Warsaw Zoo: past and present

Warsaw Zoo is one of the oldest zoological gardens in Europe. Throughout its history, it has experienced many difficult periods. However, today this menagerie is one of the most popular places for visiting tourists and local residents.

History of the foundation of the zoo

The history of the Warsaw Zoo begins back in 1871 with a traveling exhibition of animals. The zoo became stationary only fifty-eight years later in 1929. The development of the zoological garden fell on the shoulders of the family of Jan and Antonina Zhabinsky. Jan was the first director of the zoo. Love for animals, caring for them soon made the zoo prosperous.

The Zhabinsky family not only successfully bred exotic animals, but also treated and nursed sick animals. They did this in their own house. A feature of the zoo was the regular presence of creative people there. Jan and Antonina were connoisseurs of art and welcomed concerts and exhibitions held within the walls of the zoo.

Warsaw Zoo

Occupation period

The idyll that prevailed in the Warsaw Zoo was violated by World War II. The Zhabinsky fell to hard trials. They had to kill all predators with their own hands, which could pose a threat to the safety of residents in case of escape during the bombing. German invaders hunted at the zoo, killing those animals that were not considered valuable species. And valuable animals were transported to Germany. Those few animals from the collection that remained untouched soon became food for the starving inhabitants of Warsaw.

During the war, the zoo ceased to be a shelter for animals, but became a shelter for people. The Zhabinsky family helped the partisans and Jews who escaped from the ghetto and hid them in the walls of the zoo and in their own house. Over the years of the war, they managed to save more than three hundred human lives.

Zhabinsky became a symbol of selflessness and heroism far beyond Warsaw. Antonina described all the events experienced during the war years in her diaries and short stories. Based on these diaries, the American writer D. Ackerman wrote the book “The Wife of the Zoo Owner”. And in 2017, based on this book, a film entitled “The Wife of the Zoo Caretaker” was released.

Zoo description

The Warsaw Zoo is located in a picturesque corner of the Polish capital on the right bank of the Vistula River. The area of ​​the zoological garden is approximately forty hectares, which houses pavilions and open enclosures for animals. The “House under the roof”, built during the founding years, where various exhibitions and conferences are held, has been preserved in the zoo to this day.

Warsaw Zoo Address

The Warsaw Zoo today is not only an animal habitat, but also a huge veterinary clinic. Zoo employees accept sick animals that are unable to exist in their natural habitat. An interesting practice is to put animals under guardianship. Everyone can choose their own pet and take under their care for a certain time.

In the menagerie, all possible measures have been taken to make the visit as comfortable as possible. For example, visitors with children have the opportunity to take a special trolley in which you can carry a child. There is a restaurant and kiosks on site where you can buy sweets, pastries and cold drinks. You can relax in the zoo right on the lawn. Zoo employees are engaged in scientific activities, conduct various conferences and lectures. Also, children's parties and contests are held at the zoo, which are not only excellent entertainment for young visitors, but also help them to better understand the animal world, to treat it with care and care.

Zoo residents

During its founding, the Warsaw Zoo contained five hundred species of animals. Currently, this collection has grown a thousand times. The unique object of the menagerie is the Free Flight Hall, where feathered inhabitants of the zoo freely move in an impromptu tropical forest.

Warsaw Zoo History

The Fairy Zoo exposition is a favorite place for children. Here are animals - popular characters of fairy tales. Under the supervision of zoo workers, young visitors have the opportunity to play and feed the animals. Parents also love this “fairy corner”, as they have time to relax on the lawn and enjoy the scenery.

Serpentarium contains in its walls more than fifty species of various snakes, lizards, turtles. In addition, crocodiles and monitor lizards live there.

Visitor Information

Address of the Warsaw Zoo: Warsaw, ul. Town Hall (Ratuszowej), 1/3. You can get there both by bus and by personal transport. Opening hours of the zoo depend on the time of year and weather conditions. Ticket prices vary for adults and children. In addition, once a month for pensioners the opportunity to enter for free.

Warsaw Zoo today

The zoo is easy to navigate. For the convenience of visitors, information stands are placed around the garden. Posters in Polish. But the language barrier is not difficult, since all information is accompanied by drawings of animals, helping to understand where this or that species is located.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/G15172/

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