Kemer, Turkey - reviews. The beaches of Kemer. Restaurants, entertainment

Kemer ... Turkey ... Vacationers say that you need to go to this place without fail. And it’s not so important in what way: on their own, in the company of friends, family or with young children. One fact is undeniable: you will definitely like it there. Rest in Kemer, as a rule, is remembered for a long time.

kemer turkey reviews

This article is aimed at acquainting travelers with this unusual place on the world map.

Everyone knows that there are many resorts in Turkey, washed by several seas at once. Which one do you prefer? How not to miscalculate? After all, we have been waiting for this vacation all year long!

As practice shows, most of the vacationers still choose Kemer (Turkey). Reviews, mostly positive, confirm this.

Section 1. General description of the direction

Kemer beaches

If you move 43 km from Antalya in a southwest direction, the picturesque resort area of ​​Kemer will open before your eyes.

The azure Mediterranean Sea and the Taurus Mountains - this is where this wonderful area is located.

The nature of the wonderful corner is very diverse. Mountain ranges and pine forests, quiet bays, a sea of ​​crystal clear waters, Kemer beaches ... It seems as if these places were really created for relaxation and enjoyment of nature.

Many travelers interested in history and architecture choose precisely Kemer (Turkey) for their holidays.

Reviews indicate that a trip to this city is not only another opportunity to relax and admire the beauty of nature, but also a chance to make educational excursions.

Section 2. Resort area

When planning a vacation in Kemer, it is imperative to take into account the fact that the resort area of ​​this small Turkish settlement includes several areas at once: the city of Kemer itself, the villages of Beldibi and Camyuva, the town of Goynuk, the beaches in Tekirova and Kerish.

All these places, as well as their beach areas, are characterized by picturesque landscapes and bright originality. Let's try to talk about each of them in more detail.

  • Kemer is located on the slopes of the Taurus Mountains directly on the coast. After the international airport was built in Antalya, it became possible to get to it via the highway. Tourist popularity comes to him only in the 90s of the 20th century. It should be noted that before that very few people knew about him.
  • Fans of foothill landscapes, where the natural conditions are great for the development of coniferous and citrus trees, are advised to pay attention to the small village of Beldibi, located near Kemer - 15 km. Pedestrian walks, cozy restaurants, cafes and bars - you have a great vacation!
  • The town of Goynuk, almost adjacent to Kemer, is an opportunity to visit the sea bays of fabulous beauty. There are numerous souvenir shops, a variety of shops. Restaurants offer tourists a rich selection of local cuisine. The city water park attracts both adults and children. According to visitors' reviews, you can always get a lot of great impressions here.
  • A section of the coast located 61 km from the airport is Kirish. The landscapes here are amazingly beautiful: the sea surprises with its beauty, the mountain cliffs are covered with pine forests, and the bays are calm, as they are reliably protected from the winds.
  • Camyuva village (65 km from the airport) - clear sea and wonderful beaches. The natural conditions in these places are ideal for a relaxing holiday. The interest of tourists has always attracted the rural life of local residents.
  • Tekirova is one of the most beautiful places in Turkey. It is 73 km from Antalya. Nearby is the legendary city of Phaselis. Tourists are required to go on an excursion to the ancient city.

Section 3. How to get to your destination

Direct and charter flights from major European and Russian cities, as well as from Israel and Turkish airports located in Istanbul and Ankara, allow you to comfortably and easily fly to Antalya.

And already from Antalya to Kemer you can easily travel by car. A bus service is developed between the settlements of the resort area, which allows even in the evening and for a relatively small fee to get to the place where you plan to have a good rest and spend unforgettable days.

Section 4. Milestones in Local History

Kemer hotels

Today's entertainment in Kemer (Turkey) is somehow connected with the history and culture of a whole nation.

Information about the city dates back to antiquity. It was in this area that the city of Idrios in ancient Lycia was located. Nearby are the ruins of the ancient cities of Olympos and Phaselis.

Until the beginning of the 20th century, Kemer was a small settlement. In 1910, local residents began to build a stone wall, which was supposed to protect their village from the threat of destruction by mudflows. The stone wall, whose length was 23 km, became a reliable protection for the village ("Kemer" means "belt" in Turkish).

After a large airport appeared in Antalya, a highway was built to the village, and then 3 new tunnels. Since the 90s of the last century it is a major center of modern tourism. And today the beaches of Kemer are very popular.

