is often entangled. Pike is a fairly strong fish, and a large individual can easily move a boat with a fisherman, so the tackle must be reliable.

A fishing rod as a competitor to a trap

A fishing rod is an easy and simple tool for fishing, but only in clean and calm bodies of water with a weak current. Most anglers prefer pike spinning rods, which consist of a strong fishing line and a reinforced reel. Some people think that the color of the fishing line matters, but neither the thickness nor the color of the fishing line have a special effect on the bite. The most commonly used fishing line diameter is 0.32-0.34 mm. Many anglers use spinning exclusively, but it is still more practical and profitable to use a trap.

Pike fishing

This tackle came to our fishermen back in the 80s and found its fans. This is a really interesting invention. A trap on a pike looks simple and harmless until you see the principle of its action. There is a special mechanism on the trap that works according to the principle of an ordinary trap or a mousetrap. The pike will not be able to free itself from the teeth on the trap.

pike fishing

What does a trap consist of?

The appearance of a trap on a pike consists of the following details:

  • lower tooth (one or two);
  • upper tooth;
  • clamps;
  • spring;
  • fishing line.

The upper tooth is bonded to the lower one in such a way that it always remains in one position (motionless), and the lower tooth can only move up and down. The latch with a hole for attaching fishing line is attached to the upper part of the upper tooth. Using a fishing line, a trap is held in water. Open teeth attract each other with a spring.

How to charge a trap?

Before putting a trap on a pike, you need to familiarize yourself with its method of action. With the help of the clamp, the fixed upper tooth is clamped, and only then the fish is put on the lower tooth. The tooth should go through the bait and not look out. For bait, you can use both active and frozen fish.

how to catch a pike on a trap

Before you put a bait fish on a pike on a trap , you need to check the health of the trap and only then proceed. It is necessary to perform some actions with a trap very carefully, since sharp teeth can easily pierce through your hand.

Homemade trap

A do-it-yourself trap for a pike is a unique device. To make a trap at home, you need the skills of a locksmith and the following tools:

  • pliers;
  • file;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • hacksaw for metal.
do-it-yourself trap

Necessary materials for collecting a trap for pike:

  • wire;
  • steel spring;
  • fishing line;
  • two rods;

How to make a pike trap? The following instructions will help you:

  1. On each rod it is necessary to make notches with a hacksaw.
  2. Using the hinge, you need to fix one of the hooks motionlessly.
  3. Install the rod fastener so that it does not come off from slight shaking.
  4. When attaching a fishing line or wire, it is important not to forget to tie a strong knot.
  5. Place the spring on the ears of the teeth.

Checking the serviceability of the trap, fishermen are most often injured, so you should be extremely careful.

Where to put a trap on a pike?

Pike is a very gluttonous fish, because of this it loses caution. Most often, this predator lives in reeds, washed banks of water bodies and near snags. Pike habitat features affect the location of pike traps. Best places to catch pike:

  1. Water bodies in which active fishing is not common. If predators are often chased, then they become wary, and a large and heavy trap is visible even in troubled waters.
  2. Small rivers with holes in which large pikes lurk. Catching them with other gear will not work.
winter pike fishing

There are many advantages of catching pike on a trap, at least seasonal restrictions are not terrible.

Features of winter trap fishing

It was described above how to choose the right place for the hole in the ice, because catching a pike in the winter on the trap is not so simple. First of all, the trap is installed in a drilled hole and as close to the bottom as possible. The length of the fishing line or wire is controlled by the depth of the selected reservoir, and a stick is attached to its free edge, which is placed across the hole.

how to put a trap on a pike

In winter, catching pike on a trap depends on the activity of the bait and the right place for the hole. The main advantage of winter fishing is that the fish are large, but it is difficult to interest a pike in a period of inactivity for it.

In this article, we examined the features of seasonal fishing. Pike fishing is a difficult event, even dangerous, but the emotions you get cannot be compared with anything. If the fishing gear is made with your own hands, then fishing will stand out as practical.

Going fishing, it is important to choose the right place for fishing and the pond itself. With regular fishing and honed mastery of driving, production can reach impressive sizes.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15028/

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