Crimea-2015: reviews of tourists

Crimea is truly the pearl of the Black Sea. What is not there on this fertile peninsula: beautiful resorts, and sweet vineyards, and steep mountains. This season, Crimea 2015 has a lot to offer. Guest reviews themselves will be the best recommendation.

A Brief History of Crimea

But first, plunge into the fascinating history of the peninsula, and then return to Crimea-2015. The reviews of vacationers will become more understandable and accessible when the ins and outs of the land and the stages of development of the tourism sector in it are known.

crimea 2015 reviews

The Crimea was populated in ancient times, when Neanderthals walked the earth. The first known tribe that inhabited the peninsula were the Cimmerians. Then they were replaced by brands (from them the Crimea received the second name - Tauris), Scythians, Sarmatians, Goths. Then, on the coast of Crimea, many ancient Greek colonies appeared - Khersones (present-day Sevastopol), Panticapaeum, etc. Then came the Turkic tribes - the Huns, Bulgarians, Khazars, Pechenegs, Polovtsy.

Around the same time, Slavic tribes entered the peninsula. The Old Russian Tmutarakan Principality arose , extending its sovereignty to the Kerch and Taman Peninsulas. But the Russians were forced to retreat under the blows of the nomads. Then came the Mongol Tatars. Their descendants, mixed with the Kipchak tribes, founded the Crimean Khanate, which for many centuries established power on the peninsula.

Only in 1783, thanks to an agreement with the Ottoman Empire, the Crimean Tatars were vassals of, the Russian Empire managed to annex Crimea to its territories. Since then, Russia and the Crimea have been inextricably linked. Everyone remembers the heroic defense of Sevastopol during the Crimean and World War II.
Then, in 1954, Crimea was transferred to Ukraine and only in 2014 was it reunited with the Russian Federation.

History of tourism in Crimea

Crimean healing springs have been known since antiquity, but truly Crimea as a resort flourished during the time of the Russian Empire. Not only wealthy landowners and courtiers went there to rest, but even members of the royal family.
During the times of the Soviet Union, rest in Crimea became accessible to ordinary workers. Many factories, factories and organizations had boarding houses and recreation centers in the Crimea, where they sent their workers for rehabilitation. The pearl of the Crimea was the children's health camp "Artek", located in Yalta.

But the party nomenclature, of course, did not lag behind, having its own luxurious departmental dachas on the peninsula, for example, like Gorbachev in Foros.
When the Crimea became part of Ukraine, the development of the tourism sector in it slowed down, although, having a base and infrastructure developed back in Soviet times, the peninsula could accept tourists for a long time at a very reasonable level.

With the accession to the Russian Federation in Crimea, a new era in the development of tourism infrastructure began. While a small trickle of investment in the tourism sector has flowed on the peninsula, it promises to spill a mighty river in the future.

And so we returned to Crimea-2015. Reviews of Crimeans and guests of the peninsula perfectly describe the current state of affairs in ancient Tauris.

Wonderful stay!

So, back to the modern Crimea. Reviews of vacationers in 2015 are full of different opinions. Some say they had a great time. Much better than in the holiday seasons of 2013-2014. In the current, according to their statement, in Crimea the optimal combination of price and quality of services.

crimea 2015 reviews crimeans

Many vacationers are advised to quit business and take a rest in Crimea-2015. Reviews about the level of pleasure that you can get here, they have the best.

Turkey is better

But there are people who did not like Crimea 2015. Their reviews are negative. They say that in the future they are unlikely to return to Crimea. Most of these people are extremely dissatisfied with the level of service provided by Crimean hotels and cafes. In their opinion, for the same money, for example, in Turkey you can get a level of service much higher. Therefore, in the next holiday seasons, they are likely to visit the Turkish coast or Sochi.

Crimea today reviews Crimeans 2015

In general, they believe that for them this is the last vacation in Crimea (2015). Reviews of other places (Sochi, Varna, Antalya) for this type of people are much better.

Nothing has changed

There are people who believe that nothing has changed in Crimea lately. As was the old, breathable infrastructure, it remained so. The Ukrainian government has not done anything over the years, and the Russian authorities have not yet undertaken anything significant. Although for radical changes one year is too little. Therefore, some of them hope that in future years the level of service and infrastructure of the resorts will move to a qualitatively new level, and then they will be happy to visit the peninsula in the summer.

rest in crimea 2015 reviews

Now Crimea-2015 has disappointed them. They leave reviews moderately negative.

As good as it gets

But there is an opposite opinion. People notice dramatic changes compared to past years. First of all, they are surprised by very clean beaches, although in recent years there was a lot of garbage on them. They also note a significantly increased level of customer service in hotels and cafes. Comparing Crimea with Sochi or other Russian resorts, they say that they paid a lot for those services, and then they just pay for what they get. In their opinion, in domestic realities it could not be better.

crimea private sector reviews 2015

This type of people recommends rest in Crimea in 2015 to everyone. Their reviews are extremely positive.

