The principle of consciousness and student activity for successful learning

Over hundreds of years of its development, pedagogy has identified a number of principles that affect the success of training, the assimilation of knowledge by students. All of them are interconnected, and their application in combination provides the most complete, successful assimilation of new knowledge and skills. One of the main principles is the principle of consciousness and activity.

Definition of teaching principles

The principles of training are the basic provisions that determine the content, methods and forms that will be used in teaching a particular subject. Based on the principles of instruction, the entire educational process is built, starting with the content of instruction and ending with the selection of the most effective forms and methods of teaching schoolchildren and students.

principle of consciousness and activity

Next, we will consider the basic didactic principles - consciousness of activity, systematicity and others. Each principle reflects one aspect of learning and is the basis for the formation of learning rules.

Basic principles of training

The basic principles of training were formed on the basis of the practice and work experience of such educators and psychologists as Ya.A. Comenius, V.V. Davydov, A. Disterweg, K.D. Ushinsky.

Each of their scientists proposed their own classification of principles, emphasized one or another feature of the human psyche, the possibilities of the mind. But, as it turned out, they are all interconnected and cannot fully function without each other.

Modern pedagogical science identifies the following principles of learning: consciousness and activity, the visibility of science, systematicity, strength, emotionality, accessibility, the relationship of learning with life, the individual approach to learning. It is on them that you must rely on when learning.

Principle of science

The principle of science is based on the disclosure of cause and effect relationships, the penetration into the essence of phenomena, the disclosure of the history of the development of science, the relationship between different fields of knowledge. All studied rules and laws must be scientifically correct and justified.

the principle of consciousness and activity in education

The teacher needs to acquaint students with objective scientific facts and theories, selecting only science-based material for this, pushing the children to master the methods of scientific search.

Systematic principle

The principle of systematic and consistent learning is determined by the logic in science, the characteristics of cognitive activity, depending on the age of the students. It assumes a systematic way in the teacher’s work both on himself and on material, by students; systematic work of students.

The principle of systematicity involves teaching in a certain order. Each new lesson is a continuation of the old. Work on topics is based on the principle of "from facts to conclusions." Pupils observe phenomena, facts and come to certain conclusions.

It also implies regular work with books and textbooks, observation of various phenomena. An important role is played by the skills of organization and consistency, diligence in training. Closely related to these features is the basic, basic position in training. Next, we will give a description of the principle of consciousness and activity.

principles of teaching awareness and activity visibility

To implement the principle of systematicity it is necessary:

  1. Organize the material.
  2. Provide regular classes, their alternation with rest.
  3. Show the system of science under study, intersubject communications.
  4. Use in the presentation of the material of the scheme.

Learning Accessibility Principle

The principle of accessibility of education suggests that classes are structured in accordance with the age and mental capabilities of students. For this, the teacher selects the most suitable teaching methods and forms, selects the material that will be learned by the students without unnecessary effort. At the same time, it is important that the material obtained during the training is based on already existing knowledge about the world, the subject of study. For this, it is necessary to use analogies and comparisons, to compare new information with already known information. Material must be submitted on a “from simple to complex” basis.

The principle of the relationship of learning with life

It is based on the relations of the obtained material with theory, production and practice. The knowledge obtained during the study of the material must be applied in practice, adapting to a particular life situation.

didactic principles of consciousness of activity

In many ways, the principle of consciousness and activity is based on it. If the student sees a connection between the subject and the future, then he becomes interested in studying it, tries to understand what the teacher has said, to understand the essence of this or that phenomenon.

The principle of visualization in training

The principle of visibility provides for the use of visual aids in the classroom - paintings or drawings, diagrams, maps, charts, dummies. With their help, children absorb information not only through hearing, but also through another channel for obtaining information - the visual, which greatly increases the likelihood of mastering the material.

Refers to the clarity and the conduct of various experiments and experiments, especially in chemistry, biology and physics.

Today, at the disposal of teachers, completely new types of visibility have appeared - films, videos, computer programs. Their use in the lessons allows not only to increase the chances of memorizing and assimilating the material, but also to realize the principle of consciousness and activity, making the children interested in studying a particular subject.

The principle of strength assimilation of skills, knowledge and abilities

A sign of this principle is a deep and informed assimilation of the studied facts and concepts, laws, ideas, their understanding. It is realized by repeating the studied, activating the acquired knowledge with the help of leading questions, comparing previously studied phenomena with new ones, classification and generalization.

characteristic of the principle of consciousness and activity

It is thanks to this principle that before conducting a control on the topic, students take a lesson in the systematization of their knowledge, sort out their mistakes. At the end of the year, a repeat of all the material studied is required, just like a repeat at the beginning of the year. In addition, the high school is largely built precisely on the principle of the strength of knowledge, since during the training, students repeat the material studied in grades 5–9 and deepen it.

The principle of individual approach

It is based on helping each student to master knowledge. The teacher identifies the interests of the student, gives tasks according to level and interests.

Quite often, teachers engage with students in addition, leaving after classes and explaining a topic in more detail if the student does not understand it.

For the purposes of an individual approach, students are given differentiated tasks, offered to work on projects in groups or pairs.

For the most interested students, circles or optional classes are created. All this helps to achieve not only the principle of consciousness and activity in learning, but also accessibility, systematicity.

Principle of emotionality

To implement this principle, the teacher needs to learn how to shape the emotions of children, which will be aimed at studying and interest in the subject.

This is achieved, first of all, by the benevolent attitude of the teacher to the students, his interest in the subject being taught. Equally important is the appearance of the teacher.

principle of consciousness and rule activity

The principle of activity and consciousness

The principle of consciousness and activity in education is one of the leading in learning. It is he who determines the direction of cognitive activity of students, which allows you to manage it.

The realization of the principle of consciousness is facilitated by an explanation of the goals and objectives of the learning process, its significance for solving life's problems.

To implement this principle, the active participation of students in the learning process, a positive attitude towards learning, interest in material, consistency in learning, the possibility of differentiating tasks, the use of modern teaching aids, the teacher’s ability to take into account the state and mood of students, knowledge of age characteristics are necessary. As you can see, the principle of students' consciousness and activity is realized through the use of other teaching principles.

The principle provides:

  1. Students understand the learning objectives.
  2. Knowledge of how to achieve the learning goal.
  3. Understanding the facts and patterns of the development of science and the emergence of various phenomena.
  4. The assimilation of knowledge and their active application.

The rules of the principle of consciousness and activity

Let us consider in more detail the principle of consciousness and activity. The rules that must be followed when implementing it are as follows:

1. Pupils must understand the meaning of the tasks assigned to them, understand the purpose of training. A lesson always begins with a statement of the problem, drawing on the previous experience of the students.

principle of student awareness and activity

2. It is necessary to use all the techniques available to the teacher to interest students in the material being studied.

3. Pupils must learn not only information about objects and phenomena, but also understand their essence, the laws of their occurrence and development, and be able to apply the knowledge gained in practice.

4. Be sure to have self-control and self-esteem during training. The teacher is responsible for the formation of these skills, trying to develop in students the needs for them.

5. The task of the teacher is to generate interest in the learning process and the content of the subject.

6. When explaining the material, it is necessary to give as many examples as possible, to give as many exercises as possible for its assimilation.

7. Ask the question “Why?”. This contributes to the activation of thought processes, which leads to the establishment of causal relationships.


Education is based on a number of principles, the main of which can rightly be called the principle of consciousness and activity. The application in the work of the teacher of all the principles listed by us guarantees success in the education of any child, regardless of the subject.


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