Form 2-TP (waste): filling procedure, deadlines

The Federal Service for State Statistics approved the form 2-TP (waste). Rosprirodnadzor with its help collects and processes data relating to the formation, use, disposal, transportation and disposal of recyclables. This form has been put into circulation since 2004. Next, we consider a sample of 2-TP (waste).

2 TP waste

Basic concepts

Waste from consumption and production are the remains of materials, raw materials, semi-finished products, other products / products formed during use, as well as goods that have lost their consumer characteristics. The appeal refers to the activity in which recyclable material appears. It also includes operations on storage, transportation, disposal, disposal, use, collection. Hazardous is called waste containing harmful substances having properties that can create a threat to humans and nature. Such characteristics, in particular, include toxicity, fire and explosion hazard, etc. Hazardous waste may also contain infectious agents. An object of accommodation is a specially equipped structure and intended for placement of recyclables into it. It may be a sludge dump, landfill, rock dump, etc. The disposal of waste is the activity of burial and storage of recyclables. The latter is the content of materials at designated sites. Storage is carried out for subsequent disposal, disposal or use. To prevent the entry of harmful / hazardous compounds into the environment, the waste is isolated. This operation is called burial. Waste can be reused to create products, provide services or perform work, as well as to generate energy and heat.


Who gives 2-TP (waste)? The list of entities required to provide relevant information is defined in the above resolution. In particular, they include:

  1. Citizens engaged in entrepreneurial activities without creating a legal entity, registered in the status of individual entrepreneurs in the prescribed manner, whose work is associated with the treatment of waste from consumption and production.
  2. Organizations that act as small business entities , including their separate units, in the process of which they are created (received), used, disposed of and disposed of (including burial and storage), recyclables are collected and transported.
    delivery of 2 TP waste

Agricultural enterprises present reports on the availability, creation and transfer to third parties (for storage or for disposal) of pesticides that are prohibited for use or have become unusable. Transport companies that carry out exclusively transit transportation of recyclables from the places of its formation to the areas of their burial, warehousing, disposal, storage or disposal that are not under their jurisdiction provide information on its receipt and transfer to other entities. Information on f. 2-TP (waste) is not presented by bodies of culture and art, management, sports and physical education, enlightenment and education, insurance and other financial and credit institutions.

Information Composition

In f. 2-TP (waste) is entered information on all types of recycled materials that are in circulation with a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, with the exception of radioactive substances. No information is provided on compounds entering the atmosphere and water bodies with effluents, volumes of contaminated water transferred for treatment to other enterprises. The 2-TP (waste) report contains information on the formation, use, placement and disposal of substances obtained during the treatment of wastewater and waste gases at the respective plants and structures.

Company Information

The 2-TP (waste) report includes information on the legal entity as a whole, that is, including data on its units, regardless of their location. If representative offices / branches are located within other entities of the country, then it is necessary to provide additional information on the organization, not including information about the OP. Separate units located in other regions present f. 2-TP (waste) to territorial control bodies.

Address part

It indicates the full name of the company providing f. 2-TP (waste). The name is given in accordance with the constituent documentation registered in accordance with the rules established by law. In parentheses indicate the short name of the legal entity. In the column "Postal address" the name of the region of the Russian Federation, address and zip code are recorded. The code part should be made out in accordance with the national classifiers on the basis of a letter from the state statistics authorities on the inclusion of the organization in the USREO.

2 TP waste filling

Information on production and consumption waste

Information is provided on the basis of primary credentials and passport. All substances are grouped according to certain hazard classes and are reflected sequentially in f. 2-TP (waste). Filling is carried out in accordance with the accepted classification by type. The hazard class for the environment is determined by the Federal Catalog. If it does not contain the required information, then the criteria for classifying the waste as hazardous are used, approved by Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources No. 511 of June 15, 2001. The establishment of a class by a legal entity or individual entrepreneur is confirmed by the territorial division of Rostekhnadzor.

Reflection indicators

The quantities by which the waste is characterized are indicated by weight in tons. After the decimal point in the indicators leave:

  1. 1 sign - for substances IV and V class.
  2. 3 characters - for materials of I, II, III classes.

Waste, which is presented in the form of fluorescent lamps, decommissioned and containing mercury, show the mass of the product. Information is indicated on the required number of forms. Moreover, on each of them at the top right is affixed serial number. Form 2-TP (waste) is signed by the head of the enterprise or directly by an individual entrepreneur.

