Hallstatt, Austria: attractions, reviews

Surprisingly, this small town, lost in the mountains, is considered the most picturesque in Austria. And it was not in vain that it was inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List - a fabulous place with a population of no more than a thousand people has preserved its historical heritage, which causes a few travelers a sense of peace. Why a few? Yes, because it is difficult and long to reach a picturesque corner located on the shore of a crystal clear lake, so the tourist flow is still relatively small. But precisely because of the inaccessibility of the village and the long absence of relations with the outside world, it retained its naturalness and originality.

Fairytale town

Ancient Hallstatt (Hallstatt, Austria) is filled with ancient legends and legends, and it seems to all visitors that they have touched the spirit of Europe in a miniature town. The terrain here is truly magical: buildings resemble dollhouses from Disney cartoons, and Hallstatt people honor established norms and customs that pass from generation to generation. All visitors are fascinated by the unusual appearance of residents walking along the streets in traditional national costumes. The local population has great love for their hometown, in which it is impossible to get lost.

Hallstatt Austria

History of Salt Spears

Hallstatt (Austria), cut off from civilization by mountains and a lake, has a rich history. Interestingly, the Hallstatt culture of the ancient tribes of the Iron Age period is named in his honor. About three thousand years ago, huge salt deposits were discovered in the mountains , with which the history of a place hiding behind mighty rocks is connected. In the XVII century, local residents erected an industrial pipeline to quickly move the mineral, called the invisible treasure of the city, to the village of Ebensee.

The oldest mines in the world

Now intensive salt mining has been stopped, and the remaining oldest mines in the world, located above the heavenly spot, are becoming unique sights of the city. The guide will tell you about their amazing story. In the XVIII century, the remains of a miner who worked at least three hundred years ago were discovered here. They are perfectly preserved and have become a real urban sensation. It is believed that a high salt content prevents the natural decomposition of the body.

Hallstatt Lake

A century later, researchers studying mines accidentally stumbled upon the burial of the Iron Age. Archaeological finds have allowed scientists to understand the features of the life of ancient people. By the way, excavations are ongoing now, because this area is of great scientific interest, and numerous artifacts found are sent to historical museums in Austria.

A memorable trip to the underworld

On the Salt Mines, which are most easily accessible by funicular, there is a viewing platform for visitors, built in the old days as a watchtower. Those who are afraid of heights, it is better not to look down, and the rest captivates a fantastically beautiful picture of scattered small houses, clinging to each other, overlooking a transparent lake. Hallstatt is aerial view divinely good and resembles a poppy town from an old postcard.

new year in austria

Before visiting the mine, tourists are given warm clothes, because the temperature there does not exceed zero degrees, and the most daring run the risk of sliding down the wooden gutter to the maximum depth in order to penetrate the difficult everyday life of the salt miners. This downhill turns into a real fun activity: adults are impatiently waiting in line to ride with the breeze to the lower levels of the mines. And after the end of the tour you can buy photos that capture the inimitable emotions that overwhelmed you during the flight along the gutter, indicating the speed of movement along it. Also, as a keepsake, everyone is given a small jar of local salt.

The smallest city in the world

Throughout almost its entire history, the city of Hallstatt was cut off from the world, and in order to get into a place breathing peace, I had to use a boat, traveling along the lake, or for a long walk along a narrow path. And it was only in the 19th century that the first roads appeared that made life easier for the local population and made it possible to establish tourist routes, due to which the town comfortably exists.

Moscow Vienna

The amazing Hallstatt (Austria), which can be reached in half an hour, is so small that it has only two streets, one of which is so narrow that a car cannot pass on it. Everything here is subject to strict space saving, because the town, sandwiched by rocks and a lake, does not have the opportunity to grow and develop, so toy houses, clinging to each other, are built in several tiers. And the inhabitants of this corner of the Earth can move from one building to another, striding through the levels, like a ladder.

Parish Cemetery and Ossuary

Itโ€™s worth talking about the local cemetery separately: a curious tradition is connected with it, at first shocking all Europeans. Since there is really very little land in Hallstatt, the burial problem arose for a long time, because the lack of space did not allow expanding the borders of the churchyard. In this regard, ten years after death, local residents remove the remains of people and dry them thoroughly before laying them in a special basement dice. And the freed graves are again filled with bodies.

