Ski resorts of the Chelyabinsk region: "Abzakovo", "Bannoe", "Zavyalikha"

Many at least once in their life have a desire to do this unusual sport. Even though it is accessible not to everyone, but only to people who are brave, decisive, wealthy and know their own worth. Those who periodically need a certain dose of adrenaline to complete life.


What thoughts and images first arise in the mind when skiing is mentioned? First of all, these are bright costumes, dazzling mountain peaks, steep bends, ski lifts, small fashionable hotels and guest houses in the valleys ... And, of course, an exquisite aristocratic audience, which is accessible to all this magnificence. And where is all this usually taken to look for? In the Alps. In Switzerland, in Austria. And on the alpine slopes of Italy and France. Everyone knows this ... Have you heard anything about the ski resorts of the Chelyabinsk region? Do you think this is another joke from the series about "severe Chelyabinsk"? But in reality, everything is a little more complicated.

ski resorts of the Chelyabinsk region

Ski resorts of the Chelyabinsk region

The recreational potential of this region is only just beginning to be developed. And the Southern Urals is a place, without the slightest exaggeration, unique. It has a relatively mild climate and in many places still pristine nature has been preserved. Those who came to these lands for the first time in their life are always greatly impressed by the mountain slopes, overgrown with relic coniferous forests, and the picturesque Ural cliffs of bizarre outlines. The Ural Mountains are not at all high, but for the development of alpine skiing this is absolutely not necessary. There are more than enough suitable slopes for downhill and slalom. The ski resorts of the Chelyabinsk region are currently not even close to compete with the Alpine in terms of their fame and "untwisted". But at the same time, they also have their indisputable advantages, the main of which, of course, is the price level for the services provided to skiers that is incomparable with Switzerland.

sunny Valley

In the southern Urals

What, after all, attracts tourists to these not-so-trodden paths leading to far from the most popular places? What can the ski resorts of the Chelyabinsk region offer to their guests? Upon closer examination, it turns out that not so little. Moreover, these places are unique and inimitable, and the recreational business of the Ural region is developing steadily. This is reflected in the fact that in the Chelyabinsk region, the tourism infrastructure already available from the Soviet era is being improved and new tourist complexes are being built. One of the best ski resorts in the region is rightfully considered the "Sun Valley". This modern tourist complex is located 120 kilometers from the regional center and provides its visitors with a level of service that meets international standards accepted in this area. There are twelve tracks with a total length of seven kilometers. They are carefully prepared before the start of the season; their condition is constantly monitored. At a very decent level, the entire system of service, security and comfort is built here.

sauna ski complex

"Bath." Ski complex on the lake

This ski center, located on the shores of Lake Bannoe, is officially called Metallurg-Magnitogorsk. But the residents of the regional center are accustomed to name it by the name of the geographical object near which it is located. This is one of the most promising ski resorts in the region. He has excellent prospects for further development, and many of the plans have already been successfully implemented. For example, gondola and towbar lifting systems have recently been purchased and successfully installed. These mechanisms came to the South Urals from Austria and Slovakia. The eastern slopes of the Bannoe ski complex made it possible to equip tracks of varying degrees of difficulty. Here everyone can find a descent route that matches their level of skill and sports qualification - from beginners to tough professionals.

ski resorts in the Chelyabinsk region prices

On the border with Bashkiria

Many lovers of downhill and slalom recall Abzakovo exclusively in a positive context. A ski resort located in this village on the border of Bashkiria and the Chelyabinsk region is developing and is rapidly gaining popularity among those who are not indifferent to winter sports. Significant funds have been invested in the development of this sports complex and they have been used quite rationally. Three branches of the ski lift are installed and successfully operate here . They successfully raise to the starting point of the track both skiers and snowboarders.

Cheremshanka Chelyabinsk region ski resort

Development prospects

Currently, the recreational potential of the South Ural region is far from being fully utilized. In the near and distant future, much remains to be done. Indeed, a considerable number of skiing enthusiasts all over the world are simply not sufficiently informed about the slopes of the Ural foothills. And many in the near future will come here willingly. Accessibility is one of the main positive factors that characterize the ski resorts of the Chelyabinsk region. Prices here are very affordable, especially against the backdrop of such traditional countries of the alpine region as Austria and Switzerland. So, the cost of living for one person in a hotel is on average from 600-700 rubles per day. The tourism business of the South Urals is currently waiting for its investors. The funds invested here can bring good profits in the very near future.

Abzakovo ski resort

Sports base "Blizzard"

A few years ago, even the most knowledgeable experts in the skiing field could say little such name as the village of Cheremshanka (Chelyabinsk region). Ski resort "Metelitsa" appeared in this place relatively recently. But this sports complex in a short time has already managed to gain a very decent reputation. Skiers willingly come here not only from the Southern Urals, but also from more distant regions. Ski sports complex "Metelitsa" specializes in family and youth recreation. Two downhill tracks are equipped here. A lift is available. It is best to get here through the city of Upper Ufaley, which is located nearby.

ski resort zavyalikha

Unique lift

An overview of tourist sites in the South Urals region will be incomplete if you lose sight of the Zavyalikha ski resort. It is located twelve kilometers from the city of Trekhgorny. Currently, it is one of the most modern and promising ski resorts in the Chelyabinsk region. At the disposal of skiers and tourists there are nine slopes of varying degrees of difficulty. They differ in height differences, and along the route of downhill. But the undoubted pride of this sports complex is a unique high-speed lift. Engineering structures of this type are no longer present not only in the Urals, but also in Russia. The chair-type six-seat lift Konrad is capable of delivering its passengers very quickly to the starting point of the downhill route. It is equipped with folding safety domes and a running landing track. It should also be noted the level of technical support at the ski resort "Zavyalikha". The complex has a system of artificial snow formation, which is especially important at the beginning of the winter season, when natural snow is not always enough. The mountain slopes here are driven daily with special snow-sealing equipment.

Several reasons for going to the Urals

First of all, these reasons are of an economic nature. Chelyabinsk is not very similar to Courchevel. Ski resorts in the South Urals have actually taken this type of sporting holiday out of the category of elite and accessible only to the elite. Any person with a very average income can afford to come here. Staying here is unlimited. A positive factor is the fact that the tourism infrastructure of the region is steadily developing and improving. Funds are invested in it, and the level of comfort at existing ski resorts is increasing every year. New facilities are being designed and existing ones are being improved. The process is developing in the right direction. There are more and more reasons to stop looking at the snowy alpine peaks on the horizon and turn our eyes in the opposite direction. Ski resorts of the Chelyabinsk region are waiting for experienced athletes, and those who take only the first steps in this direction!


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