Autumn leaves from paper: making origami with children

Autumn leaves are wonderful material for creating interesting crafts. But sometimes they themselves can become crafts, if you create them with your own hands. We offer you several origami master classes. Autumn leaves from paper can be made both by ourselves and with children.

What do you need to create a craft?

The first thing you need is paper. It can be both white and color. If you decide to make leaves of white papyrus, then later it will need to be painted with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints.

Color preference:

  • red;
  • Orange;
  • yellow;
  • brown;
  • green.

And it will become possible to make leaflets more original if you use special paper with an ornament (or packaging). The main thing is that its shade was from the autumn palette, with notes of red and yellow. You can choose any ornament: geometric (stripes, rhombuses, cell, and so on), abstract, or even with the image of leaves).

Scissors and glue are also required. In some cases, it is more convenient to use glue-pencil. An alternative to glue can be double-sided tape.

Paper Leaves: Form No. 1

make autumn leaves from paper

Instructions for creating paper autumn leaves of the first main form (for example, like a birch):

  1. We take a sheet of A4 paper.
  2. Fold it in half.
  3. Draw a line from one corner to the opposite with a pencil.
  4. We cut along the drawn line.
  5. We leave that part which is displayed (picture 1).
  6. Add up the resulting triangle with an accordion, as in picture 1.
  7. From the remnants of the paper we make a stalk (picture 2).
  8. Glue the leaf and twig (picture 3).

origami autumn leaves from paper

The autumn leaf of the first form is ready!

Paper leaves: form No. 2

autumn leaves from colored paper

Instructions on how to make autumn leaves from paper reminiscent of maple leaves using the origami technique (second main form):

  1. We take an A4 sheet and fold it in half.
  2. Draw a line from one corner to the opposite with a pencil.
  3. Draw a herringbone-like line over the straight line.
  4. Cut along the intended contour (picture 1).
  5. Fold the resulting sheet of paper with an accordion.
  6. We make a stalk (picture 2).
  7. We glue the parts together (picture 2).

autumn leaves paper crafts

Autumn leaf of the second form is ready!

In this way, you can make any leaflets. To modify them you just need to change the contours (edges), along which you will then cut the crafts.

Wreath of paper autumn leaves.

autumn leaves paper crafts

To make autumn leaves of paper for such a wonderful wreath on the door, you will need ten sheets of colored paper measuring 8 x 8 centimeters per sheet. You can use smaller or larger sheets, the main thing is that it be a square.

origami autumn leaves from paper

Instructions for creating a wreath of autumn paper leaves:

  1. Take one sheet of paper.
  2. Fold it in half to make a triangle.
  3. Expand the sheet and lay it with one of the corners up.
  4. Fold the left and right corner of the rhombus to the center fold line, as in picture 1.
  5. Wrap the new left and right corner of the figure towards the center, as in picture 1.
  6. Make three pieces of parts such as in paragraph 4.
  7. Make six pieces of such parts as in paragraph 5.
  8. Take one part from paragraph 4 and two from paragraph 5.
  9. Fold the three parts as shown in picture 2.
  10. Lubricate the upper part with glue and glue the lower two to it.
  11. Make two more details in the same way.
  12. Glue together all three components, as shown in Figure 3. Each component must be superimposed on another. As a result, you will get a finished leaf.
  13. Now you can make a twig. Glue the paper to the back side of the finished sheet so that one corner peeks out (a rhombus).
  14. Cut the pasted sheet of paper on both sides and fold it as shown in the picture below.
  15. One autumn sheet of paper is completely ready. Make a few more leaves and combine them into a wreath shape.

autumn leaves from paper

Magic autumn leaves from colored paper

To make such a wonderful leaflet, you will additionally need to take a set of pin needles, tweezers and a board.

autumn leaves from paper

Instructions on how to make magical autumn leaves out of paper:

  1. We take an ordinary sheet of paper and draw on it a maple leaf with several veins (picture 2).
  2. We put a sheet with a picture on the board (picture 3).
  3. We cut a bunch of multi-colored strips up to a centimeter thick and about 10-15 centimeters long (picture 5).
  4. Insert the pins along the contours of the drawn sheet into its sharp corners.
  5. We fold each strip of the same color in half and cling to a pin (pictures 6–9).
  6. Lubricate the contour with glue, each strip.
  7. We take a strip of a different color, twist it and put it in one of the cells of the contour (picture 10).
  8. Thus we fill in all the cells of the frame.
  9. We make a stalk (picture 11).

You can give the leaf a special color - the transition from one shade to another. To do this, breed red, orange and yellow paint , each in a separate container. Take a sponge. Wet it in red and blot the finished leaf on top. Then dip the sponge in orange and give the color to the middle. At the end, paint the bottom of the leaf with yellow paint.

Autumn leaf is ready!

Simple wreath of paper autumn leaves

The easiest way to make autumn leaves out of paper with your children is to use a special curly stapler (sold in large office or specialty stores). If this is not there, but you don’t want to buy, then you can resort to the old method: put five pieces of paper into pieces (or take one and fold several times), draw an outline of some sheet (for example, aspen) and cut it out.

Using these blanks, you can make original wreaths.

origami autumn leaves from paper

To get such wreaths as in the picture, you need:

  1. Make a lot of colorful paper leaves (at least fifty).
  2. Cut a circle of any size from cardboard or other dense material.
  3. Glue the blanks of the leaves to the circle, starting from the outside, and not from the middle. To do this, you can use both glue and double-sided tape. In the second case, tape should paste over the circle, not the leaves.
  4. Glue on the back side of the circle of laces, for which you can then hang the finished wreath.
  5. Decorate, for example, with a bow.

The wreath is ready!

Use the given master classes if you do not know how to make autumn leaves. Crafts from paper are easy to carry out, so you can use children.


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