What is the pension for State Duma deputies?

We often like to discuss the income of high-ranking officials and even those who hold small posts in the state ladder of power. It’s easy to understand why this is happening, because often the income level of such an official noticeably exceeds the income of the average Russian. And moreover, it is very noticeably higher, which causes people to wonder what the official’s income is made up of and what pension of the State Duma deputy he will be paid in old age. But first things first.

Duration of tenure guaranteeing increased retirement

According to the current legislation, those deputies who have held this position for at least five years can expect to receive a deputy's insurance pension in the future. An official who, for one reason or another, has been empowered for less than this period is not entitled to an additional increase in pension.

If an official has been a deputy for more than one term and in total has held a post for at least ten years, then his insurance pension will be higher than that of persons who were former members of deputies for five years.

pension of a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

How is the size of the insurance pension considered?

The base income from which all incomes and payments of deputies are considered is the so-called "Monetary remuneration of a deputy of the State Duma." In 2010, the amount of this remuneration was 84,774 rubles. But it is worth keeping in mind that the amount of remuneration is regularly recounted and adjusted in one direction or another, depending on the economic situation in the country.

It is precisely from the amount of this remuneration that the size of the insurance premium is calculated. For persons who have held this public office from five to ten years, an amount equal to 55% of the amount of remuneration is taken.

For the same servants of the people who have passed laws for at least ten years, an increased insurance pension is provided. It is calculated from the same monetary reward and amounts to 75% of the amount of remuneration. This is how the size of pensions of deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation is considered! Now let's move on to the specific numbers.

what pension do the deputies of the State Duma

The amount of insurance pensions for 2018

Let us consider on concrete figures how much a person who has held the post of deputy for five or more than ten years will receive. So, in the first case, it turns out that the amount of the additional insurance pension is 46,626 rubles.

In the second case, the pension of the State Duma deputy who has held this position for more than ten years will be 63,581 rubles. The difference is very significant, so it is not surprising that many deputies are eager to go for a second and third term. Although, probably, such an aspiration is explained not only by an increased pension increase!

State Duma retirement age

Do all deputies have the right to retire?

Not everyone who until the last convocation held the post of deputy will be able to receive an increased pension in the future. Here's the thing: only after the elections to the State Duma in 2016, the term of office of the deputy became five years, before that he was 4 years.

And from this it follows that those who have been in this position for less than the minimum period are not entitled to rely on an insurance premium. Pensions of former deputies of the State Duma who have held office for less than five years will be calculated without additional allowance.

The same applies to those whose powers were suspended for any reason. Although such cases are rare, they have taken place in the history of Russia.

Retirement age

If we talk about the legal status of the deputy and the privileges that he gives, then they include a lot, except for early retirement. This is not provided by applicable law.

The retirement age of State Duma deputies is the same as that of all other citizens of the Russian Federation. That is, women who held the post of deputy will retire when they reach 60 years old, and men who were in the post of deputy, at 65 years old. But given the gradual increase in the retirement age, which was recently adopted, all individuals will retire, taking into account the planned increase.

Recall that it was originally planned to increase the retirement age for women to 63 years, but later by decree of the president it was reduced to 60 years. It was in this form that the new law on raising the retirement age was adopted.

pensions of former deputies of the State Duma

When does a former deputy not receive an insurance pension? Nuances

Do not assume that as soon as the "servant of the people" has reached retirement age, he immediately begins to receive the pension of a State Duma deputy. This is not entirely true, in some cases, the additional increase can be completely canceled for a while.

But in what cases is this possible? First of all, in the event that a person who has reached retirement age is active, that is, his term of office has not expired. He, as before, receives the due state remuneration for his work.

The second case is almost similar to the first - if the former deputy remained after reaching retirement age in the public service and occupies a high post. The insurance pension will not be paid to him until the moment he leaves for a well-deserved rest.

Well, given that many of our "servants of the people" have been in the public service for more than a dozen years, often at a very advanced age, many of them are not paid the pension of the State Duma deputy.

pension of deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation

How much does the current lawmaker get?

The above amount of "Cash Remuneration" is not the size of the salary of the current State Duma deputy. On average, over the past 2018, a deputy’s salary per month amounted to almost 400 thousand rubles, and after taxes, about 347,400 rubles.

Naturally, the salaries of deputies may vary slightly, depending on his authority and position. But even if we take the above average income, it becomes quite obvious that it is quite high. This is one of the reasons why deputies who have reached retirement age and perform their duties before the deadline are not paid an additional insurance pension.

Pension over 100 thousand rubles

Is it possible for a former deputy to retire to receive more than 100 thousand rubles a month? To answer this question, all factors must be taken into account; everything is individual here, depending on the length of service and places of work.

So, the additional insurance pension of a State Duma deputy is not a bare salary, but an increase that is added to the basic pension established by the state. And here it all depends on its size, if it is more than 35 thousand per month, then adding 75% of the amount of monetary remuneration for being in the deputy chair for more than ten years, we will get 100 thousand or a little more.

And that means that the answer to this question may well turn out to be positive!

State Duma pension

National average pension

Now let's take a look at the average pension in a country and its size. On average, in 2018 it amounted to about 14 thousand rubles a month. This is if you follow the official data. But knowing how the arithmetic mean is considered, it can be argued that in many regions pensioners receive less than this amount. There are areas where the amount of pension payments does not reach 10 thousand per month.

And now you can simply draw a comparative parallel with the pension payments of deputies of the State Duma. The difference is obvious, the average pensioner receives 8-10 times less than the former deputy.

It is this scatter in salaries and pensions that explains the attitude to officials and deputies, which is observed everywhere today. Due to this disproportion, the attitude of most of our compatriots towards the servants of the people is not very good. But on the other hand, wages and pensions in the capital are much higher than in the regions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15104/

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