Disappointed only by ferry

In addition, there are vacationers who generally liked this holiday season. There are practically no complaints about the service. The sea also pleased with warm water and calm weather. It would seem that some positive impressions! But there is still one small fly in the ointment, namely the ferry crossing. People who enter the Crimea through the Kerch Strait have to wait in line for several hours before they can catch this crossing facility. Therefore, they are eagerly awaiting the construction of the bridge, so that in the following years they can calmly and unhindered go on vacation to their favorite peninsula.

Private holiday

There are people who rent homes in the private sector, because they do not recognize hotels because of the high cost and regulated behavior in them. Quite often, Ukrainians do this. Despite the fact that Ukraine is currently difficult to enter the peninsula, they still decide not to change their habits and relax where they go every year. Some in Yalta, some in Alushta, some in Sudak, and some in the village of Nikolaevka (Crimea). Reviews of 2015 from them are often no worse than in previous years. On the contrary, some of the nuances even pleasantly surprise them. For example, a small reduction in prices for vacationers in the private sector.

zander crimea reviews 2015

The only thing they often want is that in the following years, entry to Crimea from Ukrainian territory should be free, as before.

Every year is getting better

There are tourists who believe that every year the service on the Crimean peninsula is getting better and better. This tendency was outlined even when Crimea was Ukrainian. But already in 2014, some of them noticed even greater progress in improvements, and the current season (2015) has hit a lot of people. The level of service, according to such people, is only slightly inferior to European standards, so in the coming years they will certainly rest on this warm and hospitable peninsula.

No change - everything is so good

There are vacationers who this year did not notice any fundamental differences in the level of service and comparable prices with previous seasons. True, they believe that in past years, too, everything was fine. More often they are supporters of mountain tourism than lovers to lie on the hot sand of the beach. Since in the mountains, unlike hotels, there is nowhere to spend money in a significant amount. Therefore, this year they again take along climbing equipment and go to conquer the next peak. Although the Crimean mountains are relatively low, and therefore climbing equipment in most cases is simply not needed.

Crimea is my home

There are people who just go to the Crimea to relatives. But also do not forget to relax. Therefore, Crimea is native to them. These people know firsthand about his problems firsthand, as they themselves spend considerable time there, and they have relatives who communicate their hopes and experiences. But many already see significant prerequisites for improvement.

Crimea reviews holidaymakers 2015

Despite the fact that not everyone specially comes to the beach, but still at least once a season they also try to escape to the resort, sunbathe on the hot sand and plunge into the azure Black Sea. They do not pay attention to prices at recreation centers, since they do not live there, but at the same time they cannot help but notice a significant increase in the cost of food, and in the Crimea this is manifested more strongly than in any other region.

What do Crimeans say?

Before that, we studied how vacationers characterize Crimea 2015. Crimean reviews also have the right to be voiced.

Many residents of Crimea have long been engaged in the commissioning of a private house for a vacation spot for tourists. Some of them openly declare that, for a number of objective reasons, the 2014 season failed. But the beginning of the 2015 season already promises a former influx of tourists and vacationers, and, in their opinion, this is natural, because Crimea has become more beautiful today. Reviews of Crimeans in 2015, renting housing, often breathe optimism and faith in the future. Most of them have high hopes for the new holiday season.

From those who rent housing in the city of Sudak (Crimea), the reviews of 2015 are much more optimistic. Already at the moment, many residents of Sudak were able to earn more than for the entire last season. But the current one is not finished yet, so much higher earnings can be expected. The influx of tourists this year in Sudak is simply amazing. It is far from always possible to see such crowds of tourists and vacationers.

At the same time, there are people who rent out a house in the private sector. Some of them note that this year prices have risen somewhat compared to the previous one, but they still lag behind the level of 2013, and prices for food and essential goods continue to grow. But they still do not despair. And tirelessly they hang out a new announcement: โ€œI will hand over the house. Crimea. Private sector". The reviews of 2015 really allow us to hope that soon the situation will definitely change for the better. Time will tell.

So, we saw the Crimea today. Reviews of Crimeans in 2015 are much more positive and optimistic than they were last season.


As you can see, each group of tourists, depending on the type of vacation that they use, has formed completely different reviews from each other. For some of them, nothing has changed over the past year, while others, on the contrary, see dramatic changes for the better. What got worse, almost no one said.

Local residents are also divided into two large groups in opinions about how they see the rest in Crimea-2015. The private sector reviews only from mercantile considerations. Some landlords are worried that rental prices have dropped, while others, on the contrary, hope to collect a large cash crop by increasing the number of vacationers.

In general, how many people, so many opinions. And the best thing is to come to the Crimea yourself and see with your own eyes how the resort is developing in the new realities. This time can be spent with great benefits for your own health. And then you yourself can leave a detailed review of how you spent the summer, describe the pros and cons of vacation in Crimea, give useful tips and advice for those who have not yet decided to devote their holidays to the sun of a beautiful peninsula.


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