Section 5. Features of the local climate

Kemer for families with children

The climate in Kemer is Mediterranean. However, not everything is as simple as it might seem at first glance. There are a number of characteristic features. For example, in winter there is less rainfall than in the same Antalya, and it is colder. Sometimes it even snows. The temperature of sea water in winter is + 17-19ºC.

In the summer, Kemer for families with children is simply magnificent. People who like to bask in the sun and do not attach much importance to the sweltering heat also come here in large numbers: + 40ºC in the shade - the usual daytime temperature at this time of year. The sun in the summer is very bright and practically does not leave the horizon during the day. Water temperature in summer + 27ºC.

Section 6. Resorts and beaches

All entertainment in Kemer (Turkey), as a rule, is associated with the sea, coast and water sports.

In general, it can be noted that this is a wonderful resort place with a sufficiently developed tourist infrastructure. Since 2000, there has been a steady increase in the number of hotels - from 20 in 2000 to 170 large hotels in 2012. In addition, modest family pensions operate.

Young people, as a rule, prefer to stay in the city, closer to places of entertainment. Discos, bars and attractions in Kemer attract thousands of travelers every year.

For those who want a relaxing holiday, hotels near the beach line are more suitable. Tourists with children often stay in the town of Tekirova - a beach with small pebbles is very attractive for this category of vacationers.

Swimming in this resort is comfortable from May to October. It should be noted that the natural recreation areas here are pebble. This is the geological structure of the city of Kemer, sandy beaches are found only in some hotels. They are specially created, however, at the entrance to the sea, pebbles will still be under the feet of vacationers.

In general, the city has two beaches - urban pebble and sand and pebble with beautiful citrus trees. The city beach has all the conditions for practicing water sports. Especially attractive for vacationers is a nearby park in Kemer and yachting.

Section 7. Restaurants, entertainment and excursions

kemer sandy beaches

Probably, hardly anyone will dare to challenge the fact that guests in Turkey are loved. And if so, then they try to feed travelers, as the closest relatives.

Once in Kemer, you can feel it, as well as possible. It is only worth looking around. Here at every step there are modest cafes, trendy bars and luxurious restaurants.

Want to try the delights of local cuisine? In this case, take a look at one of the following establishments:

  • Nasrettin Hoca.
  • My Eden Restaurant.
  • La Terrasse.
  • La Luna.

There is no doubt that a real feast awaits inside the travelers, and the elegance of the interiors and excellent service will once again demonstrate the fact that you have chosen the right direction for your vacation.

What to do in the resort? Indeed, you must admit, sooner or later everyone gets tired of lazy spending time on the shore.

- Yoryuk Park. In Kemer, it is recommended to visit the "Yoryuk Park", which presents an ethnographic exposition covering the history of the Turkish people. The museum is located in the open air. His guests have an excellent opportunity to learn about how Turkish tribes lived in the past. Housewares, models of dwellings, utensils - all this clearly shows how interesting and often unusual the life of nomads was. In the workshops presented at the exposition, travelers can get acquainted with how the work of a craftsman was organized. Here you can even taste the food of the nomads, prepared according to traditional recipes.

- "Moonlight". Near the "Yoryuk Park" is the complex "Moonlight", in the territory of which there is a park and an artificial sandy beach. Tourists with children will find here wonderful conditions - a dolphinarium, a kids club, two swimming pools. The best restaurants in Kemer are also here. In addition, there are also superbly equipped tennis courts and modern bars. Without a doubt, the Moonlight complex is a wonderful place to relax.

- Ecopark. In 2005, it received its first visitors, Ecopark (Tekirova village). It is significant that excellent conditions have been created on its territory for reptiles, which are currently under threat of extinction. There are both poisonous and non-poisonous snakes.

The staff takes care of the development and reproduction of chameleons and various amphibians. Brought to the "Ecopark" and numerous exotic specimens. For example, pythons, coral snakes, boas, anacondas, vipers, cobras, rattlesnakes, giant lizards, turtles and even crocodiles.

The park has created excellent conditions for exotic trees and shrubs. On this territory 360 thousand samples of the plant world from tropical and subtropical zones perfectly develop and coexist.

For guests Ecopark is open from May to October from 9.00 to 18.00. A visit to this institution is actually worth including in a vacation in Kemer. Hotels often sell tickets to this place themselves.

- Antalya. Naturally, all tourists vacationing in Kemer must visit Antalya with a tour to see the sights of the city.

Section 8. Local Attractions

Turkey ... Kemer ... Prices, as a rule, allow almost everyone to come to this resort town. And there are actually a lot of prerequisites for visiting him.

