What is comparative science? Comparative studies: definition and meaning

Comparative studies is a science that studies processes by comparing them. The word has Latin roots. In a literal translation, comparative studies are comparisons. Consider the features of this discipline.

comparative science is

What does comparative studies study?

Comparison, juxtaposition are among the most general categories used in culture and life. In his later explanations to the “Methodology of the Humanities,” M. Bakhtin pointed out that the text can only live in contact with a different context. He believed that it was at the point of contact that they were introduced to the dialogue. She acts as the main subject of comparative literature. Comparative studies - this is the most important method of understanding the essence of the text. In the framework of creativity, the method of comparison leads to the emergence of figurative meanings. They are associated with symbolization and metaphorization. Many authors note that comparative studies are a general disciplinary method that incorporates one of the key motives of human thinking. The principle of comparison is widely used in the study of social processes. In particular, it is used in the analysis of pedagogical, social, political science, international legal phenomena. Comparative studies, for example , study the interaction of various art forms with literature.

comparative science is a science

Scientists research

Likhachev studied ancient Russian literature in collaboration with fine art. At the same time, the academician emphasized that "mutual penetration" was the result of their internal structure. Mikhailov investigated "musicality" in literature. By it, the author understood the tendency to compose the material according to a higher law than the law of the material itself. He saw literary works lyrically transformed. Comparative studies is a science that reveals the specifics of various types of art. Their interaction has different levels. In a transformed form, "musicality" and "pictoriality" are included in the structure of literature. And the "artistry" of works, on the contrary, penetrates into the notes. As a result, the dissimilarity of art forms and their kinship are revealed simultaneously.

comparative studies is a science that studies

Key ideas of comparative literature

These include the principle of equivalence of processes of influence and perception. But more precisely, we should talk about their single existence. The principle of "impact-perception" acts as an example of the manifestation of direct and feedback in art. The well-known theory of “influences” in this sense seems to be absolutely correct, since they existed and will continue to exist forever.

Discipline issues

Meanwhile, the theory of "influences" begins to raise doubts when the comparativists strive to present it as the only acceptable prospect of study. Comparative literary criticism, based on the laws of dialogue and the idea of ​​philological discipline as a "cycle of communication", is based on the equivalence of statuses of the source and addressee of artistic information. The concepts of "influence" and "impact" are associated with the opinion of the sender of information. The term “perception” takes into account the perspective of the recipient. This creates an open, bilateral, unfinished and incomplete process. In this regard, the term "literary relations" is considered the most correct. It was proposed by Dyurishin, Zhirmunsky, Neupokoeva and other scientists. This concept indicates the dialogical nature of comparative literature.

comparative studies

Features of occurrence

The aesthetics of romanticism with the principles of universality and historicism inherent in it are the source of comparative literary criticism. The concept of lyric poetry as a combination of all kinds of arts, philosophy, literature, everyday life, especially perceived and meaningful, irony and enthusiasm laid the foundation on which comparative studies arose. This direction was completed in Hegel's research. He conducts a holistic analysis of all styles, eras, art genres known in his time.


In jurisprudence, comparative studies is a method of studying the regulatory systems of different states through a comparison of these structures, institutions of the same name, and principles. At the same time, comparative law is regarded as a separate industry and academic discipline. Comparative law has been used in law since ancient times. However, it is believed that the founder of a separate industry is Montesquieu.


Comparative jurisprudence can be used both in relation to existing norms and those that existed previously. A comparison of the same type of provisions, industries, institutions, events that took place in different periods is called diachronic. But most often, the current legal systems and their elements are the subject of research. In this case, they are talking about synchronous comparison. In practice and theory also distinguish between areas of analysis. At the macro level, comparative studies are conducted within legal families or systems. The microsphere involves the study of norms, institutions, categories.

what comparativism studies


Comparative studies in jurisprudence is called upon to ensure the renewal of science and the development of a new national and international legal institute that meets modern conditions. A comparative analysis is necessary to reveal the trends in the development of systems, the possibilities and limits of borrowing the achievements of other cultures, ways to preserve their own traditions, norms and values. Comparative studies can overcome the prevailing idea of ​​the development of the legal sphere. On the basis of a comparative analysis , public general theoretical, professional training of specialists should be improved. The knowledge gained should enable lawyers to act both within the framework of the national system and within the international integrative structure. These tasks can only be accomplished through an integrated approach to the problem. A qualitative review of existing areas of research in science is needed. Equally important is the foreign experience in the use of comparative law.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15126/

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