Kazan for tourists: attractions, reviews of tourists

Many tourists call Kazan the third city in terms of beauty and the number of attractions. The city is surrounded by greenery, pleasing to the eye with magnificent panoramas, delights travelers with national cuisine and friendly residents.

Kazan Kremlin

The most popular and visited attraction of Kazan is, of course, the Kazan Kremlin. It is located in the very center of the Tatar capital, on an area of ​​about 150 thousand square meters. On such a large territory fit administrative buildings, museum complexes, a magnificent mosque, a park area. In these historical buildings two styles were combined - Russian and Tatar, forming a magnificent, incomparable part of Russian culture. In addition, in 2000, UNESCO recognized the Kazan Kremlin as a historical heritage and took it under its care. For tourists, the sights of Kazan are of great interest.

The territory on which the complex is located began to be settled around the 14th century, when the local Bulgars founded the fortress here. However, due to political weakness and internal strife, Kazan did not reach much strength then. But already from the middle of the fifteenth century, when the Mongol Khan Ulu-Muhammed chose this place as his residence, the town and the area began to come to life and grow. A few years later, Kazan turned into a powerful political and cultural center.

Over the course of their long history, the construction of the Kremlin has survived many destructions. The complex suffered particularly severe damage in 1773, during the assault on the fortress by Emelyan Pugachev. Then the Trinity Monastery was completely lost, and several towers were so damaged that they had to be completely dismantled.

Kazan Kremlin

Temple of All Religions

For tourists, the sights of Kazan are of interest mainly in the summer, when you can take a leisurely look at objects. But the Temple of all religions looks great at any time of the year.

The creator of such a unique structure is Ildar Khanov. It was he who conceived and implemented the idea of ​​combining several major religions in one project to show that representatives of all religions in the world can coexist peacefully. The date of the temple’s creation is considered to be 1994, when the first stone was laid, but judging by historical documents, its history begins much earlier, in 1955. Then the father of the architect built a small house in the village of Old Arakchino, where he lived with his family. One of his rooms exists today: in the bowels of the temple in this room a museum dedicated to Ildar Khanov is made. There are photos of his family, personal items and books. The temple of all religions is active. In its halls concerts, thematic meetings, and services are held.

Temple of All Religions

Blue Mosque

In winter, Kazan has enough attractions for tourists. For example, the Blue Mosque against the background of a winter snowy sky looks magnetically, forcing you to plunge into the atmosphere of the nineteenth century.

The Blue Mosque in Kazan is located in the Old Tatar settlement and is one of the oldest monuments of temple culture. It got its name thanks to the walls painted in the corresponding color. Unfortunately, the name of the architect did not survive, but it is clear that the master adhered to the classical style in his work. Jami Mosque has two rooms and a three-tiered minaret. I must say that the mosque partially appeared thanks to Empress Catherine the Great. It was she who issued the decree on religious tolerance. From that moment, the Muslim community in Kazan began to develop rapidly. In the thirties, the mosque, like most religious organizations, was closed, and the building itself was given over to revolutionary communal apartments. The minaret was demolished. They were able to restore it only in 1993.

Tower Syuyumbike

Everyone knows about the famous Italian "falling" tower in the city of Pisa, and only a few - that in Russia, in the capital of Tatarstan, there is its own "falling" tower. This is the 58 meters high Syuyumbike watch tower. Her spire deviates from the vertical by a significant 1.98 meters.

The exact date of construction is still unknown, however, scientists believe that it was erected around the middle of the 17th century and named after the ruler Syuk, the only woman in power in the history of the Kazan Khanate. She was forced to lead the state after the death of her husband, until the true heir, her young son, reached adulthood.

There are many legends associated with the tower. One of the most famous tells about the events associated with Ivan the Terrible. The king, having once seen Syuyumbike, loved her very much. But she refused him. Then the king threatened to completely destroy the Kazan Khanate if she did not agree. In the name of her people, the queen succumbed. However, on the wedding night, unable to bear the humiliation, she rushed from the tower and died.

Another legend says that the tower was built by Ivan the Terrible at the request of Syuyuk herself after the capture of the Kazan Khanate. The king agreed. It took seven days to build, one tier per day. After the construction was completed, the queen jumped from her and died.

But these are legends. In fact, after the capture of Kazan, the biys and the Murza sold the tsarina with her son Ivan the Terrible as compensation. They were taken away and baptized. But Syuk did not become the wife of the Russian tsar.

Tower Syuyumbike

Millennium Park

In spring, tourist attractions in Kazan are played with special colors, so many plan their trip at this time of year. It is especially nice to take walks in parks and squares in the warm season.

The most famous park in Kazan is the Millennium Park. Once upon a time there was a crossroads of two main streets of Kazan. Nearby was the Kaban River, which often overflowed during melting snow or heavy rains. People living nearby were constantly evacuated. Some houses continued to stand on the river bank until the beginning of the 21st century, and then the state inspection recognized all buildings unsuitable for living. They were demolished, and a new park was built on this site. Millennium Park is located almost in the city center, so other attractions can be easily reached on foot.