- Interest in antiquity attracts tourists to see the ruins of Phaselis, a port city that really existed in Lycia in the 7th century BC. e. Already in that era 3 ports functioned in the city. An ancient street has survived to our time, the width of which is 24 meters. Its southern part is limited to the gates of Hadrian. And today you can see the ruins of warehouses. The marketplace, Roman baths, the theater and the agora have been preserved. In the ancient city channels were laid for the supply and disposal of water. Images on sarcophagi can provide a lot of information to interested researchers of antiquities.

- Mount Yanartash is one of the main attractions of Kemer. At its foot is the modest town of Cirali, and nearby is the territory of Olympos National Park.

The hill, by the way, is also known as Fiery due to dozens of ignitions due to the interaction of oxygen and gases released from the earth. Under the ignition site, archaeologists discovered the destroyed temple of Hephaestus, which in the pantheon of Greek gods was considered the god of fire and the patron of blacksmithing. It is so symbolic - the temple of the god of fire and multiple ignitions in real natural conditions!

To see this miracle with your own eyes, you need to purchase an entrance ticket and climb the steps carved into the rock to the top of Yanartash Mountain. There are especially many visitors here at night - in the dark, burning flames seem unnaturally beautiful. Such a spectacle makes a very strong impression.

- Remains of the city of Olympos, founded in the 3rd century BC. e., you can see the mountain Tahtali. Currently, a National Park has been created here.

It should be noted that this is the highest mountain in southern Turkey and it is located directly near the coast. Nearby is the second highest mountain range Beidaglara. Climbing the cable car in Olympos Park - the first in Europe in length and the second in the world - is a great opportunity to get a vivid, unforgettable experience.

By the way, the cable car carries tourists not only in the summer, but also in the winter. The cable car can be reached by daily shuttles from Beldibi, Kemer, Geynuk, Kirishi, Camyuva and Tekirova. It is hard to imagine, but from a height of 726 m to 2365 m can be reached in just 10 minutes.

Section 9. Diving Opportunity

entertainment in kemer

Kemer ... Turkey ... Reviews of numerous vacationers unanimously call this town a unique place for diving. And, I must say, not without reason.

In general, we note that scuba diving enthusiasts have two popular places: not far from Antalya and Takirova.

In the first case, however, it will be necessary to obtain special permission from two authorities at once: the city mayor’s office and the maritime police. But the efforts will not be in vain: at the entrance to the port at a depth of more than 20 meters there is a sunken warship, so such a dive is sure to be remembered.

Not far from Tekirova there are islands with underwater caves. When diving in these places, you can observe large sucker fish, schools of tuna, dolphins and fur seals.

Section 10. What must be done in Kemer?

Entertainment in Kemer Turkey

  1. The air in Kemer is amazing, full of aromas of cedar and pine. Therefore, everyone who was lucky enough to be in the conditions of this wonderful natural corner is strongly recommended to feel the “taste” of the atmosphere.
  2. Be sure to sit on a bench in the port and enjoy the yachts. Contemplation of the smooth movement of small and large yachts along the water surface helps to relieve the burden of worries from the soul and enjoy the feeling of lightness.
  3. At the fountain, located at the intersection of Liman Street and Ataturk Boulevard, the sculpture "Tenderness and Love" is installed. All tourists should take a picture of themselves against the backdrop of this amazing composition, so that later, when looking at a photograph, remember the beautiful days spent in Kemer.
  4. It is worth visiting the Ayyshygy park in a small dolphinarium.
  5. A visit to the AquaWorld waterpark is an opportunity to relax and get a boost of vigor for both adults and children.
  6. In the ethnographic museum, you should definitely get acquainted with the information on the lifestyle of the ancient Turkish nomads.
  7. On a particularly hot day, it is recommended to visit the Phaselis Natural Park, where cedars, pines and eucalyptus trees have grown densely. Tourists get here from the heat to the real kingdom of coolness.
  8. To get acquainted with the collection of unique plants, amphibians and reptiles, you need to go to the ecopark in Tekirova.
  9. Indescribable impressions can be obtained by taking the opportunity to climb Tahtali, the highest mountain in southern Turkey, by cable car. The beauty of the scenery in these places is amazing, and climbing a mountain takes very little time.
  10. The top platform of the cable station offers excellent views of the Beidaglari mountain range and the Kemer coastline. Eyewitnesses testify that the panorama that opens is truly admirable!


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