Correct formwork for the foundation is the key to its strength and durability

The construction of any structures begins with the first stage of the construction of buildings, laying the foundation. Even at the design stage, it is necessary to calculate the operational load on the designed structure and select the required type of foundation.
A serious approach is needed to the construction of the foundation, it is necessary to take into account many factors on which the reliability and durability of the building being built depends. This is the relief of the site, the level of groundwater and the depth of freezing of the earth, it is also necessary to take into account the nature of the soil. It is necessary to finally approve the project: type, number of storeys of the house, planning features. Errors, at this stage of construction, will lead to inevitable problems; distortion of the foundation, various deformations and cracks, overspending of the material.
For independent construction of the foundation, it is necessary, first of all, to determine the type of foundation, as well as the nature of the materials with which to work. For private construction, strip foundations are more often used, provided that reinforced concrete is used, they are designed for about 150 years of operation, and are able to withstand significant loads. Then make a breakdown of the foundation and earthwork. Also considered are ways of waterproofing the foundation, if necessary, drainage. The formwork for the foundation can be either removable or non-removable, it can be made both by hand and in industrial production. The metal formwork for the foundation is becoming very popular, it can be used repeatedly and is a metal frame to which plates made of steel or aluminum are attached. Such formwork withstands fairly large loads, practically indestructible. The disadvantage of this formwork is the price, and if you want to save, an alternative is considered - do-it-yourself formwork for the foundation.
The formwork for the foundation is made quite simply. To make it, you need a 50 mm thick edged board and nails from which the shields are knocked together, while nails are driven from the inside out. The panels are mounted on supports driven into the ground, on both sides of the foundation, and it is necessary to carefully verify the verticality of the walls with a plumb line. With a large length, the formwork for the foundation is additionally strengthened with spacers installed at a certain distance, about a meter.

The formwork is brought out above the ground by 30 cm and higher, and we set the upper edge of it according to the level, this is important when erecting walls. When the formwork for the foundation is made with our own hands , we make reinforcement and then pour concrete into it. Filling is carried out in layers with mandatory tamping so as not to leave voids. A sufficient hardening of concrete takes about a month, and within this period it is recommended to create conditions for uniform drying, cover with roofing material on top, or periodically irrigate with water.

You can protect the foundation from water by making a blind area. It is tilted from the wall to the outside and its width should be from 70 to 120 cm. The main goal is to divert rainwater from the foundation. It is best to make the blind area of ​​concrete while the slope of such a blind area should be 3-5%. Such a wide blind area can even serve as a decorative path around the house. To protect the foundation, in addition to creating a blind area, it is also necessary to construct a drainage system in the adjacent area. Having paved the paths in the country with your own hands, along the blind area, and then the tracks pave drainage grooves, making a slope directed towards the natural drainage.

Drainage will allow to drain part of the house under the foundation, which prevents dampness in the house, as well as the gradual destruction of the foundation.


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