Mississippi State: General Description and Brief History

Mississippi is the state that, in its twentieth, has become part of the United States. In such an indicator as the population, it is located on 31 positions in the country. The largest local city and at the same time the capital is Jackson. The official name of the region, translated into Russian, means "state of magnolia."

Short story

About one thousand years ago, a large number of Indian tribes inhabited this territory . Many of them were at a fairly high level of development. The first Europeans to appear here in 1540 were members of a Spanish expedition led by Hernando de Soto. Since 1682, for more than 80 years, the state has been under the control of the Bourbon dynasty. In 1763 they were replaced by the British, who did not last long here. Sixteen years later, the current state of Mississippi and several other surrounding regions were captured by the Spaniards. December 10, 1817 he became part of the United States.

usa mississippi

Geographical position

The total area of ​​the Mississippi is almost 126 thousand square kilometers. The state is located in the southern part of the state on a slightly hilly plain. In the east, it borders Alabama, in the north with Tennessee, in the northwest with Arkansas, in the southwest with Louisiana. The southern part is washed by the Gulf of Mexico. The territory bounded by the largest local Mississippi River and its left tributary, called Yazu, is particularly notable. A feature of this site are very fertile soils, in which chernozem prevails. About half of the territory is covered with forests.


The state of Mississippi is characterized by wet and hot summers. The only exception can be called perhaps the northeastern areas where the air is fresher. Winter is warm throughout. The thermometer column in January is at marks in the range from 6 to 10 degrees above zero. As for precipitation, their amount is gradually increasing in the direction from north to south. On average, about 1300 millimeters fall out of them per year. An interesting feature is the fairly frequent tornadoes, from which the southern regions regularly suffer. Every year, from the Gulf of Mexico, on average, 27 such hurricanes come in, of varying power and duration.

Mississippi State


Based on the latest 2010 census by the US government, the state of Mississippi is populated by nearly 3 million people. According to historical information, as of the thirties of the last century, more than half of the people living on its territory were African-Americans. However, about 360 thousand of them in several decades emigrated to the west and north of the state in search of a better life. Be that as it may, at present 37% of local residents are representatives of the Negroid race. In this indicator, the Mississippi leads the country. In some cities and areas of the state (in the center and in the southwest), the Negro population generally dominates. Less than 1% of the population is of Asian origin.

mississippi state


The state of Mississippi is one of the most agricultural regions of the state. The most grown crops here are soy, cotton and rice. Well-established fish farming and poultry farming. The rapid development of industry in the region began in the thirties of the twentieth century. This was facilitated by the rather large reserves of oil and natural gas found at that time. Then the government launched several more manufacturing sectors, for example, a number of enterprises were built that operate in the woodworking, food and chemical industries. High profits are brought to the treasury by fishing established in the Gulf of Mexico, a gambling business, as well as a space center and several military bases located in St. Louis Bay. Despite all this, the state of Mississippi has one of the lowest rates of per capita income in the entire state.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15128/

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