How to connect a TV to the receiver? How to connect the receiver to two TVs?

The question of how to connect the TV to the receiver arises mainly for those craftsmen who want to perform this procedure on their own. If there is a standard connection from the company of the provider, then a specialist always comes who represents the installation service of this company and performs all the necessary work on the connection. Moreover, after all the operations performed by him, the client receives a ready-made system that allows you to view video material, and he does not have any questions about how the system is assembled, but he simply operates it. In this article, we will consider what types of receivers are and in what cases which devices are connected to the TV.

how to connect the TV to the receiver


Currently, there are three main types of receivers. Each of them is determined by the purpose of the device in a particular control system and video signal conversion. Therefore, the answer to the question of how to connect the TV to the receiver will largely depend on the type and place in the video system. Now let's look at what types of such devices are and their functional features. The main types:

  • For satellite television.
  • For cable television.
  • For home video center.

If we talk about the functional purpose of this device, then we should mention several functions that are inherent to one or another type of receivers. What are these features?

  • Changing the carrier frequency and demodulating a high-frequency signal.
  • Video switching from different sources.
  • Amplification of the sound signal to the required power.

Now let's look at which of these functions are used in a particular type of device.

Satellite tv receiver

This is one of the most common species. One of its main features is a fairly affordable price.

how to connect the receiver to the television

The question of how to connect the TV to the receiver for satellite television is quite simple. And this is due to the fact that the main function of such a device is to convert a high-frequency signal that comes from the satellite antenna converter, which reduces the frequency of the signal by several times and brings it to 1-2 GHz. After that, the satellite receiver decodes this signal and transmits a low-frequency video signal to a playback device such as a TV or video projector. The number of connectors for connecting a video playback device depends on the class of the receiver itself and can be of several types. The simplest is a set of tulip connectors.

For cable tv

The client receiver for cable television is not much different from its satellite counterpart. This is the same device, with the same set of functions, only a slightly truncated set of settings. What is the difference between these two devices?

Unlike a satellite device, a cable is connected not from a high-frequency signal converter, but from a cable switch. And this device does not have settings for different satellites. Such a receiver is encoded to the carrier frequency of the provider, which transmits a high-frequency signal with a set of cable channels from the switch to the consumer. The quality and quantity of connectors for connecting a cable receiver to a TV is also no different from satellite.

how to connect a TV through the receiver

For home video center

A completely different type of receiver are devices designed to work as part of a home video center. They are easy to identify by their appearance, if deployed and viewed from the back.

This device has a very large number of connectors located on the back side. Why are there so many of them? The main objective of this device is to switch several sources of input video and audio signals to several video playback devices. Therefore, the question of how to connect the receiver to a TV is very relevant, since such a device has a number of connectors for connecting several TVs or other devices. This type of device is not involved in converting the video signal, but simply commutes the low-frequency video signal. In addition, an important function of such a device is the amplification and switching of an audio signal from different sources.

Types of Connectors

In order to understand what types of connectors are used when connecting the receiver to a TV, it is important to find out what types of connectors are used in this kind of technique. Depending on the class of the TV and the class of the receiver, the connectors are divided into two categories:

  • Connectors for video signal connection.
  • Connectors for audio signal.

If you look at the photograph on the back of the satellite receiver, you can see all types of these connectors.

connect the receiver to two televisions

If you answer the question of how to connect the TV to the receiver with a video signal cable, it is worth saying that the connectors on this cable can be of three types: composite, S-Video and HDMI. Moreover, the latter transmits both video and sound. To find the answer to the question about how to connect the receiver to the TV with an audio signal cable, you should know that there can be two types of connectors: the same composite as in the video and the optical fiber. Of course, the sound quality of the fiber optic connection will be much higher.

Wiring diagrams

Consider how to connect a TV through the receiver, using the example of a cable device with composite connectors. Moreover, the issue of connecting one TV is usually resolved. The scheme of such a connection may look something like this.

how to connect a TV through the receiver

In this case, the color coloring of the connectors will help the user of such a system not to make a mistake in the correct connection. The question of how to connect a second TV to the receiver usually arises extremely rarely, but nevertheless sometimes it requires an answer. When does this situation arise?

Basically in those cases when it is required to organize viewing of the same video material in different rooms. Why, if you connect the receiver to two televisions, the video will play the same? Although the receivers have several outputs, the signal that is transmitted to them is the same. Therefore, to organize viewing of several programs simultaneously, several receivers are required.

connect a second TV to the receiver

Specialized receivers for a specific provider

Often, some satellite TV providers provide a proprietary kit to connect to their channel. An example of such a provider is Tricolor. Usually he provides his own device, flashed for the provider’s satellite. How to connect the Tricolor receiver to the TV? The connection scheme is no different from the usual satellite, which was mentioned earlier.


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