General rules

Columns 1 to 15 indicate the data, and in their absence a dash is put. For each type of waste assigned to the corresponding grouping by hazard class, separate lines are allocated. Their numbers are denoted by three-digit numbers. For substances of class I, columns from 100 to 199 are used, for II, III, IV, V - from 200 to 299, 300 to 399, 400 to 499 and from 500 to 599, respectively. Lines 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 reflect the total quantitative data on production and consumption waste grouped by hazard category.

sample 2 tp waste

Procedure for entering information

Form 2-TP (waste) is drawn up from the final column 010. It reflects the total number of materials of all classes. The information of column 010 in lines 1-15 shall be equal to the sum of the information p. 100, 200, 300, 400, 500 in column 1-15, respectively. In p. 100 on gr. 1-15 reflect the total data for all waste attributed to class I. Information is formed by adding up indicators for all their types that are in circulation with the organization or the entrepreneur.

Lines 101-199

Columns B, C and D, as well as 1-15 indicate information for each name of the waste class I. danger. Line numbers for data reflection are put in the strict order: 101, 102, and so on. The number of rooms should equal the number of types of materials. If there is only one type in circulation, see page 101 in column 1-15 are repeated on page 100. If the enterprise does not have wastes assigned to class I, numbers 100-199 are not used when filling out the form.

Line 200

Columns 1-15 reflect the total data on the types of waste assigned to class II. This information is formed by adding indicators for the relevant materials held by the organization / individual entrepreneur. For pages 201-299, the information is given in the same manner as for pages 101-199.

Lines 300-599

Columns 1-15 reflect the general indicators for materials assigned to III, IV, V class. For each class, the data on the waste in circulation at the enterprise are summarized. Information on the types of materials in lines 301-399, 401-499, 501-599 is indicated according to the rules given above.

who gives 2 TP waste

Lines 600-602

Form 2-TP (waste) contains information on the number of waste disposal facilities. They are indicated on line 600. On page 601, enter the number of material disposal facilities that do not comply with applicable standards. On page 602 indicate the area of ​​all these plots.


They indicate the following information:

  1. A is the line number.
  2. B - the name of the types of materials grouped by class.
  3. B is the departure code. It is brought in accordance with the Federal Classification Catalog.
  4. G is the number of the waste properties group. It is indicated in accordance with the passport.
  5. 1 - the total amount of materials that was accumulated over previous years at the beginning of the current period. At the same time, information is reflected on the waste, both located on the territory of the enterprise, and located outside it in storage facilities belonging to the organization. They can be warehouses, drives, and so on.
  6. 2 - the amount of waste that was generated during the current year. At the same time, materials received from third-party enterprises are not taken into account.
  7. 3 - the amount of waste received from other organizations for the disposal, disposal, subsequent processing, use, storage, transportation and so on.
  8. 4 - the number of materials received during the current year from other countries on imports.
  9. 5 - the amount of waste that was used by the enterprise during the reporting period for the production of any products or the provision of services, including for the generation of electricity and heat. At the same time, the processing of materials accumulated earlier and received from third-party enterprises in the current year is also taken into account.
  10. 6 - the volume of waste that was completely neutralized during the reporting period, including at specialized facilities owned by the organization. Further movement of these materials (sales, processing, disposal, storage, etc.) is not reflected. Partially neutralized waste is shown in column 2, 5, and also 7-15.
  11. 7 - the total number of materials that were transferred during the current year to third-party enterprises for burial, storage, disposal, use.
    2 tp waste
  12. 8 - the number of materials provided to other organizations in operation.
  13. 9 - the amount of waste transferred to third-party enterprises for disposal.
  14. 10 - the number of materials provided to other organizations for storage.
  15. 11 - the amount of waste that was transferred for disposal.
  16. 12 - the total number of materials located at facilities owned by the enterprise, including those rented.
  17. 13 - the amount of waste placed in their own storage areas.
  18. 14 - the number of materials placed at disposal facilities.

In column 15 indicate the amount of waste that has been accumulated in areas owned and leased by the enterprise at the end of the period. This indicator is the sum of the volume of materials available at the beginning of the year, appeared and received during it from third-party companies, minus the neutralized and used, as well as provided to other persons and buried at their own facilities.

F. 2-TP (waste): timing

For untimely provision of information, an enterprise may receive a rather large fine. The delivery of 2-TP (waste) is carried out no later than February 1 of the next year. Information is provided on paper. Since November 2011, a special program can be used to generate a report.

2 TP waste time

Nature management module

It is a special system, the task of which is to partially automate the process of preparing reports and the procedure for determining environmental payments. When compiling a document, the following information must be entered into the nature user module:

  1. Details of the enterprise.
  2. Description of the scope of activity.
  3. The current limit for waste disposal.
  4. Permission for emissions into the air or into water bodies.
  5. Information about the extension of limits.

Having processed the received data, the module offers the user an electronic number. It will be required for further submission of the paper report. To ensure proper and stable operation, the nature user module should be updated periodically. You can download the system on the official portal of Rosprirodnazor.


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