How to crochet a hat for a girl?

In anticipation of winter, a huge number of people think about how to crochet a hat for a girl. Therefore, we have prepared the current article. In it, we will tell in detail about how to perform the work accurately, accurately and beautifully.

Preparatory stage

Before you start knitting, it is extremely important to carefully consider the style of the desired accessory. In most cases, young women are knitted with charming hats or classic hats decorated with ears, eyes and muzzles. Professionals recommend discussing the model with the girl, and then depict it on a piece of paper. There, you should specify the parameters first in centimeters, and a little later - in loops and rows.

hat for girls

Buying yarn

Having determined the model of the hat for the girl, you should not rush to buy a hook. After all, first you need to choose the perfect knitting thread. Masters advise giving preference to those that are designed specifically for children. Such yarn does not cause allergies and is suitable for frequent washing. The latter quality will be very useful, because children often get their clothes dirty. You can choose any type of yarn. However, for patterned products, monophonic is much more suitable. But for a garter or hosiery knitting - motley, patchwork, gradient, one that itself folds into a pattern, and more.

Tool selection

Each experienced knitter can endlessly talk about how to choose the right hook. The hat for the girl will turn out really spectacular only if the needlewoman will choose the instrument very carefully.

gift for 2019

Therefore, this part of the preparatory phase also needs to be given due attention. Experts recommend purchasing a hook made of metal. It should lie well in the hand, have a not too long handle and match the thickness of the thread purchased.

Taking measurements

Crocheting a hat for a girl will be much easier if you determine in advance the length and width of the product in loops and rows. But for this it is necessary to prepare a centimeter tape. In addition, a notebook and pen are required to fix the parameters of the model on which we will knit the desired accessory. When all of the above is at hand, proceed to take measurements. There will be only three:

  1. Head circumference - it is measured at the level of the eyebrows.
  2. Product length - take the distance from one ear to the other through the crown and divide in half.
  3. Estimated width of fields - if provided.
knit hat

Study of the selected pattern, sample preparation and calculation of the necessary parameters

At the next stage of crocheting a hat for a girl, you need to carefully study the pattern of the pattern you like. Then take a hook, yarn and practice in its implementation. We need to knit a square sample of a pattern 10 x 10 centimeters in size. When it is ready, we count the resulting number of loops or rows. Both parameters must be fixed on paper. If there are several patterns, specify the parameters for each. Then we divide all the parameters taken from the model by 10. Then we multiply the value:

  • head circumference by the number of loops in the sample;
  • product length and field width - by the number of rows.

How to connect different models of caps?

We start to crochet a hat for the girl according to the pattern proposed below.

knitted hat for girls

We form the initial circle, and then knit it, adding new loops evenly. Ultimately, we should get an amount equal to the calculated early head circumference. Having reached the desired parameters, we knit the product in height. To do this, simply move in a circle, without adding or decreasing anything. We calculated the number of rows in advance, so we simply follow our calculations. So we can tie a simple hat.

If you want to make a cone-shaped product, you need to act differently. We knit a circle less than the previous one and a half to two times. Then we tie it, without making too frequent additions. When we pick up the number of loops equal to the circumference of the head, we knit in a spiral to the desired length.

And another fashionable option is an elongated hat for the girl. Crocheting this accessory for winter will be especially helpful. You just need to choose a fairly dense and warm yarn. Such a hat fits in the same way as a simple one. The difference in models is manifested in the length of the product. In this case, it is necessary to knit several rows more so that the tip of the cap hangs slightly.

You can also knit a fashionable hat for the girl. It is formed by the principle of a simple hat. But then it is supplemented with fields of the desired width. To do this, we tie the bottom edge of the product, evenly adding new loops. We form a circle if we want to make even margins, or a semblance of a cone - if slightly hanging.

How to diversify the finished product?

hat with a muzzle

You can decorate a cap connected with your own hands as you please at the needlewoman or young fashionista. As we wrote earlier, it is best to make an accessory with ears. Similar models for several seasons are at the peak of popularity. Moreover, the hat can be decorated with absolutely any ears. Bear and cat are in great demand. However, many creative young ladies prefer a more original one - a hare, a long dog or a trot with tassels at the ends. You can choose any option. After all, experts say: the funnier an accessory looks, the more it is considered more spectacular, stylish and fashionable.

A hat for a girl with crocheted ears is performed in several stages. First of all, the base is knitted, and after that - the ears of the selected style. At the end of the work, the parts are assembled together. Making the desired product with your own hands is not difficult at all. You just need to want to.


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