Tariff "All inclusive M", operator "MegaFon"

Tariff plans for mobile operators are very diverse. Including MegaFon. Therefore, today we have to find out with you the details of the All Inclusive M package. What it is? How can this offer interest us? Should I even take this opportunity? We have to learn about all this. Plus, it’s important to understand what connection / disconnection methods exist. After all, then at any time you will be able to independently refuse or start using the tariff plan. Let’s review the “All Inclusive M” tariff with you as soon as possible.

all inclusive m

general description

So, the first thing we will try to do is give a brief description of the tariff plan. After all, it is it that is able to interest (or, conversely, disappoint) customers. What can the All Inclusive M tariff offer us?

The thing is that this plan for cell numbers is a real treasure. You can talk for free throughout Russia, as well as write messages and download information from the Internet. Of course, this tariff plan implies a monthly fee of 490 rubles. It seems that the amount is quite substantial. Only for it you will receive a lot of interesting and useful bonuses. Let's try to figure out which ones.

Call in the region

If you are thinking about whether to turn off "All Inclusive M" or, conversely, connect it, then you should pay attention to the first important point when choosing a tariff plan. This is nothing but the cost of outgoing calls within your home region.

"All inclusive M" - this is the real anti-crisis solution at the moment. Indeed, for an already paid subscription fee, you get 800 free minutes of conversation with other subscribers in your region, regardless of the mobile operator. Quite a lot when you consider that these minutes are given for a whole month.

all inclusive rate m

After the limit is reached, you will call MegaFon in the home region for free. But communication with other mobile operators will cost only 1 ruble per minute of conversation. In reality, this is not so much. For example, Beeline All-Inclusive M asks from 2.5 rubles per minute. And this is a very tangible difference. But what else should be considered before turning on or off our current tariff plan? Let's try to understand this difficult matter.

We call in Russia

Of course, MegaFon's All Inclusive M is not only profitable conversations within your home region, but also a great offer for those who plan to make calls all over Russia. This is a fairly common occurrence among modern customers.

And therefore, our today's tariff plan allows us to make free calls throughout the country. 800 free minutes are given not only for “home” conversations, but also for dialogs in Russia. In truth, as soon as this limit is exhausted, you will have to pay a little.

beeline all inclusive m

Calls to MegaFon in Russia will cost you 3 rubles per minute. The same "Beeline" ("All inclusive M" - a similar tariff) asks for 5 rubles for this service. In cases if you decide to use a call to a landline number or another mobile operator, you will have to pay a lot more - 12.5 rubles each. Nevertheless, this is still a pretty good offer. But you can not stop here. After all, there are several more significant advantages of our tariff plan. Which ones? Let's get to know them.

Calling around the world

Of course, if you now take into account the sociability of customers, you will have to worry about ensuring communication outside our country. The thing is that All Inclusive M allows us to make profitable calls around the world. Why? Let us know this as soon as possible.

For example, in Europe you will call 55 rubles per minute. For other mobile operators, this amount will increase by 2 times. And even more. That is, for example, Beeline asks for 100 rubles per minute. The benefit is already visible. In addition, you will call 35 rubles to the Baltic countries and the CIS, Georgia and Abkhazia, South Ossetia and Ukraine. And this, to be honest, is not so expensive. Calls to all other countries will cost 75 rubles, while other operators will request a similar call from 150 per minute. As you can see, you can always stay in touch anywhere in the world. But this is far from all the advantages that will help us determine how good the All Inclusive M tariff plan is, reviews of which we will find out a little later. Let’s understand further what’s what.

disable all inclusive m


Of course, it is impossible to imagine a modern client without writing SMS messages. And it is precisely at this point that one also often has to pay close attention when choosing a tariff plan for a phone.

All Inclusive M allows you to send messages for free within your home region. True, a limited number - 500 pieces per month. This includes both SMS and MMS. After the limit is reached, you will have to pay 1.5 rubles for one ordinary "letter" and 7 rubles for multimedia. In fact, it is not so expensive.

In Russia, SMS can be sent for 3 rubles. In truth, these prices are very pleasing to customers. And so they are increasingly thinking about how to connect the All Inclusive M to their mobile number. Soon we will help them in this difficult-looking question. But first, it’s worth considering with you one more rather interesting and useful point for modern society. What is it about?

Mobile Internet

Of course, about the Internet. Now every client is using mobile communications. And without access to the World Wide Web, it is rather difficult to imagine. For this reason, MegaFon has provided an interesting opportunity to its customers.

how to connect all inclusive m

For the paid all-inclusive M subscription fee, you get 4 GB of Internet traffic (3G and 4G) at high speed. As soon as it ends, the speed of downloading documents will drop slightly, but the Internet itself will be unlimited. As a rule, there are practically no differences. And it pleases MegaFon customers.

As you can see, we are dealing with a very profitable cellular plan. And now it's time to talk with you about how you can connect it to your phone. And then you can find out the opinion of customers about this tariff plan.

We are connected

You can disable "All Inclusive M" at any time and connect it. For this, there are quite a lot of diverse options for the development of events. For example, you can buy yourself a new SIM card at the nearest cellular office with a ready-made tariff. In addition, the automatic transition to "All inclusive M" can be asked to carry out the employees of the MegaFon office. To do this, you need a passport.

In addition, you can use the sending of an SMS request. To do this, just write a message with the text "26", and then send it to number 00146. Now you can wait for SMS alerts about a successful tariff change.

Also, the Internet can come to your aid. Log in to the official MegaFon page, and then go to the "Rates" section. Find "All Inclusive M" there and click on the "Connect" button. Now confirm your actions and wait for the result. As a rule, the notification will come to you in 5-10 minutes. You can also disable the "All Inclusive M" tariff via the Internet. To do this, simply change the tariff plan to a new one.

disable tariff all inclusive m

Plus, you can use the special USSD-team. Dial * 146 * 29 # on the phone, and then click on the call button. After a short processing, the request will receive a notification about the successful connection of the tariff plan. As a rule, the process is absolutely free. Just make sure that you have enough money to charge your monthly fee.


And now it's time to talk about what subscribers themselves think about the MegaFon All Inclusive M tariff. After all, it is customary to call it "anti-crisis."

In general, customers are satisfied with this offer. The only point that confuses some is the monthly fee. After all, someone can fit into 200 messages per month, as well as 400 free minutes. For such customers, there is a cheaper version of the tariff plan - "All inclusive S". Its monthly fee is 290 rubles per month, and differs from our current one only in the number of free minutes and messages. That's all.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15076/

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