Hallstatt how to get

The crypt, which stores more than a thousand skulls of the inhabitants of the town and a huge number of bones, is located at the chapel of the local Lutheran church, which, due to lack of land, hangs over the roofs of houses of the first tier. It is the skeleton that becomes the subject of special interest for curious tourists who are surprised at the strange tradition for many to put on display human mortal remains. By the way, the skulls bear the names, dates of life and death, and many are even painted with floral patterns.

Idyll and special atmosphere

Everyone who is tired of too busy life in the metropolis considers Hallstatt (Austria) a city that moves travelers to past centuries with a calm and some special atmosphere. Sometimes itโ€™s useful to be alone with yourself and your thoughts, and perhaps this is what thousands of tourists come for every year. In a corner of the globe hidden from all eyes, there is a special spirit of appeasement that allows you to tacitly enjoy isolation from civilization. They say that someone who came here once will definitely return in order to again feel this extraordinary sense of freedom.

Hallstatt tours

Hallstatt: how to get there?

The trip to Hallstatt, torn from the whole world, is easiest to start from Salzburg. Trains and regular buses go to a small fairy-tale corner, only two hours on the road - and tourists amazed by the road through the tunnel laid in the mountains find themselves in the center of the town. There is another, more inaccessible route: by plane Moscow - Vienna fly to the Austrian capital, and from there take a fast train to travel about four hours to the ancient settlement. True, visitors do not get to the place, but landed near a beautiful lake, from the shores of which there is a free bus to Hallstatt. And lovers of boat trips are offered a ride on a ferry or boat, while enjoying the natural landscapes.

The most exotic and longest way for everyone who is afraid to fly is to travel by train Moscow - Vienna, which follows the capital for more than a day. However, the railway management warns that this route is seasonal and there are not always tickets for it on sale. But tourists who want to save money on flights can use the services of Russian Railways, unless they are frightened by a tiring and long journey.

city โ€‹โ€‹hallstatt

Hallstatt is beautiful at any time of the year

Travelers often wonder: what time of the year is it best to come to Hallstatt? Tours to the Austrian quaint town diverge equally well. Of course, it will not be a secret to anyone that in summer, a city drowning in bright greenery is simply beautiful. Fruit trees, bending branches to the ground due to the abundance of fruits, bend along stone walls, and local residents can easily harvest directly from the open window. Unusually well-groomed houses decorated with fresh flowers cannot but arouse delight, and people living in the most beautiful place in Austria are concerned not only with the external decoration, but also with the internal one.

Hallstatt Austria

Hallstatt is also unimaginably good in winter: small streets covered with snow, gingerbread houses decorated with rainbow illumination, and trees in white, fluffy robes are similar to the scenery for the fairy tale about the Snow Queen. Tourists who have repeatedly rested here and having ideas about a paradise, admit that in winter the village looks very mysterious, and they see this as a special charm. Therefore, everyone who wants to celebrate an extraordinary New Year in Austria, book tickets and hotels in Hallstatt in advance, since it is impossible to do this closer to the holiday.

Hallstatt Lake

Chinese clone

The most devoted city lovers are Chinese. A very interesting story is connected with them, which at first outraged the Austrians, and then became the beginning of friendly relations with the Middle Kingdom. Enthusiastic admirers of a cozy place decided to recreate its exact copy and have already succeeded in this. The twin city was erected from pre-photographed buildings - an absolute copy of Hallstatt. The authorities decided not to aggravate the conflict, because they did not have the rights to such duplication, but, on the contrary, felt that the double would become an object of interest in the script. And so it happened: hundreds of curious Chinese people comparing two settlements celebrate New Year in Austria and feel comfortable here in the summer.

Hallstatt Austria

Traveling to a cozy place is a real little fairy tale for adults. Those who want to enjoy the picturesque views and restore peace of mind should, without hesitation, go on a long and fascinating journey.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15050/

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