Objects of insurance and insurance risks

Many people think that nothing bad can happen to them or their property. But, as a popular saying goes, a person suggests, but God disposes. And in some cases nature itself acts as God. Recently, our temperate climate has become not quite temperate. Either intense heat or fierce cold. Cases of fires and floods became more frequent, hurricanes and even exotic tornadoes began to occur more and more in our latitudes. And for “complete happiness”, only the tsunami is missing. Yes, and many accidents are now associated with the human factor. Starting with the fact that the neighbor from above did not close the tap with water, and ending with deliberate arson and even terrorist attacks. And those times when a person in need of help was helped by a trade union, state, work colleagues or neighbors, are in the past. And now everyone is forced to take care of himself.

And there is no need to reinvent the wheel. You can simply contact the insurance company and get a certain guarantee that at least material damage can be repaired. And the client of the insurance company can be both an individual and a legal entity. There are also various objects of property insurance. For example, legal entities insure buildings and structures, technological equipment, utilities, manufactured products, office equipment, offices themselves and their decoration, and other facilities.

And the objects of personal insurance are apartments, houses, summer residences, cottages, their interior decoration, property located in them and so on. And you can insure this property both from accidental damage, and from its complete loss. And there are many risks that can affect both personal property and property of legal entities. There are, for example, fire risks. Here, insurance objects may suffer from a fire, gas explosion, lightning strike or even a plane crash. There are also many insurance risks associated with the elements. This list includes earthquakes, landslides, landslides and subsidence. Also to the list of natural disasters include whirlwinds, storms, hail, tornadoes, hurricanes and other similar disasters.

Many insurance risks are also associated with possible accidents on various communications. So insurance objects may suffer as a result of an accident in heating, plumbing, fire and sewer systems. Even damage can occur as a result of the penetration of water from an adjacent room. There are many insurance cases that are associated with the explosions of gas pipelines, steam boilers, various apparatuses and devices. And property losses associated with the unlawful actions of third parties also happen very often now. These are robberies, robberies or burglaries.

Also, the role of insurance has increased significantly with the transition to a market economy. Indeed, earlier, under the command-administrative system of managing the national economy, the enterprise management did not bear much responsibility for its object, which was considered state property. But market relations have changed this situation. Now the manufacturer acts at his own peril and risk, according to his own plans, and is responsible for everything himself. And this greatly enhances the role of insurance in modern manufacturing.

Therefore, today, in addition to traditional objects, new insurance objects have appeared. These are the risks associated with direct and indirect loss of profit. Direct losses are, for example, making less profit and losses associated with equipment downtime. Still these losses can be connected with the shortage of materials, raw materials, components, losses from strikes and other objective reasons. And indirect losses include bankruptcy of the enterprise, lost profits and other reasons. And now with the help of insurance you can protect your production from such losses.

Even today “liability insurance” is in fashion , which covers a wide variety of insurance objects. For example, a visitor to a store, restaurant or cafe slipped, fell and broke his limb in this institution. He may well sue its owner in order to obtain material compensation. And this kind of trouble can happen in any institution. Individuals in everyday life can also unwittingly become the culprits of material losses for their neighbors. For example, the owner of an apartment may break a pipe or break a crane. And then the affected neighbors have the right to demand compensation from him. And if these persons have such a policy, then all the damage will be compensated by the insurance company.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15101/

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