Black lake

It is better to get acquainted with the sights of Kazan in the spring. This is the most favorable time for tourists, since parks begin to be covered with greenery, trees bloom along the banks of ponds and rivers, filling the streets of the city with fragrance. If you came to Kazan in the spring, start your acquaintance with the capital of Tatarstan from parks and ponds. One of such objects is Black Lake.

It used to be part of a whole complex of lakes located in the city center. In addition to Cherny there was Bannoe, Filthy and White. Gradually, the lakes began to swamp, and after a radical restructuring of the area, they were completely filled up. Now Black Lake is part of a park complex, where residents and guests of the Tatar capital like to spend their free time.

Park "Black Lake"

Theater "Ekiyat"

Attractions for tourists with children in Kazan are also available. Be sure to visit the Ekiyat Puppet Theater. This is perhaps the oldest and largest puppet theater in Russia, founded in 1934. The troupe performed its first performances in Tatar and Russian. The theater has always had a magnificent repertoire. Today he gives about forty performances: “Geese-swans”, “Fly-Tsokotuha”, “Kamyr-batyr”, “Pinocchio”. Reviews of tourists about the sights in Kazan are distinguished by delight and admiration, but a special place among the reviews is occupied by the children's theater. Viewers say that this is a unique place that must be visited with children, because there are not so many classical puppet theaters not only in Russia, but in the world.

Family Center - "Kazan"

In 2013, the building was opened, surprising in its idea and embodiment - the palace of weddings "Kazan". It was created in the form of a real cauldron, therefore it is not surprising that the center received such a name. If you climb the roof of the building, you can get to the observation deck and enjoy panoramic views of the Kremlin, the embankment, and see the entire district. It is especially beautiful here in the summer. Tourists visit Kazan sights this time of year especially often. In 2016, a sculptural composition was installed near the building in the form of leopards with cubs and zilants - symbols of the city.

Family Center in Kazan

Kul Sharif

The leadership of the republic and the city is doing everything possible so that the sights in Kazan will impress tourists not only with the scale, but also with a unique approach in which the history of the Tatar people can be clearly traced. Kul-Sharif Mosque can be safely attributed to just such projects. The mosque is the main element of the architectural complex of the Kazan Kremlin, and there is only one answer to the question of where to go for a tourist in Kazan, what sights to see: Kul-Sharif. The building is unique in that it was built in modern times and has no relation to historical buildings. On this site in 1552 was a mosque, which was destroyed during the capture of the city by Tsar Ivan the Terrible. But information about it, even approximate, could not be found, so from 1996 to 2005 a new modern building was erected. The opening was timed to the celebration of the millennium anniversary of Kazan.

Kul Sharif

Fuchsovsky Garden

There is another interesting place in Kazan - Fuchsovsky Garden. It is named after the first rector of Kazan University Karl Fuchs, who was not only a scientist, but also a botanist, researcher, doctor and archaeologist. The garden was founded in 1896, in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the death of Karl Fuchs. In the spring of that year, unique shrubs, trees and flowers were planted in the park. With the advent of Soviet power, the garden fell into decay, many places were destroyed. They remembered the existence of the garden only in 1996, ennobled it again, built paths and flowerbeds, planted flowers and opened it for visitors. Today, here is one of the observation platforms, which offer views of the city, especially beautiful in early autumn. For tourists, the sights of Kazan related to nature and landscapes will have a special charm, if you remember the magnificent vivid photographs that you certainly won’t do in winter.

Monument to Kot Kazan

Arriving in the capital of Tatarstan, you are probably wondering where to go. Reviews of tourists about the sights of Kazan are advised not to forget about one interesting direction that will lead you to the monument to the famous Kazan Cat. It was opened in 2009 and installed in the center of Bauman Street, which is considered the local Arbat. His name is Alabrys. According to legend, the Empress Elizaveta Petrovna found out that in Kazan there is a special breed of fighting cats that catch mice perfectly, and ordered them to be delivered to St. Petersburg. At that time, the mice bred in the unfinished buildings of the Winter Palace and spoiled everything in its path. Thirty cats were delivered from Kazan, which were determined for public service. They did their job perfectly, and since then the collective image of the cat has firmly entered the history of Kazan.

Kazan cat

Palace of Farmers

The capital of Tatarstan is a very versatile city, and almost all the main architectural structures are tourist attractions in Kazan, and photos and videos against them are vivid memories for many years. Here is the Palace of Farmers, this huge magnificent building, worthily bears the status of one of the main attractions. In everyday life, the palace is the place of work of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Republic. Construction began in 2008, and two years later, under the strict guidance of architect Leonid Gornyak, another amazing construction appeared in Kazan. It is important to note that the palace does not echo and draw attention from the Kremlin, since the height was limited to four floors.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15045/

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