Non-state Pension Fund "Rosgosstrakh": reviews, rating

Rosgosstrakh non-state pension fund is an organization that interests many. Before starting cooperation with her, many people study the reviews of real customers of the company. They help evaluate the integrity of the corporation. What can be said about the mentioned NPF?

About Activities

For example, in the field of activity. There is nothing specific here. The thing is that Rosgosstrakh has been engaged in population insurance for a long time. Including retirement.

non-state pension fund rosgosstrakh

In other words, this company is a place where you can form the funded part of the pension. Funds here are not only saved, but also multiplied. There is nothing suspicious about this. Rosgosstrakh does not pursue any shadow politics. This is the most common non-state pension fund, but with its own characteristics.


It is worth noting that the company under study is not scammers. In any case, there is every reason to talk about the integrity of the organization. The non-governmental pension fund Rosgosstrakh is very large. It has branches throughout Russia. And this does not leave the population indifferent - even in the smallest city you can find a branch of the fund.

Where is the head office located? Where to directly address claims? The Rosgosstrakh private pension fund has the following address: Russia, Moscow, Obrucheva street, 52, building 3.

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the RGS insurance company itself appeared long ago. But a non-governmental pension fund from her in Russia opened in 2002. Since that time, the organization began to spread throughout the country. And quite successfully.

non-state pension fund rosgosstrakh address


For each company, its rating is important. The higher it is, the more attention of potential customers will be attracted. What is Rosgosstrakh's non-state pension fund rating for Russia?

This company is among the 10 leaders of NPFs in the country. Different sources indicate a variety of information regarding the position of the fund. For example, based on the results of 2013, we can conclude that Rosgosstrakh is in the 5th place in the rating. And as a rule, he does not fall below this mark.

In any case, the organization under study is one of the leaders of non-state pension funds. There is every reason to trust a corporation. Not the best place to save pensions, but it is often considered by the population.

Rosgosstrakh private pension fund reviews rating


Non-state pension fund Rosgosstrakh has a good yield. Although some reviews indicate that the return on cooperation with the company is not too high.

According to the data of 2015 (this is by far the only relevant information available in the public domain), one can see that the fund's return is 7.5%. Not too much, but more than many similar organizations offer.

Clients note that RGS is suitable for increasing pension savings , but it is not worth waiting for significant changes. The proposed 7-7.5% return is inflation adjusted. This fact must be taken into account. Accordingly, there is always a chance for higher returns.

Trust level

Another very important indicator is the level of public confidence. It indicates how strongly people believe in the integrity and reliability of the organization. In this area, the non-state pension fund Rosgosstrakh has high rates.

Today, the CWG has a level of trust that is characterized as A ++ (or AAA). It stands for "The highest trust." This means that the population considers the organization under study to be reliable and sustainable. It is this that serves as evidence that Rosgosstrakh is among the dozens of leaders of non-state pension funds in the country.

Remote control

But not everything is as good as it seems. What kind of feedback does Rosgosstrakh receive from its customers? Despite all of the above, opinions remain twofold. Why?

private pension fund rosgosstrakh reviews

For example, due to the possibility of remote account management. "RGS" offers its customers "My Account". It allows, without leaving home, to monitor the status of the personal account and order extracts from it. Such opportunities do not leave indifferent. Very convenient - at any time you can easily get all the information you need about the account and pension savings.

Nevertheless, the negative expresses for the incomplete debugging work of the "Personal Account". Many note that authorization causes some difficulties. And the ordered extracts have to wait a very long time. That is why you can see quite a lot of negative, angry reviews about the organization. Nevertheless, there is a "Personal Account", it is functioning. Try to debug this opportunity.


But that is not all. Some reviews indicate that the non-state pension fund Rosgosstrakh is a scam. Where did this statement come from? How reasonable is it?

The thing is that some investors indicate that they discover the funded part of the pension unexpectedly for themselves in the RGS non-government pension fund. And such situations suggest the idea of ​​fraud. No notifications, contracts and other contact with the client! Everything is done "in the quiet."

Lawyers often comment on this issue. From a legal point of view, there are no violations. Why? All this is due to the fact that RGS concludes cooperation agreements with various employers. And all subordinates in a particular company automatically transfer the funded pension to the fund. It is the boss who should report this, not the NPF.

So, all allegations of fraud are not supported by anything. Otherwise, the license would have been taken away from the fund. This is a modern measure to combat the abundance of unscrupulous private pension funds in Russia.

non-state pension fund rosgosstrakh rating


What can be summed up? It is clear what kind of feedback Rosgosstrakh receives (non-state pension fund). The rating of this organization is also no longer a secret.

This company is a good place to maintain and increase retirement savings. Despite the very good statistics, reviews of some customers make us once again think about the integrity of the company. Lawyers say there is no need to be afraid of angry opinions. After all, RGS has existed in Russia for a long time. The fund is in the top 10 best non-state pension funds for a reason. You can consider this organization for the formation of pension savings, but taking into account the negative factors described by customers.


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