Evpatoria, “Little Jerusalem”: how to get, photos and reviews

The beautiful Russian city of Evpatoria is one of the oldest in the world. It is mentioned in chronicles dating from the fourth century BC. And nowadays, the old part of the city is called “Little Jerusalem”. The churches of six religions are located very close here: an Orthodox cathedral, a mosque, two synagogues, three kenases, and an Armenian church.

Evpatoria Small Jerusalem

City name history

In the place where today Evpatoria (“Little Jerusalem”) is located, in ancient times there was a Greek settlement called Kerkinitida. After its destruction for many centuries, there were no settlements in this territory.

Only during the time of the Crimean Khanate was the city revived here, to which the Tatars gave the name Kezlev (Gezlev), and the Russians began to call it Kozlov. When Crimea became part of the Russian Empire (1784), the city was renamed due to the inconsistency of the name. Thus appeared Evpatoria (translated from Greek - "noble", "born of a noble father").

Little Jerusalem

For many years, for many citizens of the former Soviet Union, Evpatoria has been and remains a favorite vacation spot. "Little Jerusalem" is a restored and restored part, or rather the Old City (Kezlev), located on its territory.

In addition, the pedestrian tourist route, combining twelve magnificent monuments of history and architecture, is also named. Some of the buildings of the Old Town, which has a layout typical for eastern cities, in which small winding streets are intertwined, have a very advanced age (more than five centuries).

yevpatoriya small jerusalem address

From the history of Kezlev

In this ancient city lived Cimmerians, Greeks, Taurus. The Greeks called it Kerkinitida, and the Turks renamed it Kezlev. In the XVI century, it became a large fortified city (trade). Ships from Asia Minor came to the harbor, Russian merchants called in. Since 1784, Kezlev became a county town as part of Russia.

Kezlevsky gate

One could get into the medieval city only through the fortress gates. There were five of them, but only one survived to this day, which are today called Kezlevsky. They were also destroyed in 1959, but in 2004, thanks to the efforts and means of patrons, they were restored to their original form.

yevpatoriya small jerusalem address

On the third floor of the Kezlev Gate today is the Museum of Tatar life. His expositions introduce the period of the history of the city dating back to the Middle Ages, when it was the main port of the Crimean Khanate. The basis of the museum’s exposition was a model of ancient Kezlev, 5x9 meters in size, which recreates the city of the XVI-XVII centuries, accurate to every house.

yevpatoriya small jerusalem photo

A tour of the museum is accompanied by lighting and music, which symbolizes the morning awakening of the city.

Juma jami

Today's Evpatoria is beautiful and attractive to tourists. “Small Jerusalem”, according to a good tradition, is included in the excursion program of almost all city guests. The mosque, founded in Gezlev in 1552, is the largest and most magnificent on the peninsula.

Her project was developed by the Turkish architect Khoja Sinanu, who at one time created the magnificent mosques of Suleymaniye and Shehzade in Istanbul. The only multi-domed mosque that has survived to this day in Europe is a monument of world significance.

yevpatoriya small jerusalem reviews

Cloister of dervishes

It is impossible not to say that Evpatoria (“Little Jerusalem”), the photo of which you can see in this article, amazes with its magnificent buildings. This fully applies to the ancient monastery of Muslim wandering Dervish monks.

yevpatoriya small jerusalem how to get

They did not recognize luxury and wealth and were ascetics. This unique architectural monument became one of the first places of worship in the Crimea. The Muslim monastery is a Sufi movement in Islam. It arose in about 800 AD. e. after the desire for wealth has increased in high society.

Dervishes are Muslim monks. They were wandering, or living in the cloisters under the guidance of the Sheikh. The dervishes who lived in the cloisters often wandered around, ate alms, but regularly returned for prayers and fasts.

Prayers took place in the prayer hall of the monastery in the evenings, accompanied by the sounds of a pipe and drums. The dervishes circled and performed suras from the Koran. Gradually, they began to move faster and soon fell into a trance, completely renouncing the world.

Keraim kenases

Today, for many tourists from our country, Evpatoria (“Little Jerusalem”) is not just a resort city, it is an opportunity to get acquainted with the history of the endangered ethnic groups of Crimea.

The word “kenasa” can be literally translated as “assembly”. This is the name of the building for the services of the Karaites. The basis of their religion is the "Old Testament" in its original purity. Karaites are the smallest nation. Today there are less than two thousand people. And, unfortunately, the process of the disappearance of this nation is irreversible.

Evpatoria Small Jerusalem

One of the main national character traits of the Karaites is the desire for charity. And in ancient times, the Karaite rich even competed to earn the right to help the poor. The walls of the kenas are covered with magnificent molding in the form of vines, the words from the "Old Testament" are carved on them.

Turkish baths

The multinational city of Yevpatoriya, “Little Jerusalem” is a confirmation of this. One of the Turkish baths (hammam), which is an invaluable attraction of the city, has been perfectly preserved here until our time. It is interesting primarily because it has been preserved and has been operating since the Middle Ages.

Evpatoria, “Little Jerusalem”: how to get there?

We are sure that after reading about this amazing place, many of our readers will go on a trip. Therefore, we will tell you how to get there. From the museum complex "Kezlevsky Gate" begins a guided tour of Evpatoria-Small Jerusalem (address: 13a Karaeva St.).

From the central bus station of the city you need to go along the street. International towards street. Karaeva, then turn right, and after two hundred meters you will stop at the Kezlevsky gate. The road will take no more than five minutes.

By car from Simferopol

You need to go to Evpatoria highway H05 and move along it to the north-west. Keep slightly left and continue on P25 to Yevpatoriya (53 km). Having entered the city, follow the P25 and turn left on the first ring. After the railway tracks, at the roundabout, take the third exit at the intersection on ul. Matveeva. Fifty meters later, you will see a museum complex. Now it remains to wait for the formation of the excursion group and go to inspect the unique complex.

yevpatoriya small jerusalem photo

Evpatoria, “Little Jerusalem”: reviews

Many tourists say that they spent their holidays in Yevpatoriya for many years in a row, but did not know that such an amazing historical monument is located there. They emphasize that they enjoyed the excursion much more, learned a lot about the history of Crimea and the peoples inhabiting it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15120/

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