Maastricht: attractions, reviews

Maastricht is one of the oldest cities in the Netherlands. It is located at the very border with Belgium. The old part of the city is relatively small, even on foot it can be bypassed in a couple of hours. We bring to your attention a virtual tour of Maastricht, attractions. The city overview will include castles and temples, monuments and bridges!

Infernal gate

maastricht attractions

This unusual building appeared at the beginning of the XIII century. This gate was then part of the first defensive wall of the city. A century later, a second wall appeared in the city, but the gate remained. How did they get this name? There is a version saying that gunpowder was stored in these rooms, which is why the people began to call the gates hellish. At the end of the XIX century, the gates began to fulfill a new function - they were converted into residential premises. Later, the studio of the artist Jeff Skipper was equipped at the gate. Today at the gate you can see the exhibition, which is dedicated to the history of the city.

Of course, the structure was repeatedly reconstructed, but the appearance was not changed. Visit this attraction of Maastricht is a must. Tourists say that not so many medieval fortifications have been preserved for centuries!

Town Hall and Town Hall Square

maastricht landmarks photo

The main square of the city is rightfully considered Marktplein - the town hall square. Its decoration is the building of the town hall. This attraction of Maastricht appeared in the city in 1664. The first stone was laid in 1659. In the XIX century, restoration work was carried out here, as a result of which the workers rebuilt the roof, altered the windows. The architect Peter Post worked on the project. Today, the tower has a bell tower with 49 bells. By the way, the carillon is still operating in the town hall building.

Over time, all the premises of this Maastricht landmark have acquired a new purpose. For example, the secretariat, the chancellery and the cabinet of councilors located in the episcopal part of the town hall turned into a conference hall and a hall of municipal councilors. And one of the most delightful European wedding halls, the Prince’s Chamber, takes guests to the amazing atmosphere of the 17th century. In their reviews, visitors to this amazing place tell that the interior is decorated with tapestries and luxurious painted ceilings, antique stucco molding.

Cathedral of St. Servatius

maastricht attractions reviews

The oldest church in the Netherlands is the Basilica of St. Servatius. In general, the cathedral appeared here almost immediately after the burial in this place of the bishop of St. Maastricht of Servatius in the 4th century. But the modern church began to be erected only seven centuries later. Consecrated the basilica in 1039. Today, tourists are allowed into the cathedral. This landmark of Maastricht introduces magnificent architecture, an excellent collection of precious church utensils. The graves of St. Servatius, Charles of France, are also located here.

Basilica of the Virgin Mary

maastricht attractions description

Walking around the city, it is impossible to pass by the Basilica of the Virgin Mary: the facade of this landmark of Maastricht stands out against the general background. The western façade with two striking Gothic towers is more like a defensive wall than a church.

The building appeared on the foundation of a more ancient structure, unfortunately, it is impossible to name the exact date of construction. But researchers say: a significant part of the architectural elements dates back to the 11th-12th centuries. This basilica is very unusual. For example, this is the oldest Christian church in the city (after the Cathedral of St. Servatius, of course), in addition, it is one of the hundred most outstanding cultural heritage sites of the Netherlands. And today, a crypt of a thousand years ago is stored in this basilica. And this despite numerous reconstructions and restructures.

Old bridge

maastricht attractions overview

The St. Servatius footbridge is one of Maastricht's most popular attractions. Its second name is the Old Roman Bridge. He gained particular popularity in 1968, after he was immortalized on a postage stamp. And the Old Bridge appears on the screen saver of the popular police series in the Netherlands.

The bridge connects the eastern and western shores of the Meuse. Its first builders are the Romans. They built a wooden crossing in the year 50 AD. A terrible tragedy at this place occurred in 1275 - then the bridge collapsed. This happened during the solemn procession. Killed 400 people. After the accident, communication between the banks was broken, and the townspeople for a long time avoided this place. In 1928, a new bridge was built. The work was not easy, and therefore St. Servatius promised indulgence to those who would carry it out. The new bridge was located just north of the previous one.

The description of the attraction of Maastricht of that time is striking - even after the terrible tragedy, the bridge structures were decided not to be made fundamental. The arches of the bridge were built with the expectation that in the event of a siege they can be quickly dismantled. By the XVII century, the condition of the bridge had worsened, because over the entire time there had never been a major overhaul. Only occasionally did workers replace damaged building elements. It was decided to put the bridge in order. After the reconstruction, the bridge pleased the townspeople in excellent condition for a couple of centuries, but regular floods caused new damage.

When the construction of the Maastricht-Liege canal began, the authorities decided to strengthen the Old Bridge. Later, at the beginning of the 20th century, it became clear that the construction simply could not cope with traffic, moreover, in places the bridge began to simply fall apart. Initially, it was decided to demolish the building, but the locals did not allow it - protests began in the city. Authorities retained the Old Bridge by building a second one just north. Unfortunately, photos of Maastricht's sights of those times were not preserved. Then the design found a special charm - the arches were covered with original stones, all the parts were reliably protected from erosion. During World War II, the Germans almost completely destroyed the bridge, retreating from the Netherlands. Of course, in 1948, reconstruction was carried out, but almost nothing remained of the original.

Monument to d'Artagnan

maastricht attractions city overview

The city is also known for the fact that d'Artagnan died here during the siege of the fortress. The hero of the French army was mortally wounded by a shot from a musket. The death of a musketeer was a tragedy for both the French army and King Louis XIV. The burial place of d'Artagnan is unknown, historians suggest that he rests on the outskirts of Maastricht, within the walls of the church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. The sculpture was installed in a park urban area, not far from the University. The author of the monument is Alexander Taratynov, a Russian Dutchman.


maastricht attractions

This city also has some of the most beautiful castles in Europe. There are exceptionally positive reviews about these Maastricht attractions. Tourists visiting the castles say: this is the real historical evidence of the formation of a whole civilization, culture and art! All castles are kept in excellent condition, because part of them are cultural monuments, and part are hotels! We offer you an overview of the sights of Maastricht.

One of the castles, Vaeshartelt, is today a three-star hotel! An aristocratic atmosphere reigns here, which is closely intertwined with first-class service. The magnificent estate appeared in the XVIII century, however, almost nothing remained of the building of those times.

In the 14th century, the castle of Nirkanne was built in Maastricht. As in Vaeshartelt, here is an incredible hotel. This place pleases its guests with a luxurious restaurant and an exquisite menu! Previously, Roman fortifications were located on the site of the castle, now they are used as wine cellars.

At the beginning of the 19th century, another beautiful palace appeared in Maastricht - Vlijek. The roof of this two-story house is made in the form of a tent. The facade is decorated with pilasters, bas-relief molding. Inside the wings of the castle is a delightful courtyard, and around the building there are ponds with decorative bridges.


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